

All forests are covered by a network of hunting trails, from time immemorial laid by hunters in the forest, in places, rich in bird and beast entices them extensive berry fields, water. These hunting trails are called putikov.

They convenient put the hunters their diverse samolovnye apparatus for the production of all sorts of beasts and birds and near them flows the whole period of the fishery squirrels, grouse, small mammals, with a shotgun and dogs. Samolovnye the number of devices which are put on your putice individual hunter, sometimes reaching very large numbers up to 1000 and more.

It should be recognized that the presence of these Butikov, on the one hand facilitating the hunter examination all the many gear assigned to putice or not far from it, and on the other, as if sharing fishing grounds between a number of hunters, extremely facilitates the production of fishery and eliminates the possibility of any inevitable when different order of the misunderstandings between hunted near each other hunters.

But, unfortunately, hunter, consider your putikov inherent property and is himself his only master, is not enough-farming itself, it leads. The fact that in order to catch the greatest possible quantity of animals and birds with their simple, imperfect and cumbersome samolovnye guns, the hunter seeks to increase their number to the greatest possible number of that causes him to extend himself putikov, whereby he is deprived of the possibility to timely check all my traps and loops on it are arranged, and the result is, almost, a large part caught in the samolovama animals and birds aimlessly lost for the hunter.

It puts them and the snow, eaten by beasts of prey and birds deteriorate in warm not removed promptly out of the loop or Laptev beast or bird and thus, the hunter, causing major damage to the hunting economy, deprived of even the opportunity to experience everything he got.

In addition to human greed, peculiar and hunter, his native culture, the reasons for this unreasonable use of hunting resources is inadequate and cumbersome samolovnye devices used by Russian hunter, and far from perfect his gun.

Replacement homemade samolovnye apparatus of Silla, cul, dies by pressing vzdelavanie traps and caught a bird or beast up traps and crappy gun reliable with a shotgun or a rifle – no doubt significantly reduce the amount placed on putice samolovnye devices to the limits, freely allowing daily and timely inspection; this significantly reduced the aimless destruction of the beast and birds, killing a good gun and improved samolovama less animals and birds than before, the hunter will get their hands on it in larger quantities, so as to disappear for him would be useless, only the smaller part of the production.

When using uticom necessary to recommend the following:

  • 1. Putikov to limit such sizes, in which daily inspection of it and check the traps can freely be made within one day from first to last sumolounge apparatus.
  • 2. To place on putice only available for daily inspection number samolovnye devices. Make sure you know what amount samolovnye devices-trained and where they stand. It is best, whenever possible, to replace the currently used samolovnye machines more sophisticated, for the use of which each of them will come across more animals, and therefore it will be possible, without reducing the total amount of production, to make use of the samolovama more economic, since a small number of them easier to see and, therefore, the majority (and not less – as it is now) of all extracted animals will fall into the hands of the hunter.
  • 3. Do not start to alert the samolovama until the onset of cold weather, as otherwise a considerable part, if not all mining completely, it would be pointless to disappear for the hunter, not able to keep her unspoiled.
  • 4. At the end of the fishery is necessary to rastormazivate all samolovama, as it needlessly will die caught in them, in the absence of the hunter, the animals, and then various predators, taking advantage of the absence of the hunter, not only will eat all the available animals, but at the same time, and turning the entire trap.
  • 5. Some time before the cold weather and therefore the season should be to inspect all traps, traps, etc., to repair the damaged and thus prepare them for the business. Nastraivanie traps, loops etc, just starting the fishing season, but in any case not earlier.
  • 6. All the necessary life, hunting and other supplies, as well as in case of crop failure in the area of different baits to samolovama, to store and to deliver on putikov ahead of time.

Non-economic way of hunting animals and birds we call such a method, in which the hunter producing a bird or beast, not getting their use of the benefits which he could have produced the same animal or the same bird in a different time – in the period when it represents the Supreme value, or with the use of which a considerable part of killed or dead as a result of the application of the method of hunting animals disappears for a hunter aimlessly, as he is unable to use them.

In addition, non-economic ways of hunting owned and those in which a hunter, fully utilizing captured animals, at the same time brings such harm to the hunting economy, whereby for the future he deprives himself of the opportunity to use those values which might fall into his hands if he’d not prudently taking their job, not destroyed would be those of animals, offspring which he could use in the future.

