
The most rare breeds of cats

Rare cat breeds includes not only the recently derived breeds that are not yet widespread, but those that exist long ago. Today many ancient breeds, which are undeservedly forgotten why they were on the verge of extinction.

The most rare and unique species more than ten.

The rare breed

Worldwide all American Wirehaired less common. She came from a kitten, accidentally found in a farm near the city of new York. His hair was very unusual and did not include any comparison for the structure with the fur of other cats. This unique kitten crossed with the American Shorthair, the result was a new breed which is the American Wirehaired.

Breeders began to withdraw the rarest breed of cat in the 66th year of the 20th century, the following year officially recognized as a provisional standard. More than ten years of work were required for registration of the title of this breed. To date, the American Wirehaired recognized only in Canada and the United States.

Distinctive features of the breed is its fur resembling Astrakhan fur, it has the following features:

  • curly,
  • thin,
  • hard.

Cat of the small sizes with large Golden eyes on a round, short muzzle. Her ears are medium in size, rounded. The tail is also small, has a narrow tip. The cat is peaceful and calm. Good with children and other Pets. Reconciled with the long absence of the owners.

Rare cat breeds with pictures and names

The American rare breed wire-haired can be found only in the United States. But in the world there are other rare breeds, which are many, they are not widespread in the world. These include the following types.

Turkish van

The name of the breed was due to the Turkish lake van. It was here that it was first found. This breed belongs to the ancient, hovering around it many legends and mysteries. In Europe there is a long time, but actively breeding began only in the 50-ies of the 20th century. For a long time the breed was considered experimental and only in 70-ies it was recognized as Europeans, and later Americans.

Distinctive features of the Turkish van are:

  • her eyes. Typically, one is blue, the other Golden. But within the standard allowed and one color.
  • large webbed toes on its front feet, which explains the love of a cat to water.

Specimens are small, fragile cat. They have large eyes, large ears and a long bushy tail. They love to be naughty and very agile. Wayward and need constant attention, very angry if they take on hand. Quiet in relation to children, love nature, like swimming and fishing, than they do good.


Appeared as a result of the crossing of curl and the Sphynx. This event occurred in the United States ( 2006). Officially registered a year later. Name the breed owes a fabulous character, she is similar.

The cat is slim and graceful, she is completely missing the coat. Size medium, torso, slim type, has a large and recurved ears and thick skin fold. Eyes cats large, light walnut color.

The distinctive features of the breed include:

  • unusual ears
  • the lack of whiskers and eyebrows.

Elf has a kind and gentle nature, he is social and loves children and other animals. Very attached to his master, can not stand alone.

Shiny California

Cat of this breed appeared as a result of numerous experiments. Breeders crossed different breeds: Siamese, American Shorthair, Abyssinian, and British Angora. In the end, they wanted to get a cat, like the king Cheetah, but not with a wild temper. The work was started in the year 71 of the 20th century, completed 10 years later. In 1987, the United States held its official recognition and registration.

Brilliant California species differs by the larger size and strength. She has short thick fur, the color resembles a Jaguar or leopard. Face is oval with high cheekbones. The eyes are large, slanted, ears medium in size and rounded at the ends. The tail is thick and long, its tip dark.

Cats are very active and mobile, therefore, require long walks. They love to communicate with other animals differ in kind character.


Another name – Burmese silver. It was due to the accidental cross between the Burmese and the Persian chinchilla. Breed brought in 1981 in England. Burmilla officially recognized only in the 94 year of the 20th century.

Animal of small size, short fur and a thin silver or cream color, has a white undercoat dense. Forelegs slightly shorter than hind. The muzzle is short with a reddish nose, slight cheeks. Ears tilted forward. Eyes are green or Golden, large, oval.

The cat good and balanced character, loyal to his master, loves to communicate, but the solitude brings peace. Love attention, get along with other animals.


The breed belongs to a very ancient, she’s a national treasure of Thailand. Happened a long time ago, the story leads back centuries. The name translated from Thai means “white pearl”. In Europe and the United States have recently emerged and have not had time to get wide distribution. This cat is one of the most expensive in the world.

Khao Mani, of medium size, her short white hair. A beautiful and elegant cat is large and often colorful eyes. One of her eyes is Golden yellow, the second blue. Quite often there are individuals with the same color eyes. Muzzle wedge-shaped and has a convex forehead. The ears of cats are small, legs are strong, of medium size.

