
Dog Chinese crested

Representatives of the Chinese crested breed of dog by size is very small, have a delicate structure. These dogs are very attached to their owners. Bald crested variety (they have hair only on head, legs and tail) are practically do not shed.

Another variety of this breed is the Chinese crested dog down. Her hair is soft, cover almost the whole body. Both types of dogs have no odor.

Representatives of the Chinese crested breed of dog by size is very small, have a delicate structure.

The structure of the body kkhs are divided into 2 types. The first type is very flexible, has a light bone structure, and the second type is characterized by a heavier body. A place where I was first down the Chinese bred this breed, scientists are not known. Assume this happened in Mexico, China or Africa, though officially established the Chinese crested breed down in the UK. In China, these dogs are considered a symbol of prosperity.

During excavations in Mexico found the skulls of the dogs that lived around 1400-1500 BC and Chinese counterparts have an age of 2000 years less. Like a dog of this type came from Mexico to China (or Vice versa), scientists still can not understand. In Europe, this breed has appeared in the last quarter of the 19th century. After that began the study and improvement of these animals.

Description of the breed Chinese crested dog:

  1. The skull in this animal slightly rounded, has a graceful form.
  2. Face and feather, and bald varieties flat. It tapers towards the nose.
  3. The transition from forehead to muzzle smooth, has no sharp edges.
  4. Dog Chinese crested standard should be the length from the nose to the beginning of the muzzle is the same as from occiput to snout.
  5. The lips of the animal should fit snugly to your face.
  6. The color of the nose can be almost anything.

Hairy kind of different from other animals by the presence of the head crest. It is visible beginning of the transition from forehead to muzzle, and ends in the neck area. The length of the crest may be different, but more preferable for this breed experts believe the drop-down type of crown.

The dog has dark eyes (most often black), similar to olives. With the iris all dogs have this type occupies the whole area of the eye that makes the protein undetectable. The eyes are of medium size. They are set rather wide.

Ears the standard for this breed needs to be in line with the outer corners of the eyes. They must be standing and have a relatively large size. Permitted on the ears drooping fringe.

Down dog can have hanging ears. For both species breed disadvantage are located near light eyes and facing halves of the cartilage of the ears.

Although dogs of this breed are small in size, they have strong jaws. Their bite is similar to scissors. Standard acceptable the lack of teeth in an individual can be reduced the size of the tusks, which do not differ from the incisors.

Feature of bare crested dogs is the presence of some specimens of this species of canines, directed forward. They look like small tusks.

All types of the described species have long, lean neck. It should be nicely curved. The shoulders of these dogs are strongly developed relief muscles.

The legs of these dogs are similar to the limbs of birds. They are narrow and have a relatively great length. The wrist bones are elongated, but in miniature size. Standard fingers should be covered with wool, but it should not be on the wrist. The feet should be straight, without any turning in any direction, as this is considered a serious fault.

Long and slender must be the front legs. The elbows of the dog must fit snugly to the torso. Hind legs can be widely spaced. The hips of dogs are considered normal if they are clearly visible elastic, strong muscles. The drumstick according to the standard should have a certain length.

The tail of this breed is set high. He usually has a greater length, and tapers to the end. If the dog is not excited, the tail is usually hanging down. It must be the brush that covers (standard) up to 2/3 of the length of the body. The disadvantage is the tail, not the length to reach the hock, and the lack of tassels on the tail.

Wool should not be very thick, but appreciated the fluffy dog. Best of all, when it covers large areas of the animal’s body. The puff skin is soft, warm, very elastic, no undercoat. There is only wool, fairly long.

Hairless dog usually has a smooth body without any hair, which can be only at the end of the tail, the legs of the animal. On the head also there is a bit of wool.

At the withers, this breed of dog can have a height 23-33 cm, and Weight is 2-6 kg. Females look very elegant. They have thin bones. The color of these dogs, both species can be almost anything. And none of the coloration of this animal is not considered a deviation from the standard.

The lifespan of these animals is 10-12 years. These dogs are recommended for people with no experience of keeping animals. Winter coloring Pets lighter and in the summer can be bronze or even graphite.