Samolovnye putikov

Technological design and the practical arrangement of hunting grounds samolovnye patikami should be based on the list of necessary works on the basic operations, standard time, production rates and costs, types of work. Schedule work on the construction site, implemented in the outfit-mission team (link) hunter-fishers of the technological map for preparatory work, and directly to the Providence – these are the basic materials for planning and manufacturing operations. It is advisable to establish specialized teams for the development of hunting grounds, including temporarily engaged workforce. However, in any case, the necessary process engineering professionals spend hunting economy with the direct participation of the brigade (level) regular hunters.

Strip check of the Sables’

The team controls all of the work regardless of what the contingent workforce is engaged on the improvement of the hunting site.

Technological rationing sumolounge fishery is a critical element in planning and carrying out of works which can be divided into 3 stages: design and installation of points for the movement of the snowmobile; development samolovnye putikov with the installation of the traps above the snow cover (“poles” in different versions); planning and carrying out of works for the direct service sumolounge check of the Sables ‘ during the period of the fishery.

The first phase of work involves the exploration, mapping and a visual check of the Sables ‘strip sumolounge with bilateral notch on its contour, cutting firebreak cutting and cleaning Valeron machine-manual way (using motopal), the layout of the alignment check of the Sables’ snowmobile. Typically, in boreal conditions, there is a possibility of a detour of large trees standing in the alignment of the track. Layout – alignment is dangerous for motoart irregularities of the route, taking into account possible level of snow cover. All work on process standardization is performed based legislative working hours (8.2 hours). Normative factors in the first stage of works are the presence and density of undergrowth on the track check of the Sables ‘snowmobile, contamination check of the Sables’ separate balerinami and decks.

The second phase of work – construction check of the Sables ‘ sumolounge (close to snowmobile trails) – should be entrusted to a team (link) staff hunters, possibly with the assistance of additional labor.

In the technological list of works there are three main operations:

  • selection and preparation of locations for sumolounge object (the pole in various modifications, the guides – to facilitate the access of the animal to the place of the trap, the trap at the site of passage of the animal to the bait, pinning the trap of a simple wire device to sagging of the carcass above the ground, if necessary, a simple roof-shelter from scrap materials over the site of the alleged unresponsiveness of the carcass);
  • cutting and setting poles with banners; debugging, installing and fixing trap of “poles” under natural or artificial roof.

At the time, also included additional labor costs (20%).

Given the characteristics of the organization and conduct of works, it is advisable not to set prices for any technological operation and complex separately, and to introduce a quotation (only in General) for the delivered samolovnye object. It is important to observe all the conditions of its installation. The pole is usually fastened by nail to the tree and fix its end in the ground or use a natural fork in the tree, valesini.

Time norms and production arrangement sumolounge check of the Sables ‘ you can use and taking into account the specialization of the team members on any specific types of work, planning, and given the daily production for the subsequent payroll on the coefficients of labor participation.

In turn, groups of different types of fishing operations can be combined in three main technological steps of hunters prey animal, the proles or the descent of the trap, inspection and mandrel sumolounge object without extraction. Exemplary standards of service time is designed generally for samolovnye object, however, upon examination, check of the Sables ‘ the hunter, of course, suitable and caters to only those traps that require this.

Method of timekeeping in various parts of the taiga zone is defined srednerossijsky the ratio of the specific weight samolovnye objects on potica, which need to be maintained for a single pass of hunter poticu. For example, during the inspection check of the Sables ‘once a decade to renew the bait is necessary, 84 % of the traps, fix the poles and the guides 13 % samolovnye objects, clear the traps and the base of snow from 62 %, etc.

Therefore, the norm of time, taking into account the actual service check of the Sables’ is from 1.9 to 2.1 min one samolovnye object. Regardless of the main technical actions of the hunter (mining, proles or escapement, examination and correction of trap) modifies only the structure (elementwise) costs, but the rate – slightly. At technological designing of a norm should increase by 26 %, i.e. taking into account additional time.

The total cost of labor for maintenance sumolounge check of the Sables ‘ (the length of 17-18 km; 110-120 traps) is 6 hours per day given the movement on motonartah from one group of traps to another. The work of the hunter – 8 hours a day. The location of the housing objects on the territory of the hunting area should regulate the beginning and end of the work during the working day.

