
Eye disease in cats: types of diseases, symptoms and treatment

Eye diseases in cats are much more likely than other animals or humans. Inflammation of the eye can occur from the slightest draught. It should be noted that improper maintenance of the animal quite often causes problems with health and in some cases the cat may even go blind.

What are the diseases of the eye in cats and how to diagnose them? Will be discussed further in detail.

Eye disease in cats: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

To determine the presence or absence of disease in the cat can only be a veterinarian. It needs to evaluate the vision damaged eye. With assessment of General appearance and signs of symmetry it determines the size, shape of the pupil and damage. Assessment of the eyeball also has an important role in diagnosis.

To determine the presence of eye diseases in your pet is quite difficult. But the owner should know what caused this or that disease, its symptoms and what to do if there are characteristic signs of the disease.

There are many eye diseases in animals, but to put them all in one list is not possible. Consider those diseases that can be seen quite often from Pets.

They should include:

  1. Conjunctivitis.
  2. Blepharitis.
  3. Keratitis.
  4. Cataract.
  5. Irit.
  6. Glaucoma.

Each of the above diseases is of a different nature of origin. They have their own symptom. If you correctly identify the nature of the disease can prevent irreversible consequences.

Eye disease in cats: conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a disease which can fall ill with any living creature, including humans. It is symptomatic in nature and affects the membrane of the eyeball. Independently occur conjunctivitis can. It can occur as a result of infections in the eyeball or as a result of the injury.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can impact on the development of the disease:

  1. Injuries of different origin. This can be bruises, bumps.
  2. Bacterial infection.
  3. Household eye irritation. As a result of contact in the eyeball vapors from household chemicals or cosmetics.
  4. As a result of hypothermia or a cold.
  5. As an allergic reaction.

Conjunctivitis is quite saturated.

To recognize it yourself is not difficult:

  • The eye appears swollen and Apple is becoming red.
  • Constant itching is haunted by the cat. Animal begging on hands and avoid bright light.
  • Eyes are constantly watery and inflamed. In their corners, you notice yellow liquid.
  • Appetite and may increase the body temperature.

Treat the cat pretty effectively, but the purpose of the drug is possible only after determining the severity of the disorder. Usually, vets prescribe pet antiseptic preparations. Many pet owners wash my eyes with chamomile tea to relieve irritation.

In purulent conjunctivitis the treatment is done with antibiotics, injections and eye wash solutions. Regardless, sick both eyes or one, treat two of the eyeball at the same time. Re-infection can be prevented at the proper level. During disorder limit contact with the patient’s other animals.

The disease in cats: blepharitis

Blepharitis is eyelid inflammation, which thickens and ceases to function properly. Eyelid during inflammation itching.

Blepharitis occurs due to the following problems:

  • after receiving a mechanical injury;
  • as a result of lack of vitamins in the body;
  • during the dysfunction of some organs such as the pancreas or the liver;
  • during acquired infection.

Symptoms of this disease are identical to the conjunctivitis. In some cases, can cause ulcers and swelling.

The disease is dangerous because during swelling century the cat could not see and disorientates in space:

  1. In the corners of the eyes can appear solid crust in the form of flakes, which are sometimes accompanied with purulent secretions.
  2. Pet has a sickness and he has lost appetite.
  3. Inflamed eyelid can grow to incredible size and the cat may not see.
  4. Regular itching in the swollen century.

In order to cure the pet, you need to get prescription from the physician. Basically the disease is treated with ointments, which include anti-inflammatory and restorative ingredients. Cat’s eyes constantly to wipe the decoction of calendula and chamomile.

If the blepharitis came on the background of vitamin deficiency, the doctor prescribes a special diet. In some cases, he may prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements in pill form.

Eye disease in cats: irit

Iritis is a disease of the iris. The problem with the eye gives the cat a lot of pain. The main signs of the presence of the disease is attributed to the metabolic disorders. As well as mechanical injuries, bruises. In addition, infectious diseases can become a cause of iritis. Intoxication chemical substances and waste are rare, but can be the cause of the iritis. Viral and fungal diseases can be the root cause of the disease.

