
The basics of proper care for day-old layer Chicks

An increasing number of farmers on their own experience convinced of the advantages of the self-cultivation of chickens at home.

The most critical period is the daily care of chickens, which require special attention and special diet.

How to make a selection

The health of Chicks and success of future development depends on many different factors, but all efforts may be in vain, if initially the Chicks are very weak. Therefore, the important point is the correct selection of incubator for young chickens when selected only the strongest and most viable species for cultivation in the home.

The need to select healthy offspring associated with financial and time expenses. The cost of purchasing food for food weak chicken, which with high probability will die in the future, would be impractical. A weak pet at home or dying within the first week of life or its development are very far in the future.

A healthy bird has the following characteristics:

  • it is stable on my legs;
  • quickly and confidently moves;
  • answers the effects of sound and light;
  • shows the instinct of levania;
  • has a soft and tight stomach with healed umbilical cord;
  • has a clean and white cloaca;
  • has glitter in the eyes;
  • has a soft plumage;
  • wings held tightly.
How to care in the first days

In the first days of life the Chicks are most vulnerable to Contracting various types of infections and in this period require the most nursing care with the content in the home.

The most important moments in providing proper care are:

  • maintaining an optimal temperature regime;
  • the provision of qualitative and balanced nutrition;
  • the maintenance of a sufficient amount of water to drink;
  • maintain the necessary conditions.

After incubator Chicks under a hen is deposited either in a pre-prepared box. In most cases, used care daily Chicks without the participation of the chicken. As a temporary housing for Pets ideal is a wooden box or cardboard box you leave in a dry warm room.

Previously the bottom of the home kids veiled with a cloth, Packed in several layers.

It is not recommended to use as bedding the following materials:

  • paper as the legs of chickens on such material will slip that might lead to its dislocation;
  • straw, as the Chicks will constantly confused her, resulting in injuries to them;
  • sawdust, as the Chicks will try to bite them and as a result will die.

After weeks Chicks can be moved to a permanent place of residence. The main requirement for the premises are: the presence of dryness, heat and lack of crowding of young plants.

To the place of residence of the chickens also has the following requirements:

  • before the relocation of the chickens the area must be disinfected;
  • the room should not get rats or cats;
  • room humidity should not exceed 70%;
  • 1 m2 must not be more than 12 goals;
  • regardless of the floor covering on the floor it is necessary to lay the adsorbent material, as for dry straw.

It is worth considering that trips for young chickens is allowed only with weeks of age. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on the health of babies, improving the metabolism and preventing the appearance of rickets. In the early days duration of walking of Chicks should not exceed 1.5 hours.

Temperature and light conditions

Youngsters have a system of thermoregulation is finally formed only by the end of the first month of life, so for young Chicks it is important to maintain the required temperature. The optimal temperature for day-old Chicks is the value of 35 0C. On the second day of life the temperature can be slightly lowered to 30-32 0C. after each week the temperature can fall to 3 0C. For the grown-up and fledgling Chicks is considered a comfortable temperature of 21 0C.

To maintain a proper temperature level sufficient incandescent bulbs, but you can use lighting with more power. The heating device is recommended to be placed at a distance of 40 cm from the surface level, which is a temporary structure.

The Chicks must have sufficient freedom of movement and to regulate the need for additional heating. If kids are getting hot, they should be able to move at a sufficient distance from the heating source. Conversely, in the case of freezing the juveniles should have the possibility of comfortable accommodation in close proximity to heating equipment.

How good I feel day-old Chicks can be judged by their behavior. If the kids huddle together and try to cuddle up to each other, it indicates lack of room temperature. When comfortable conditions day-old Chicks are active, good appetite and a period of rest behave calmly.

Important for day old Chicks playing light mode, with which you can stimulate the growth of Chicks as long a period of illumination contributes to their rapid growth. In the early days of the lamp leave for a full day on and off no more than 15 minutes. Every day, the light period was gradually reduced, thus the kids get used to the darkness.

How to feed day old Chicks

The key to good health Chicks is sufficient provision of balanced nutrition. Yourself to bite the young are able to have 8 hours vilupti.

The main diet in the early days should include the following components:

  • during the first 4 days in the diet must necessarily attend a boiled egg in an amount of 3 grams per individual, this product should be the main type of feed for Chicks;
  • on the second day of life in the diet can add a small amount of cooked millet in the amount of 3-4 grams on the specimen, peremeshennoi together with egg;
  • on the third day the Chicks can introduce high-quality feed mixtures for chickens;
  • after 3 days in the diet should be greens in the form of chopped nettles, clover, carrots, green onions;
  • with 4 days added gravel for better digestion of the feed;
  • gradually introduce dairy products and bone meal.