Designing a hunting plot is one of the main stages of sustainable development of hunting resources. At later stages, a period of land, gaskets, and hardware samolovnye putikov, placement of housing and production objects in the territory of the hunting area. In this regard, practical interest of the model of the technological scheme of arrangement of the areas of development that have been developed for different areas and groups of types of hunting grounds.

Model made for mainly by deciduous land of plateaus and cluboholic larch lands of the middle taiga zone is presented below.

Hunting grounds Brigadier-sectional plot can developed link hunters of different quantitative composition, have different forms of location samolovnye putikov on the ground. Accommodation putikov is determined by the type and productivity of the hunting grounds, the organizational characteristics of the fishery, the configuration of the land, relief, etc.

Standard layout and arrangement of the zones of development provided for level three hunters (in the future the most widespread form associations on the fishery) on the basis of the following typical situations:

  • individual sites of hunters in the brigade (level) is not geographically separated, fully joined together and complement each other, forming a somewhat solid area development. Hunters are in constant territorial contact for two hunters link – katibasti General use;
  • area development consists of geographically separate individual plots (model unit) hunters. Location hunting land for individual use is determined by the alternation of zones and reserves in the General area of the site. Contacts hunters in the lands governed only by the need for joint implementation of the preparatory-final works and safety requirements;
  • area development is the interlocking of individual plots of hunters. During abbriano (obshestvennogo) industrial process, the location of household objects and putikov allows hunters (squad members) to work in periodic contact.

In all three typical technological schemes maintenance mode samolovama provides consistent through all putikov in one cycle without repetitions. Keeping only gun fishing with a dog is unacceptable: in the beginning of the season the most effective is the combination of sumolounge fishing with a gun. Potiki a maximum number of routes from one hut, but usually no more than four. Ring putiki navigate further, if necessary, increase the commercial load on the hunting grounds of one of the huts, than, in other words, increase the area of developed hunting grounds in one hut. The commissioning of additional annular putikov can be determined by the necessity of intensification of squirrel fishing with samolovama selective.

Two of the three individual areas of development complement each other, here is a hunting cabin for General use. In this case, the number grisebach buildings minimum per hunter, and the length of putikov per cabin maximum. It is possible to further optimize the model schema by connecting to the link of three of another hunter joining the third individual area of another one sharing the hunting huts.

There is one hunting base (Central cabin), 6 hunting huts, 8-13 putikov. The number of circumferential putikov increase with the purpose of intensification of the fishery. All lands within the area of the daily development of the territory, from one hut accustom evenly and completely. When solid area development consists of 2-3 or more model blocks in alternating lands sectional area of the zones and reserves. Individual sectors are presented in this unit can be placed apart, or partially occluding.

Option 3 – typical scheme of development land team (link) of three individual sections are joined together. On the site one hunting facilities and 16 hunting huts, 36 samolovnye putikov. Putiki pave ring, generally of extreme hunting huts.

The number of employees putikov can be changed in all variants of the standard schemes, being determined by the productivity of the hunting grounds and fishing situation and by product. Accommodation samolovnye putikov, housing and household objects on the ground is carried out based on the characteristics of hydrographic network, topography, the typology of the hunting grounds.

If the different seasons of the year there is a need for zone transfer of development from one category of land sectional area in the other, it is carried out under a partial transfer (using variant 2 technological scheme) or when full (using options 1 or 2).

The length of one check of the Sables ‘ in all variants of the standard schemes are about the same (depends on the density setting samolovama, productivity of land, specific gravity gun fishing in General work on smolove-rifle hunting).

The specified order of placement putikov, housing and household objects typical diagrams are acceptable for different methods (snowmobile or Perelygino movement) development of the land.

Example. When Perelygina the way of movement of the hunter, Putin the length of each check of the Sables ‘ is 12-14 km, mechanized method of transportation (snowmobiles “Buran”), the length increases up to 19 – 25 km as a result increases the area of the development, and layout putikov saved. We should pay attention that the basis for the extraction technique is in this case mass samolovnye fishing in uniformly-continuous formulation of the traps on putiah predominantly upland way (“poles”) in various versions.

Typical schemes of arrangement areas of development determine the location of putikov and residential buildings. Area of development and the total length putikov on an individual parcel shall be determined in accordance with the method of the territorial limits kupalskaya.

This division is conditional, many hunters successfully get small traps animals of medium size, and Vice versa, trap No. 3 is mined hole, column, etc. decide the successful hunting experience and knowledge of the hunter.

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