
Tiger hunting

This waterfowl is widely spread on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. The family of ducks has a considerable number of …

Snipe hunting

Hunting for a snipe (kulik) begins in August and continues until the birds fly to warmer lands. Usually these snipe leaves our country in October, …

Cowboy hunting

Spring Curlews arrive early. The fields have not yet completely melted in the fields, and flocks of birds, sometimes up to 30-40 individuals, are importantly …

Hunting for tules

Quite large kulik (weight 170-200 g) characteristic «rzhanchoeg» addition: with a short straight beak, large head and comparatively short legs. Color contrast: bottom in summer …

Ruff hunting

Among snipe-eaters there is a bird that differs from its relatives. It stands out as a form and color of plumage, behavior, and even the …