Care rules

Dogs with fur require periodic mowing, therefore, contain only an experienced dog owner. To cut hair is necessary, and on the animal’s head. After cutting it is recommended to treat the dog’s body antiseptic creams and light oils, baby cream, made with herbs.

See also: Brabant Griffon Petit Brabancon

Dogs should be bathed every 7 days. To do this, use a soft sponge and gel for sensitive skin. Mane wash with shampoo. After bathing the animal should blot with a soft towel, and skin treating cosmetic oil.

In the hot days of summer it is necessary to protect the dog’s skin with a special cream, otherwise it may get severe burns. The coat of the pet is recommended to look every day or at least every other day. To do this, use a comb with wide teeth. Dead layer of wool better removed permanently, as animals practically do not shed.

It is necessary to constantly inspect the animal. If the skin it will have cracks, rash or acne, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the dog is a cream that will not cause her allergies. It is best to take the animal to the vet.

You can not yell at those Pets, they can not stand the noise. It makes them very nervous. Better not to let a small child play with a dog as a pet may accidentally get seriously injured. So the coat was not lost in clumps, it is necessary to periodically comb. This breed of dog loves sweet fruit.

To walk such Pets it is necessary to withdraw for a short time (maximum 30 minutes) 3-4 times a day. In winter it is necessary to provide for dogs warm clothing. To the tray it is better to accustom the animal from puppyhood.

Disease and prevention

We must remember that the dog may get sick. Usually the owner of such animal must be prepared for the fact that his pet can experience the following problems:

  1. Allergies, acne, rashes.
  2. The bitches may be difficulties in childbirth.
  3. Often dogs of this type are dislocations of the kneecaps.
  4. Can cause eye damage.
  5. There are problems with the teeth that fall out at an early age. Especially with the condition the puppies of Chinese crested powder puffs.
  6. Sometimes develop symptoms of Perthes disease.

The appearance of the above ailments it is urgent to take the animal to the vet. It is necessary to constantly monitor the pet’s teeth. They have a very thin layer of enamel susceptible to caries. They need to be cleaned (and to teach this procedure the dog) from puppyhood. Since this breed has a tendency to gain excess weight, it is recommended to frequently withdraw pet for a walk, to get him to move more. While playing on the street have to fear cuts and wounds, as the Chinese breed suffers from them more than other types of dogs.


Since the animals of this type can quickly get hypothermia or heatstroke, bring them to the toilet on the street is not recommended. The owners of these dogs have learned to use for this purpose diapers.

See also: Horses: description and characteristics of the breed, care and maintenance

It is necessary to know that these animals love to dig, so if the owner of the cottage, he must teach his pet to make excavations in any particular place. If this is not done, the dog may dig up the entire garden.

Bitch can bring in an average of 5 puppies, but there are cases of emergence and 7-9 cubs.

Many fans are asking how much such an animal? The average cost of a dog is down from 10-12 to 20-25 thousand rubles, but a purebred puppy of naked type can be bought for 40-60 thousand rubles.

The nature of dogs

Dogs of this type are not used for hunting, as they are purely decorative, Pets.

Puppies has just brought the future home owner, you first feel shy, but then, a little accustomed to the situation, fun and very playful.

You have to understand that the content of such species is impossible for people like businessmen. These dogs need constant contact with the owner, really miss if they are left at home alone. They whine, howl and require constant communication.

Against other Chinese crested pet friendly.

They are very devoted to their owner and his family, and establish a very close relationship with 1 or 2 members of the family team. Usually the animal barks a little, if there is always a host or other family members. Need to know what is better not to buy an adult dog, as this breed have difficulties with adaptation to the new location.

If crested dogs not to drive to new places, to acquaint with other animals or people, they feel shyness and fear of unfamiliar beings. If the animal is to leave for a long time, then he has a problem chewing, it becomes boring, very nervous. These problems can be avoided if you leave the animal a lot of toys that you can chew, and try to plan your day to be near the dog always been one of the family members.

Study the breed relatively easily and quickly. It is able to execute many commands and tricks, such as walking on their hind legs, climb a ladder, etc. Animals are an Executive, try to fulfill all requests of the owner.

I love when they hug, I want to be the center of attention of his master. A dog of this kind is a good sense of the human condition. If it is busy, it sits quietly in the corner. For dogs of this breed is that the person was near, as they can’t stand alone.

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