
Activators bite. Reviews

Fishing is considered to be art. First you need to find the fish, then draw it and even to catch. Every day the fish are getting smarter and smarter, this entails changes in the technology of fishing.

Manufacturers are constantly improving gear, anglers are coming up with new fishing techniques and equipment. But do not remain without attention and triggers the bite.

Activators nibble fish can be divided into several types. The first is the attractant. Attractants called a special group of substances that attract fish to the fishing spot. A feature of such activators is the combination of various components, such combinations very much. It is one thing to interest the fish, but quite another to force her to take the bait.

What is the activator for the bite

There are a lot of facts when the fish hanging around the bait but won’t take the bait, and due to the fact that the attractant can awaken the appetite of the fish. Known cases when specially derived substance collected all the fish from the pond and forced her to concentrate on one place, but not one of the baits the fish are not taken.

Therefore, the activators of the bite can be divided into two subgroups, the first is useful for the angler, and the second is useless. That is, those that attract fish but not encourage it to bite. Although useful is not always easy.

A positive effect can be seen only in the case when the fish will find in the lured place the desired food. When the concentration of the attractants in the bait is very high, the fish just hanging around in search of something more delicious than your bait.


Activators fish for fishing can have different properties.

But you should pay attention on two main.

  • The first is the ability to attract fish to the fishing spot.
  • Second – awakening appetite fish and provocation to bite.

It is desirable that both components are present in your activator, otherwise the fish will just swirl around the nozzle or is simply not suitable for her.

Side effects

Side effects in the use of activators but a few, but they are.

  1. The first and most important is a high likelihood to saturate the fish. If the concentration of attractant in the bait is very high, the potential catch will simply eat the bait and will not pay attention to the hook bait.
  2. The second side effect is scaring the fish, this happens in the case of use of fake or expired lures. How not to buy a fake we will discuss below, but the shelf life of the activator the bite is necessary to look always.

Environment such lures do not bring harm, as derived from the natural pheromones, just that their relationship is based on the artificial principle. So, on the health of the fish in the pond and the purity of its water can no worries. Treatment of gallstones can be quite effectively, using traditional methods. Gallstone disease is a disease associated with the formation of a kind stones

The principle of operation

The principle of qualitative activators, fish the fish based on two stages (from them and selected components) – you first need to lure the fish to the fed and then arouse in her feelings of hunger. This is achieved through the selection of high quality compounds and components.

Connections and components manufacturers pick up with a few years of careful study of the habits of the fish (data provided by the fishermen) and monitor the development of fish scientists. That’s just the combination of these factors and allows to achieve the desired effect.

TOP of the best activators bite

The best activator the bite is a versatile lure that can attract fish to the fishing place and awakens her hunger. Activators often bribe the fishermen for their versatility, because most of them are able to attract predatory and peaceful fish. Using such tactics you will never be without a catch, but the fishing will turn into a fascinating and fun process.

Manufacturers develop activators bite clean, and add such components, so that they can attract the fish to your head. Substance added to the activators affect the system charm of a fish and forced her actively feeding.

FishHungry activator bite

FishHungry (fish Hungry or Hungry Fish) is one of the most well-known activators of a bite. Its peculiarity lies in the dual action: attracting fish to the fishing spot and provoking it to bite. Also, manufacturers claim that effect also depends on the size of the fish, the bigger it is, the activator stronger effect on her. And it allows you to change the weight of fish caught in the favor of the angler.

Description FishHungry

FishHungry is one of the most popular and most reliable activators of biting, but the anglers started to fill his mountain of negative reviews, not realizing that simply used the wrong activator, or their terms of catching just had a negative impact on it.

Excellent quality FishHungry is its versatility. The activator acts as the predatory and peaceful fish, and it can show regardless of time of year. Also the bait is almost does not spoil, it can lie in the cupboard for several months and did not lose their properties.

Price activator biting FishHungry on the official website is 1300 rubles, but if you go on the link that we have provided you, you will receive a discount and FishHungry will cost you only 990 rubles. By the way on the official site you can order delivery of bait in Ukraine and Russia.

Properties FishHungry

The action of the activator is based on pheromones, this is what allows you not to overfeed the fish, but at the same time, and to bring her to the place of fishing in the maximum volumes. Also thanks to the pheromones the fish is very voracious and will not be able to sail past your head.