Until months of age chickens is not recommended to give the barley and oats, as these products in this age provoke in chickens diseases of the digestive system. Feeding Chicks should be used wood ash in the amount of 0.6 gram per one individual. To two months the dosage is increased to 6 grams.

During the first decade of the food is given with an interval between feedings in 2 hours. Subsequently, the feeding frequency reduced to 6. In the early days of food is recommended to scatter in a certain place, and not to put it in a feeder to Chicks when eating, do not push and do not interfere with each other. If after the meal the kids quiet and go to sleep, then food for Pets is given in sufficient quantity.

Great value for young chickens have access to fresh water. It is important that the surface of the water was not fluff. Water the Chicks is recommended by using special drinking nipples, which can be purchased in any pet store.

In identifying the weak Chicks who eat poorly and are sedentary, it is recommended to transplant them in a separate place. In this case, a more active and healthy Chicks will not interfere with their full power, and after some time weakened chickens will catch up with their counterparts in growth.

Characteristics of growing broilers

In growing broiler chickens and regular breeds of chickens there is a huge difference. Broilers are meat breeds and in a short time gaining significant ground. Daily chick weighs 40 grams, and within a week their weight is 200 grams. After 2 months the Chicks broiler to reach a weight of 1.5 kg, and after 3 months, the grower may have to try poultry.

The technology of growing broiler provides two main ways:

  • intense;
  • extensive.

By intensive method of cultivation since the birth of broilers housed in cages, while the density of individuals is large enough – 1 m2 accounts for up to 12 broilers. Such a density is unchanged throughout the cultivation period.

A feeder should be placed so that one pet had at least 3 cm spare. Feeding using special balanced feed for broilers, containing large amounts of protein, vitamins and proteins. An important condition for the successful cultivation of broilers is considered to be a constant presence in their feed trough.

Daily broilers, as a rule, begin to feed special ready mix class “Start”.

Food for nutrition toddlers should contain the following components:

  • corn and bone meal;
  • chalk;
  • cake;
  • wheat;
  • fodder yeast.

The first week will be clearly seen significant growth of young broilers. On the second day of life, Chicks can give a drop of trivitamin, which will improve the immunity of kids. To enrich the diet of broilers with 5 days you can enter in the food, the cheese, and from the 11th day as the feeds can be chopped and parboiled grain. The daily rate of feed for broilers of this age is 15 grams per day on one individual. To feed broilers must be at least 8 times a day in small portions.

Since that time, it is imperative to enter into the diet of the nestlings greens.

During the first 5 days of light in place of broilers should always be present. During the 22 days are daily reducing the time of lighting by 1 minute for the grown broilers length of daylight must be at least 18 hours.

Extensive method is only possible in the summer period when the young are grown under natural conditions with the possibility of walking. Feeding broiler chickens with this method is no different from feeding nestlings of common species.

Prevention of disease in day-old Chicks

For the prevention of diseases and promoting the growth of Chicks used the following tools:

  • 1 ml of solution “Baytril” is diluted in 1 liter of water and injected it into the baby food from 2 to 5 day of life that makes them more resistant to diseases of an infectious nature;
  • a solution of 3 grams Nutri-Se diluted in 6 liters of water and use it for Chicks from 5 to 12 days of life, which stimulates the growth rate of chickens;
  • 1 ml of solution “Baycox” or 1 gram means “Koktsidiovit” dissolved in 1 liter of water and this solution probailout Chicks for the purpose of General improvement of their development;
  • once a week, the Chicks can be propagate a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Important points of care for the chickens

There are a number of standard recommendations which will allow you to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

When growing Chicks recommended:

  • fill the trough not more than 1/3, otherwise a significant amount of feed will just be trampled by chickens;
  • before zasypkoj new feed in the trough feed the remains of the old must be removed, otherwise there will be a decay of food;
  • be sure that all the chickens consumed food in the case of chickens, is rarely suitable to the feeder, it is recommended to transplant them in a separate place;
  • timely update in the drinkers with fresh water;
  • in order to prevent diseases is to use special drugs;
  • feeders and drinkers must undergo periodic disinfection, as cleaners can be used a soap solution or 5% formalin solution.

The adherence to diet, taking into account characteristics of the breed and the basic rules of content will grow healthy and strong chickens.

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