
Tasty flounder ear

A variety of dishes can be prepared from flounder, but the ear tastes the most. The usual recipe does not include cereals, carrots or tomatoes. However, each housewife makes soup in her own way, choosing her favorite ingredients.

It is not for nothing that the fish soup is called a royal treat – it should be prepared “richly”. Do not be greedy, putting aside the best pieces on another dish or reduce the amount of ingredients in the recipe. The more fish there is in the broth, the tastier it will turn out. A rich and fragrant broth is the first secret. You do not need to add a lot of herbs or spices to it, otherwise the whole fishy smell will be interrupted by seasonings. Black pepper, a few bay leaves and parsley root are ideal for flounder.

Flounder – not only unusual in appearance fish, but also very tasty. It makes excellent first courses, especially if you cook them on the seashore. However, not everybody has such an opportunity, therefore, a flounder ear can be cooked at home. You will need only affordable products that are always at hand.

By the way, the broth should be perfectly transparent, but often it is cloudier. Egg white helps to fix this – it will curl up and take turbidity. Whole bulbs (unpeeled) and carrots will give a beautiful shade to the ear.

You can’t give the broth much boil, otherwise you can forget about the delicious and rich ear. Another thing that spoils her is the frequent stirring. Anglers always add a stack of vodka and a small coal to the “correct” ear. A bonfire aroma can be achieved by extinguishing several birch sticks in a dish.

Homemade Soup Recipe

There are a lot of recipes for fish soups, the choice depends only on the products available at home. The traditional ones include the most affordable ones: fish, a pair of onions, several potato tubers and spices. To your taste, you can add cereals (for example, millet) or other vegetables. However, the sequence of actions must be followed.

Grocery list

Of course, the main ingredient is flounder. It is better to choose fresh, but if there is none, then a frozen carcass will do.

What you need to prepare for the soup:

  • filtered or bottled water – 2 l;
  • flounder (fillet) – 700 g;
  • potatoes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • celery root – 100 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Various greens (parsley, dill, green onions) will give the ear a unique fresh aroma, as well as a beautiful shade. In winter, you can use frozen or dried grass.

Cooking flounder fish soup

To start cooking any dish you need with the preparation of the ingredients. Butchering fish takes the most time, so this is what they do first. It will be faster to buy flounder fillet, but more profitable – a whole carcass.

Fillet does not need to be cut into small pieces, as in the process of cooking the fish will fall apart.

  1. Defrost fillet, rinse with water and cut into large slices. Put the pieces aside and tackle the broth.
  2. For the broth, take heads, tails and skeletons, pour cold water. Put on medium heat and cook for about 15-20 minutes, then strain. Throw away the fish parts, as they are no longer needed.
  3. Add the fillet to the strained broth from the heads of the flounder, pour in spices and salt. Leave over low heat until vegetables are cooked.
  4. Peel and chop the onion in small cubes (you can fry it in butter if desired), chop the celery with rings. Peel and cut the potatoes into medium slices. Add vegetables to the fish, close the lid and cook for 15 minutes.

At the end, check the readiness of the flounder fillet, as well as salt and pepper. If the fish is cooked, then it has a delicate structure and a pinkish tint, it is easily separated by a spoon. Flounder soup with potatoes is ready, it is recommended to serve in 10-15 minutes with chopped fresh herbs.

Calorie table of different types of fish soup

Fish soup with flounder, although nutritious, has few calories. The calorie content of different dishes with fish is presented in the table.

Dish Serving Size KBJU
Ear without cereals with vegetables 100 g Calories – 33 kcal, proteins – 3.5 g, fats – 1 g, carbohydrates – 3.6 g
Fish and Rice Soup 100 g Calories – 39 kcal, proteins – 3 g, fats – 1 g, carbohydrates – 4.2 g
Ear with barley and flounder 100 g Calorie content – 66.3 kcal, proteins – 5 g, fats – 1 g, carbohydrates – 5.5 g

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