
Tackle the traditional and running tactics for catching

The bream fishing is divided into two kinds of wait – and-see with the bait and running without it. Under the first plan prepared in the wells lowered the bait and the expected reaction of the fish.

During a day of fishing holes to lure a small amount of bloodworms, and often a mixture of bloodworms with crackers, winter bait, millet or barley. When fishing for several days, and at night lure fishing more thoroughly.

10-20 minutes after feeding in the afternoon on good location first wiring jigs can be effective. But if caught roach or perch, then you should immediately move to deeper places – bream will not be here. The first bite is very strong, but after catching a few fish the bite becomes sluggish and cautious. To navigate to neighbouring lured the hole. To go back to the hole where you caught the first fish, has a reason in 30-40 minutes. If in the process of catching has been a hole from which the fish caught is clearly better, it makes sense to Supplement this hole after remission bite.

Bream are timid, so no need to drill holes closer to seven or eight meters from each other, it can cause the whole flock of bream leave the fishing area and everything will have to start again. It happens that the bream can be caught on lures directly on the bottom, and in the afternoon rises from the bottom and bite in the same holes, but the Jack.

In the case of fish I use quite a large jig with a diameter of 5 mm, a hook № 14-16. The body of the jig is in the form or drops, or “oralcy”. When careful Kleve I put the jig “the bullet” body with a diameter of 2.5 mm, but with a long shank hook No. 16-18. The color of the jig, in my opinion, still has value, despite the large depth of fishing. Most often I use the jig or color faded electroplating of silver, or color of tarnished copper.

It is very important first lowering the jig with the bait to the bottom, i.e. the first transaction. After the bait reached the bottom, should pause and gently pull it from the bottom. If during the fall and separation from the bottom of the bite will not need to make a few slower transactions and lower the jig to the bottom. Next, you should pause a few seconds to knock the jig on the bottom and make several slow transactions.

With a good bite it is better to put on a hook mormyshki 3-7 large bloodworm. Sometimes, it is difficult to predict whether the better bream to be caught on bloodworms or fresh already “sucked”. If no bites, despite all the tricks of the angler, the first thing you need to do is change the bait. During very careful of the biting happens that the bream better takes one small bloodworm on the hook microscopic jig.

On for tactics and technique a few others.

Not regulated the river makes sense to examine the area above the wintering holes. A stationary feeder filled with millet porridge or boiled barley, peas – all depends on the specific reservoir. Downstream from the trough are drilled two or three holes into which angler drops float or snap, or snap, in which as a indicator of bites used a pointer. Knowing the clock output bream from the pit, the fishermen more or less successfully catch it.

In small rivers, a herd of small bream and often is considered a success catching two or three bream in the hours of the bite.

The situation is different on regulated rivers. In the lower part of the river reservoirs large depth and a fairly weak and relatively flat course. Bream here is usually in the dam area all winter. Move it daily, and are associated only with the release of bream from the riverbed closer to the edge. Used the same tackle and tactics for catching and reservoirs. Other interesting places for catching bream in the rivers located on the downstream toe of the dam, in the part where there is no drain.

Fishing is dangerous because the ice is more or less durable only after a very heavy frost. Fishing technique lies in the fact that in the well is lowered feeder with feed bloodworms. The feeder will not open, and leave at the bottom of the weak gradually washes away through the moth holes. As a tackle you can use either a lure with a body size of not more than 4 mm, or with a float snap-in. Fishing line used with a minimum diameter of 0.12 mm because it catches not only the bream and large perch and roach. As bait used Motyl, at least the worm. The game equipment is rarely used. The course itself plays bait, you only need to refresh it periodically.

You need to find the weight of the sinkers or jig so that the hook was at the bottom. It is not only important to correctly choose the place for fishing, but also to find by experiment the length of the leash. Fish often comes to the feeder, and then, effectively fish a jig, but it happens that she is not willing to bring to the trough, and then comes to the rescue float rig with a long leash.

The most difficult fishing for bream in the middle and upper reaches are strongly flow-through reservoirs. A distinctive feature of these seats lies in the fact that the water discharge changes not only during the day but also during the week. In order to find a good place by yourself, you need to decide what hours you will catch in the morning or in the evening. Because in the morning during fading, then the bream moved from the coast to the bed, and in the evening Vice versa. Night bream goes to a deep glaze, where it can successfully catch with the abundant bait on the beam bloodworms or worm.

Itself catching on a strong current is in constant search of schools of fish: if the selected place of no bites for 20 minutes, the place needs to be changed. As a tackle fishing for bream in a strong current and great depth can advise famous summer “spring”. As bait is highly recommended to use loose millet porridge (don’t forget to add sugar and salt to taste), and as a nozzle it is better to use manure worm, rat, or a bunch of maggots, sometimes indispensable attachment can be undercooked pasta, dragonfly larvae and dough.

Another tactic fishing is navigation search a pack of fish without using bait. This is a common tactic of anglers that know the lake and hunt for fish of a decent size. As tackle, use the Jack if the body of water without currents, and large jig with a bunch of bloodworms (a worm, a dragonfly larva or a test), if the current is strong. Many rely on a strong current tandem from hell and too bad catch.

Choice of bait on the hook is entirely determined by the tastes of bream not only on this particular pond, but on this Lesovoy pit.

Above the pit the probability of a bite are almost identical and can occur in any hole. The only question is, with the edge of the pit today bites will be more and at what level to expect them. The fact that peck from the bottom of the fish food. Bites can be from two to five meters above the bottom at depths in excess of 10-12 meters. The stronger the current, the higher may rise the fish, especially in rivers with bottom ice. I prefer during search to use the hell out of without natural tips because regardless of tastes bream bite will still be. After your fish is discovered, I start experimenting with baits.

When the bite dies down, I change the devil at large “uruku” and hooked on a hook any fish head or fish bait. So manage to catch a few more fish, but often to observe the bite, which is even better than using a Jack. Although this may be due to the onset of the late-afternoon hours. By the way, is to ask local fishermen in what hours they catch. It is no secret that many water bodies are clearly divided into “morning” and “evening”.

Fishing over the pits and around them, where bream, continues throughout the winter, so if you know a place that you can catch around the clock. Here there is a variant in which after a morning sea fishing at half depth in the dark to catch the bait.

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