Advantages FishHungry

List the benefits of the activator biting FishHungry hungry fish is quite large, but as its shortcomings. But let’s not talk about the bad, let’s talk about the pros:

  • The activator is absolutely safe from the point of view of ecology;
  • Causes need food any kind of fish;
  • Able to attract to the place of catching even a passive fish;
  • Versatile – it can be combined with different baits;
  • Bait is pretty cheap.

Buy FishHungry (activator of hungry nibble fish)

Fish XXL activator bite

Activator biting Fish XXL made in the form of a spray, in contrast to the above, and its main indicator is the retention space in the point of fishing and increased appetite, the fish have to lure the bait. Holding fish in place of fishing is achieved through a mixture of flavors that the scientists were taken, together with experienced fishermen. To develop the bait took about 3 years, in order to maximise the benefits from its use.

Description Fish XXL

Spray the activator Fish XXL has been developed by scientists who have used the tips professional fishermen, who had decades of experience. Fishermen claim that some used this spray during international competitions, and won them thanks to him.

Very convenient is the consistency of the activator, because the spray can be quickly applied with soft lures and dough or other bait for fishing carnivorous fish. Good thing the bait is versatile and can positively influence the bite of a peaceful and predatory fish.

The cost of the activator biting Fish XXL is only 1980 rubles, but through our link you will get a nice bonus – a discount of 50%, so that the bait will cost you only 990 rubles. I assure the waiting paid off.

Properties Fish XXL

The main feature of this activator is the impact on the sense of smell of fish. Substances that are in the spray fall on the mucous membrane of the fish and irritate her nerve endings, stimulating to bite and hold in place. It is this strategy allows you to catch a lot of fish.

The benefits of Fish XXL

Spray activator XXL Fish has many benefits, but we focus only on the core:

  • The product is completely environmentally friendly;
  • The bait is relatively inexpensive;
  • You can triple your catch.

Dry Blooder activator bite

Dry the blood Dry Blooder is the only activator nibble on the development of which worked for leading European scientists-ichthyologists. Their valuable recommendations concerning the instincts and characteristics of different species of fish, helped to create a powerful formula capable of providing a truly great catch. Activator components which work together, enhancing each other’s effectiveness.

Description Dry Blooder

The principle of operation of activator biting DRY BLOODER based on the combination of albumin and synthesized pheromones. These components provoke aggravation of physiological instinct in fish – can cause uncontrollable feeling of severe hunger and forced her to move to a specific point of biting.

  1. Albumin – dry blood. Substance extracted from dry blood of animals. 95% pure protein is the fastest digestible source of nutrition. It is known that fish – not foodies, and instincts force them to choose the most effective for eating food.
  2. Synthesized pheromones. Cause the fish a sense of uncontrollable hunger, and the fish is not thrown on the first available food, and starts to move to the point at which the pheromone was in the water. In this place she begins to jump at any bait that gives you a good catch.

Properties Dry Blooder

Activator biting Dry Blooder cause the fish a sense of uncontrollable hunger and cause it to move to the point at which the pheromone was in the water. After reaching the fish starts to jump on any bait – you just have to catch her.

Aromatic components of blood plasma are effective components of the lure. Its main difference from many different counterparts is that “scent” spreads very quickly on a truly huge area and the fish just can’t ignore signal “dinner is served”.

Dry the blood DRY BLOODER available in the form of powder which simply add to the groundbait and mix well. In the winter, fishing can cause the activator Dry Blooder directly on the bait, so after dipping into the hole formed taste spot.

The Advantages Of Dry Blooder
  • the activator is perfect for winter and for summer fishing;
  • it is composed of albumin and concentrated pheromones;
  • dry blood is equally effective when fishing in lake and river;
  • fish can’t resist, even if she is already fed and is far away from the bait.
  • it works equally well as a peaceful fish, and predatory fish.

The most effective dry blood Dry Blooder for provarivanija such fish as: carp, crucian carp, tench, roach, and well fulfills the predators – catfish, pike, perch, ruff, pike perch and Chub.