The cat is playful and smart, it is possible to train, very attached to his master. Cats with blue eyes often suffer from a lack of hearing.


The breed was the result of crossing a Burmese cat with pedigree, came to the US from Singapore in the 75 year of the last century. Breeders then were interested in small size travelers and their unusual color. Singapore officially registered in the 84th year of the 20th century.

The cat is quite small, the weight of an adult is barely three pounds. Her thin and graceful body with a short coat, which is tightly adjacent. The tail is long and thin. Eyes almond-shaped, slanted. Large ears, slightly turned outwards.

Breed is a national treasure of Singapore, so its removal from the country is restricted.

Cats are affectionate and trusting, like to jump and is very agile. I love children and very attached to his master, get along with other Pets. Can long to be in position “stand on hind legs”.


The breed was developed recently and is of interest. Got it korotkolapye by crossing the Munchkin with the Persian cat. The Napoleon is a dwarf Persian with short legs. The idea of breeding this species belongs to the American breeder of dogs, this happened in 95 year of the last century. For a long time Napoleon was not recognized as a separate breed, only 10 years later, the breed was officially registered in the United States.

A feature of the breed is its small size. The adult animal weighs more than 2 kg. There are two varieties of Napoleon:

  • korotkolapye (extreme),
  • donneloye (classic).

The muzzle of this species is similar to Persian or exotic, but a strong flattening is absent. The tail is long and fluffy. The coat is long and short. This is a very nice and lovely creation. A nature affectionate and kind, very trusting and loyal to the owner. Have patience, adapt quickly to environmental conditions, like children.


Appeared in USA as a result of crossing a domestic cat with an American ragdoll. In the mid 70-ies of the last century, the breed was finally formed with the name “cherubim,” but later gave her another name “ragamuffin”, which means “ragged.” Registered the breed officially in 2003.

It’s a big cat, up to 8-10 kg, her body rounded, the coat is soft, dense and of medium length. In appearance resembles ragdoll, but differs in a variety of colors. The muzzle is round, medium size, has a small cheek. Eyes oval, large. Front legs slightly shorter than back. The tail is very long and fluffy.

The animal is playful and affectionate, very smart and calm personality. Easily trained and show affection to the owner. They are completely absent hunting instincts, do not know how to defend themselves.


Breeders in 1958 came up with the idea to take a real Panther miniature sizes, are able to live at home. For that they needed a brown Burmese and black American Shorthair. The task was completed in the late 60-ies of the 20th century. A separate breed became different shiny black coat and yellow eyes. In appearance they resemble wild Panther of India. The breed has received in the U.S. official register in 1976.

Representatives of the species have strong muscular body, their coat is short, deep black color. The muzzle is rounded, large. Eyes round in shape, large in size, bright Golden color. The tail is small and thin.

Despite his powerful appearance of the Bombay cat by nature gentle and flexible. Loves all family members without priorities and gets on well with Pets. The cat is active and sociable, can not stand alone.


The breed originated from korotkolapye a stray cat, which accidentally found in an American state. The litter has inherited this feature of the mother. This interesting breed came from interbreeding with purebred domestic cats. In the US in ‘ 85 the Munchkins is officially registered as a separate breed.

These cats have extremely short legs. In this regard, they are even called cats-fees.

The rock has three types:

  • standard
  • dwarf
  • very short-legged.

There are also Munchkin with long hair and short. Cats are small, but strong and muscular. They have a lush and thick fur, large eyes and delicate triangular face. The nature of Munchkin playful and sociable. Show devotion to his master, love children and get along with other animals. They need nature walks, as despite their short legs are very agile and run fast.


This breed is the variety of the Russian blue cat, different from her long hair. Appeared in the early 20th century, but it was not recognized as an official breed. American breeders have achieved official status for the nebelung only in 87 of the last century.

The nebelung belongs to a very rare and beautiful animal. The size of his middle, eyes large oval shape, the ears small, rounded. The tail is long and fluffy. The hallmark of the breed is thin long soft blue fur with silver and a thick undercoat.

The character of this cats are independent and proud, strangers do not like, but get along well with other animals. Require attention and believe his master, only one person. Very good at hunting.

Are some of the very few cats, which are many. They are all unusual and unique. To buy such breed is very difficult, not only because of its expensive pricing, but also due to the lack of wide spread among Russians.

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