
Chicken golosami – detailed description of the breed

Halasana breed chickens are more like ducks, but some farmers prefer to breed them, because chicken golosheykin incredibly productive in terms of meat and eggs. In addition, golosaria chickens are low maintenance and are universal. Today we present their detailed description.

Where did the breed

The exact origin of this breed is unknown. But there are several versions.

Genetics say that the breed has appeared:

  • by crossing kullman fight chickens with other birds, the name of which remains unknown;
  • by crossing cochinchina and Malay chickens.

The first information about chickens-golosheykin appeared in Austria in the late nineteenth century.

And the thirties of the last century the breed has spread in the following countries:

  • Austria itself;
  • Hungary;
  • Soviet Union;
  • Romania.

At first the breed was called the Transylvanian. In the early twentieth century the breeders brought her the dwarf variety by crossing a standard golestaneh with German bantams. But it is not wide spread, being only an exhibition breed.

Most golodanie chickens are common in the southern parts of Russia. Once they were brought to the USSR from Romania and Hungary.

Halasana breed chickens: description

Halasana breed chickens, as mentioned earlier, more like turkeys than chickens. The key paragraph of the description of the specimens is the absence of feathers on the crop and the neck of the bird. This feature is characterized by the fact that these body parts birds of a feather follicles are small. On the back of the head the bird has formed a so-called pen cap, and the front of the neck feathers are arranged so that they resemble a bow.

Under the wings the plumage golestaneh chickens are also missing, these sites are called aptariami. When the bird has a lot on the body such bare areas, then that means it meets the standard of the breed. Feathers missing on the inner part of the Shin on the little triangles.

Goosenest these birds formed in the embryonic period, when feather buds begin to develop. This feature then moves on to an adult.

Naked neck red color was the result of the work of breeders. Very beautiful with it combined “cap” on the head of the bright red color of the chickens or three-dimensional vivid tuft at the roosters. If we are talking about golosinas the hen, that she appears beautiful earrings of the same bright color.

As for the other points of the description of the appearance of these birds, they are:

  • the beak golestaneh chickens slightly curved and has scarlet or yellow;
  • eyes are red-orange tint;
  • birds molt every year, during this time, they completely change the outer layer of your skin;
  • the head is small, but wide, the crest has rozovidnym or leaf-shaped form;
  • growth small;
  • the body has a rectangular shape, the body is elongated and slightly elevated;
  • the chest is rounded, this is achieved through well-developed pectoral muscles;
  • wings tightly abut the housing, is slightly lowered down;
  • short and strong legs, they are four fingers, they have a gray or yellow-orange color;
  • a small and fluffy tail is to the body at an angle of 15 degrees, large and formed plaits.

The pen cover at golestaneh chickens can have the following shades:

  • kukuruznyj;
  • white with black edges;
  • motley;
  • black;
  • brown;
  • red;
  • blue with a border.

The weight of an adult chicken is about 2-3 kg, but the rooster can weigh four kilograms.

What is not allowed in appearance golestaneh chickens:

  • when the eyes are very dark;
  • on bare areas of the skin yellow;
  • the tail is steep;
  • the body is weak;
  • the earrings are white;
  • the head is black;
  • neck and internal part of tibia feathered.
How productive halasana breed chickens

The nature of productivity golodanie chickens belong to the meat-egg breeds. Chicken is juicy and tender, reminiscent of a Turkey. As for the eggs, that carried golosheykin begin around six months of age and give one in 2-3 days. In the first year egg production is about 180 pieces, the second is 150 units, respectively. The weight of the egg is about 60 grams, its shell has a beige color.

The survival of juveniles and adults is about 95 percent. To breed and rear their young golosinas breed is very advantageous from the point of view of profit.

Condition description of contents golestaneh chickens

In relation to feed golosheykin not really picky and fastidious.

As other breeds of chickens, they need such products as:

  • roots;
  • crops;
  • flour mills;
  • chalk;
  • the egg shells;
  • yeast;
  • clover;
  • vegetables.

You can add in food and sand, this is due to the characteristic features of the digestive system of birds.

If the exercise is missing, then add in food fish oil. Individuals over the age of 2 months let’s eat the corn, which prevents obesity birds.

Food for young animals of this breed should be properly balanced. Give them carrots, beets, crushed grain, greens, and boiled and mashed eggs. Chickens can offer wheat bran, which has a positive effect on their growing body.

As for the food for laying hens, their diet must contain vegetables and sprouted grains, they contain required amount of vitamins for laying hens. Feed the hens twice a day. The first time they are given wet mash, and the second feed.

Feeding birds should be feed every two hours regardless of the chosen scheme of their feeding. Uneaten food removed from the brooder and well visivite feeders.

It is advisable to be provided for the yard, because golosheykin chickens need sunlight, and they are in the coop will be able to eat green feed.

The birds must be permanent access to drinking water.

Consumption of feed based on adult chicken weighing 2 kilograms is 130 grams per day. If the weight is more, then you need to add 10 g of feed for every 250 g of bird weight.

Golosheykin have a natural resistance and, despite the peculiarities of its plumage, they tolerate the cold. The coop temperature must be above zero degrees, preferably about 12-15 degrees. Not allowed dampness or draught. Birds it is best to place indoors in peat litter, by which the coop will have normal humidity, and the bacteria will die.

Regularly let out to walk the chickens and throw them dust baths.

Golestaneh chickens recommended to grow in private households. When their contents need to comply with the required number of females and males. One male can inseminate up to 10 chickens at a time.

The eggs lay in an incubator because the hens of this breed can not be called exemplary. But in spite of this, for posterity, they look good. The chickens will grow normally and to gain weight quickly. In the content they are undemanding as adults.

The advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The main advantages of this breed are:

  • golosheykin very calm;
  • easy osipava;
  • in taste the meat of this chicken reminds dietary Turkey meat;
  • chickens are undemanding in terms of maintenance and feeding.

The main disadvantage of golestaneh chickens is their peculiar appearance. Their bare neck, many do not like. But those farmers who decided to breed this breed of chickens was very pleased. In particular, due to the fact that their after slaughter it was easy to pluck, ordinary rocks this is a lot of problems.

And even those who decided to have the farm holasek, noted the quiet nature of these birds. But the serenity unique to females, males more active, however, activity is inherent to every cock, irrespective of breed.

So, we have considered description of this breed hens, as golosami. They are not particularly popular compared to others in our area, primarily because of its specific appearance. But if you want to have in the household holasek, you will not regret it. After all, they, as noted by the farmers, it is undemanding in terms of care, have a good performance in egg production and their meat is tasty and dietary.

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