Buy Dry Blooder

Double Fish activator bite

Activator fish Double Fish is also believed to be one of the best, it is nowhere prohibited, and provides fishermen the opportunity to increase the fish catch several times. Manufacturers undertook the development of this tool two years ago. And now, after almost a year, the world saw a wonderful bait for fish on the basis of the pheromones. As soon as the fish will hear the smell of the pheromone, you will certainly aspire to it.

Description Of Double Fish

If you choose the right bait to lure the Double Fish, the fish will not only be constantly in the place of fishing, but also to constantly swim up to it from across the pond, again thanks to the pheromones. Great is the versatility of the bait, it can lure the fish equally well in any time of the year.

The world’s first fish activator, made in the form of cream which is very easy to use even in winter when hands are cold and stir the bait becomes a difficult task. Double Fish also works well for all freshwater predators and peaceful fish.

To buy Double Fish (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) you have to prepare 2950 rubles. But only on the given below link you have the opportunity to get a pretty big discount and the price of the bait will be only 1390 rubles.

Properties Double Fish

With the help of pheromone in fish is formed the feeling of hunger, namely the lack of amino acids to restore them, animals have to absorb the source of the pheromone. In winter this effect is doubled because the fish has natural shortage of amino acids, as bait it still further enhances.

The Advantages Of Double Fish

Baits have a number of advantages, let us consider what follows:

  • Accessibility (it is easy to purchase online);
  • Low price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Activator absolutely pure in environmental terms;

Buy Double Fish

Dynamite Effect activator bite

Activator bite Dynamite Effect made in Italy. Designed like the previous one, the scientists on the basis of the pheromones. Only here the main difference is the order delivery. Paying a small price of 1450 rubles you will receive 5 bags of bait.

One sachet is enough for 10-20 fishing, depending on the intensity of the bite. Well, if correctly to pick up something to bite is very good, believe me. Each sachet is 5 ml of the activator in a liquid state, which can be used both summer and spring fishing.

Description Dynamite Effect

One of the best ways to lure the fish and make it bite, to add to the groundbait and bait activator bite Dynamite Effect. This thing really attract fish to your hook, not only she will make it peck.

The main thing to choose a combination of lures and bait. It is time to write my recommendation and opinion about this. I could not resist and ordered this activator. Decided to try it on a sluggish gustine and Rudd, it was spring and the fish are not especially active.

But stood me to add a few drops of liquid in the bait (conventional sunflower meal, mixed with flour and breadcrumbs) and pour half of the ampoule in the bait (semolina cooked on the classic recipe with vanilla. As the fish immediately senses and I went home with a bucket of fish, which was successfully salted and eaten with beer.

Properties Dynamite Effect

The activator works like a peaceful fish, and predator. Friends have repeatedly made “edible silicone” on the perch of the usual lures and a pretty good catch for him. And then the fish was always delicious. So to use the bait without fear.

The Benefits Dynamite Effect

Advantages of bait mainly consists of the following:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Accessibility;
  • Low price;
  • Efficiency.

To by activator bite Dynamite Effect

Working activators bite or not?

I can definitely say that activators biting is not a Scam. They all work great, but not always, this entails a range of negative reviews about such products online. And when they work and when not? Let’s deal with this issue.

First and foremost you need to correctly choose the right bait, otherwise how would the fish not revolve around her, catch you to see. This mistake is made by most fishermen. They think that in their hands was the “magic wand” and the fish will almost jump on an empty hook, but believe me it is not.

The success of fishing depends on many factors, so we should not think that the activator feeding of fish, you can do anything. You must take into account every detail that can affect the bite. Special attention should be paid to the current, because it can have a positive impact on the bite, with the right choice of bait.

Another very important point – bait. Simply spray the activator bait bite is not enough, it is also necessary to add to the groundbait. And you can pick up the bait so that its smell is not killed attractive aroma of the bait.

So I can say only one thing: with the right combination of all components, activators biting really help to increase the fish catch several times, and sometimes to catch more than others. But if you incorrectly select the gear, then there is you activator the bite is not coming. Always rely on their own experience and the advice of others, and such gadgets as attractants will be a nice addition.

In order to be sure of the quality of the purchased goods in the Internet recommended to apply it in these stores. Well, we remind you that comments are always open for your discussions, feedback and suggestions to buy cheaper activator.

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