
Correct hooking and playing fish

The ability to strike klyunuvshey fish – the key to productive fishing, and the lack of skill of correct podsekanie suggests that the fisherman understands fish behavior, and does not know the basics of fishing.

It would seem that podsekanie fish – the first thing people comprehend the basics of fishing, respectively, and this skill needs to be developed better. In fact it turns out differently, many people began to strike and to draw out wrong, just continue to Polish their mistakes, and as a result this is reflected in the number of fishing trophies.

In this article, we will discuss the main mistakes when hooking and playing a fish. This applies to virtually all gear.

Errors when you strike

If the angler does not strike immediately after the bite, and begins some manipulation of the type for winding the fishing line reel – this is a serious error. For a bite should always be followed by cutting. Fishing with any gear includes an element of taskania – the sting of the hook should pierce respectively cutting required.

The second mistake is too much cutting. There are some nuances – first, the fish are all different and not every lip can withstand strong cutting. For example, are easily torn soft lips perch. And the hook can be simply to pull the mouth of the fish, not caught. Yes, and in the presence for the angler on the waterfront of the trees with a strong, but idle the strike, there is a high probability to leave a snap in the branches. You need to strike moderately hard, given the size of hook, size and strength of the lips of the alleged fish.

The third mistake is too early, or too late cutting. Here you need to know the habits of the fish, not every fish grabs the bait confidently. Ideal – when the bait fish’s mouth, and she sailed – at this time there is either a confident dip of the float to the bottom or surfacing, or the float is rapidly moving to the side.

When fishing on the feeder – a sharp bend or full extension of the rod tip. Cutting at the first twitching of the float, with fluctuations from side to side, is often futile – you just pull the bait from under the nose of the fish that thinks do it your worm, or to look for another. So often unsuccessful late cutting, which is caused by the thoughts of the angler “it is Better to wait to swallowed certainly” – if the fish feel anything suspicious – tension fishing line, the hook it spit the nozzle and hooking has to be just nothing… the same thing with a weak bite when the fish takes sluggish and inactive, often savor the nozzle she just departs.

For the performance of the ideal cuttings are several important factors. First, it is structure of rods, or more specifically the flexibility of the tip. If you catch the fish of a small size, or fish with soft lip, for example the roach, perch – you need to use a rod with a soft tip and reel it in delicately. If your goal is pike-perch, Chub, pike or Bursch – are exactly the opposite – there is even recommended sharp cutting. With a soft sweep, you just may not penetrate the tight lips of walleye – this is the reason numerous gatherings at the beach. The fish lips is soft but very dense, so sharp cutting them will break.

So, with the technique of the cuttings, we decided, and the fish spotted – but it’s only half the story – the fish on the rod and the fish in the cage are two different things – remained the most important thing is to overcome it – it especially hurt to lose a trophy that was already on your rod.

Basic rules of correct playing is simple: first, never loosen the line – it must always be tight while playing fish. As soon as you give up the slack – if the fish are not spotted well – she is freed from the hook. Or, if it’s a carp, or barbel, there are cases when resisting, the fish pulls the fishing line free and gets between the teeth of the dorsal fin it is cut. These troubles are easy to avoid – keep always while playing fish under the fishing line stretch.

An important factor is also skilled in the use of the clutch. Especially if the threshold line on the gap close to the weight vyvazhivanii fish. Persistently and continuously pulling the fish to the shore to break fishing line, lips the fish, or even can straighten a defective hook. This prevents the friction clutch, which absorbs the strong jerks of the fish caught. Clutch – a device the bleed line on a spinning reel with strong tension. The threshold of triggering of the clutch is adjusted manually by tightening or loosening. The clutch allows to optimally combine the bending of the rod, the line tension, and depreciation jerks fish. Always adjust it with the tension of the fishing line from the rod tip, not trying to pull the line from the centered coil by hand at the base.

Vyvazhivat fish, keep in mind the topography of the place of fishing. Don’t let the fish go in the grass and cramps, where she strives instinctively for cover. It’s pronounced the Lin – after hooking it drill rushing into the thick aquatic vegetation. Try to build a route of a fight so to bring her out of the comfort zone. The best would be to raise the fish to the surface of the water, give it to breathe – for example bream then resists much less active.

Keep net, even if you don’t want large fish – it can always unexpectedly arise. During playing big fish to the shore on top of the water gently make it over exposed in the water with a net and cutting it get out of the trap the fish has virtually no chance to slip. If it so happened that swallowed the big fish, but the net is not close – gently guide it to the cutoff of water, and grabbed by the gills. Don’t try to pull the fish to the shore using a fishing line, especially if it is thin or shore is not flat. Remember that on the banks of the same weight will be greater than in the water – there is a risk to break the fishing line.

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