
Feeding a little kitten

The best provider for kittens is the mother, and therefore to resort to self-feeding, the baby may be only in the cases when the cat won’t be able to do it (died, disappeared, etc.).

Even in such a situation should try to look for any suitable recently. cat that could take care of the kitten.

Feeding kitten at home

If you find a new mom didn’t have to feed baby yourself.

Feeding a newborn kitten

Food for the young one in taste and nutritional properties should be as close as possible to mother’s milk. As such, the liquid can be a special milk formula that you can buy in pet stores. In the first days of life it should be the basis of feeding a baby. You should not treat animals ordinary cow’s milk as they cannot digest it.

The correct feeding method is feeding kittens bottle feeding with a nipple. With this procedure, the food intake of the baby develop into a natural sucking reflex. First, you need to squeeze the kitten in his mouth 3-4 drops of the milk mixture, and then applied the nipple to his lips, and the baby will gradually realize what to do. In the absence of such bottles you can use ordinary medical syringe, pulled out the needle or pipette. In addition to this food, the kitten need to drink through a syringe or dropper with boiled warm water. Feed the baby once in 2-4 hours, including at night.

Feeding kitten at the age of 1 week

The basis of nutrition for the baby during this period should still remain milk formula.

This food is made by your hands by mixing:

  • 50 ml natural cow’s milk;
  • 10-20 g of dried cow’s milk;
  • 3-5 g of grape sugar;
  • half chicken eggs;
  • 1-2 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 g of dry yeast.

The above proportions are considered to be generally recognized, and their failure will lead to diarrhea or other disorders of the digestive process. The kitten in the first week of life needs to consume food at the rate of 30-40 ml of feed per 100g live weight. At the age of 2 weeks the baby starts to give the food 4-5 receptions a day for 2-4 teaspoons of the product. All food should be moderately warm.

Feeding the kitten age 1 month

Upon reaching the kids of that period, they can move to adult food. Monthly pussies, as a rule, able to eat from the bowl. During this period, it is desirable to stop feeding the baby semi-finished products and to make a choice in favor of natural food. However, some veterinarians suggest at this age to supply toddlers with dry food or cat food because they contain a number of nutrients and vitamins that a kitten may not always be able to obtain from a regular home diet. In any case, natural food cannot be mixed with feed.

When feeding kittens at one month of age is permitted to give them the following products:

  • dissolved milk;
  • the cottage cheese dissolved with milk;
  • meat broth;
  • semolina porridge with water or milk;
  • egg yolk (once a day);
  • steamed vegetables
  • finely chopped fish, beef, poultry.

All the food that the kid consumes must be chopped in the blender. Frequency of eating at one-month kittens at least 4 times a day with the expectation that the daily intake of food to about 200 g. it is also Necessary to ensure uninterrupted access to clean and fresh boiled water.

Special attention should be paid to the diet such breeds of cats as Sphinx. The animals with no wool cover requires high levels of energy to heat your body. That’s why their menu should be adjusted in favor of protein food: meat, cheese, fish, eggs.

Nourishing the immature system of the baby in months not yet ready to digest the salty, sweet and smoked, so to treat kitten such products should not be.

Feeding kitten 2 months old

The two-month age in the diet of the baby should ideally enter soft cheese varieties, goat’s milk mixed with cow milk or with water in the ratio of 4:1. To treat animals with undiluted cow’s milk is still not recommended.

The right menu for kids should include:

  • milk or water porridge;
  • lean boiled chicken;
  • dairy products (fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt);
  • beef;
  • cottage cheese with low content of calcium;
  • a raw egg yolk;
  • boiled fish;
  • dry food, diluted with water;
  • raw or cooked chopped vegetables (greens, cabbage, carrots, etc.).
Feeding a kitten 3 months

In these animals there is a change of teeth, and because their diet is recommended to include solid foods. Also puppies are allowed to consume raw meat, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the emergence of worms.

That is what is best to feed the kitten at this time:

  • milk gruel;
  • raw or cooked lean meat;
  • curds;
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • soft vegetables without heat treatment;
  • yogurt.

Toddlers younger than 3 months usually are unfamiliar with the concept of saturation, and therefore without proper control often overeat. You must watch their food intake.

Feeding the kitten from 4 months to six months

Providing food to the cubs of this age becomes a lot easier. In this period the baby begins to actively increase the live weight, so feeding the kitten should be aimed at improving muscular components of the body and not fat. Formed teeth kittens are already able at this age to chew is not milled and cut in pieces the meat. Of recommended dairy products yogurt, fermented baked milk. We recommend that you treat the baby grass, which will serve as an additional source of vitamins for him. In one sitting the kitten should consume about 120-150 grams of food. The kittens are already able to get enough food and control their food intake can be reduced.

Feeding the kitten 6-10 months

The baby cat is not so appreciably increased in size, however, is clearly beginning to show his or her tastes, and not always useful. No need to go to the baby on occasion and feed it with harmful products from the master’s table. At this age, usually with particular focus on feeding marine fish.

Products, which it is not necessary to feed the kittens

Some owners of small furries, not knowing what to feed a kitten, begin to stuff him with almost any food.

However, there is food that is not recommended to treat babies:

  • cow’s milk. Up to a certain age such fatty foods is not absorbed by the weak digestive system of the cat;
  • raw river fish can be a vector for various parasites, so instead of a kitten should be fed at sea boiled fish about once in 3 days;
  • potatoes are absolutely not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of cats of any age;
  • pork will not give any benefit to the body of a kitten and, moreover, can harm him, so you should abstain from it;
  • special food for dogs that some owners sometimes try to treat kittens;
  • fish or chicken with bones. Before you feed this pet, you need to remove from production all the bones down to the smallest;
  • eggplant, tomatoes;
  • banned any food from the human table: sausage, bacon (due to the high content of salts and spices), sweet flour (especially with the presence of yeast).

It should be remembered that for the body of a kitten, like any other animal, it is useful. It is not necessary to lean only on one kind type of food. Also not recommended to mix dry food and natural products, you have to choose one or the other. The owner needs to remember that the wrong food may cause diabetes, allergies, vitamin deficiency, poisoning and other diseases.


Rulesthat should be followed when feeding the baby, very simple, and every owner of cubs can stick to them. Full-fledged proper nutrition will allow you to grow beautiful healthy pet, which will reward the owners with love and affection.

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