
Boots for fishing

All that was said above – this time. Secondly, rubber boots for fishing, in contrast to footwear with various impregnations, is guaranteed not to get wet, and this is important.

The high shaft of the boot protects the leg from splashes and movement through the thickets, and from accidental snake bite. Believe me, it is not enough.

You can argue a lot, what shoes for fishing is optimal. In fact, there is no consensus and can not be, as You know, as a lot depends on how and where You plan to fish.

For example, a lot of fishermen prefer to fish from a pier literally in the city. Here conditions are almost “resort”, and sneakers to go out and all will be well. But fishing in early spring or in the fall when the rain and at the shore a lot of water – that’s another story, and in this case not to do without special footwear.

Again, a huge selection of shoes, but while the leading positions are occupied by the usual rubber boots (short, long, bog), are at their minimum disadvantages, have a huge advantage, when compared with their expensive counterparts: the boots have a nice price tag, sold absolutely everywhere, even in remote places you can find them, well, they protect from getting wet, relatively robust and easy to repair if You have them pierced. About the repair of rubber footwear still talk, but now I will share my opinion of why and how I choose rubber boots for fishing, giving preference to this Shoe.

But, how to choose boots for fishing?

For myself, I buy boots with a high shaft, while never folded down, as when flexing the boot, over time cracks on repeated.

Size boots

The second important rule that I follow – I buy boots one size larger. This is important, as in this case, I have the ability and the insole need to enclose, and to put on feet pair of socks (e.g., thin socks and wool, if you are fishing in the fall and early spring). And that leg was even warmer, and excess moisture is not absorbed in your socks before you wear the boots, I put them in crumpled newspaper. Seemingly simple action, but it really allows you to keep warm and the foot is not sweating. If we take the boots in size, it can be difficult, especially if You wear socks or thicker, or change the insole.

Sometimes in rubber boots have to stand in water for 30-60 minutes, and even if the water is not ice cold (mid-autumn), then ten minutes, you may experience discomfort, which subsequently can result in disease. That is why boots of larger size I prefer: they allow you to wear extra socks, newspaper space to build, experiment with the insole.

Protector boot

The next thing is the protector boot. Since I am in rubber boots fishing out from early spring almost until the first frost, the smooth sole is guaranteed slide. It is advisable to take boots with sharp deep tread, so as not to slide. For example, if the shore, clay bottom, it is not so easy even with a good tread to resist.

What else can you add to the pluses of rubber boots?

There are boots that have a shaft at the top of the lace, which allows you to tighten the top of the boot to the top inside nothing appeared. I tried these boots, I have not caught on, although many fine friends using them.

In General, long ago I decided for myself that the rubber boots for fishing, it is the shoes number one, although, again, very much depends on the fishing conditions and Your wallet. But to be sure of the above, please note what fishing the great mass of fishermen. They both can’t be wrong…

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