
Hunting for ducks from the approach

When hunting together, without a dog, its role is taken by one of the hunters, and the other slowly, moves along the shore, if along it stretches a wide and hard-to-reach strip of reeds.

The duck is released from the support and shoots on the ascent.

This hunting is interesting, effective and less tiring when carried out in shallow pastures, overgrown with sedges and other low marsh vegetation, which facilitates the movement, shooting and search for the fallen bird.

Later in the autumn, when the ducks before the flight to the south become strict and do not allow a shot, they can be hunted together by a corral.
This method is good on small rivers.

One hunter bypasses the section of the reservoir and hides in canes or reeds.

The second begins to move along the shore and raises the duck on the wing, if in time, then makes a shot.

The duck, having risen on the wing, flies along the stream, the river, flying on the hunter, who is sitting in ambush.

Then the hunters change roles.

When hunting together, without a dog, its role is taken by one of the hunters, and the other slowly, moves along the shore, if along it stretches a wide and hard-to-reach strip of reeds. The duck is released from the support and shoots on the ascent. This hunting is interesting, effective and less tiring when carried out on shallow slopes covered with sedge and other not high marsh vegetation, which facilitates the movement, shooting and search of the fallen bird.

Later in the autumn, when the ducks before the flight to the south become strict and do not allow a shot, they can be hunted together by a pen. This method is good on small rivers. One hunter bypasses the section of the reservoir and hides in canes or reeds. The second begins to move along the shore and raises the duck on the wing, if it manages, then makes a shot. The duck, having risen on the wing, flies along the stream, the river, flying on the hunter, sitting in ambush. Then the hunters change roles.

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