Unlike many other diseases, iritis can be recognized immediately. Iris quickly makes itself known.

The main symptomatic manifestations should include:

  1. Eyes of the cat are watering and sore.
  2. The cat begins to fear bright and sharp light.
  3. The iris of the eye becomes yellow.
  4. The cat has a clouded look.
  5. The animal is not oriented in space.
  6. The presence of purulent discharge from the eyes.

Treat iritis a long period with subsequent rehabilitation. After the doctor prescribes the medication, the animal must be in a permanent peace. It is advisable to place the cat in a dark room and leave it there until complete recovery. It is not recommended to treat cat folk remedies, this will only exacerbate the disease.

Disease in the cat: keratitis

One of raspostraneny diseases of the cornea – keratitis. It provokes clouding of the eye and, if time does not treat, can lead to blindness. In the first stage of the disease, the cat will experience discomfort. To occur keratitis can from dirty things or devices but also mechanical damage with a claw, a branch or any other object. The herpes virus or adenovirus infections can cause eye disease in the cat.

The symptoms include disorientation cat and irritation. If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor, as otherwise the activation process of the disease occurs quickly and with dire consequences:

  • the eye has a cloudy appearance, and the pupil is not visible;
  • the eyelid swells and becomes red;
  • cat behaves badly and is restless open eyes;
  • the cat has a painful reaction to light.

In order for your cat again became healthy and beautiful you need to go to the veterinarian. A veterinarian performed biomicroscopy, which determines the degree of damage. In General, the treatment is carried out at home and do not require surgical intervention. Nature of bacterial keratitis treated with antibiotics and pain relievers. Ulcerative form of the disease are treated surgically. In order that correct vision animal at this stage will need long-term rehabilitation.

Disease cataracts the cat

Cataract is a common disease in Pets. Disorder in which there is a rapid breakdown of protein in the eye called a cataract. Cataract is dangerous for animals that are the result of activation of the process, the body’s cells die off and can not recover. As a consequence, the activated form of this disease leads to blindness.

In the initial stages to determine the presence of cataract without medical examination difficult. But over time, the pet starts bad orientation in space and finds his bowl to scent. Looking closely at the eye you can see a film that covers part or the entire eye.

The result of cataracts in cats can be eye infections and injuries. In addition, in some cases, cataracts may occur due to poisoning, starvation or infection with worms. Quite often, adult males undergo cataract.

The symptoms of the disease should include:

  1. Change the color of the pupil and the eye white coating film.
  2. The cat will no longer see in part or completely.

To cure a cat in this case can only be in the initial stages of the disease. In this case, applied a powerful therapy and surgical intervention.

Diseases of cats: glaucoma

Another common eye disease in domestic animals is glaucoma. Glaucoma affects not only the cats but also people. In the same way as a cataract, this disease can lead to blindness. A serious disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure and inflammation of the eyeball. Such a dangerous disease can deprive your cat of vision for a short time. Fiber eyes are dying with incredible speed. To preserve vision is not possible. If glaucoma is not treated at an early stage, the nerves of the eye collapse and eyes removed.

To glaucoma can occur because of the following reasons:

  1. Century trauma or dislocation of the lens.
  2. Complications of suppurative keratitis.
  3. High blood pressure and as a consequence the hemorrhage.
  4. Violations trabecular apparatus of the eye.

Symptoms of a serious disease occur suddenly and manifest themselves aggressively. In the beginning you can see the weakness of the animal, scant discharge from the eyes and anxiety.

In the future, the disorder can manifest in the form:

  • increase the eyeball;
  • opacities in the eye;
  • deep red color of the eye shell;
  • vision deterioration.
  • disorientation in space.

In order to reduce the degree of damage from glaucoma prescribed drops which reduce intraocular pressure. At the initial stage can save the vision of a cat. But unfortunately, only partially. To see the full cat can’t.

Drugs do not cure the disease completely. They only stop the development of glaucoma and pain management. In some cases, acute disease is removed eyeball. This allows you to save the animal from pain and stop the progression of the disorder. In this case the animal remains blind until the end of life.

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