
Ranking the 20 most intelligent animals in the world

On our planet lives of countless organisms-including animals. For a long time, scientists and also specialists trying to figure out who on the planet is the most intelligent animal.

But today, unfortunately, still impossible to determine the IQ level of each animal because the tests for them have not yet been invented.

But you can make a rating of the most intelligent animals, not convincing either of you that someone smarter, and someone dumber.

5 most intelligent animals
  • Primates: scientists found that the genetic similarity of man to the monkey is on average 98%. So, the primates and the top of the list of intelligent animals. Animals lend themselves to easy learning, intellectual ability and memory for a long time affects scientists because the results are impressive. Monkey learned to not only coexist with, but to interact with it. Primates are stealing from us and exquisitely fooling. An interesting fact is that in India, among the sacred animals are langur Hanuman – temple monkeys. They are famous throughout the world for its ability to steal all that they have to like. To cause them physical damage is impossible, langurs belong to the untouchable animals.
  • Whales: among the whales we include not only whales, but dolphins and orcas. They are representatives of some of the most intelligent representatives of the fauna. Many of their abilities, and supernatural abilities was revealed by scientists. While in captivity, with proper care and approach the animals, whales are able to learn to imitate human speech. They can be simulated by increasing the pressure in their cavities of the nose, causing the sound to vibrate the lips. Unique features and abilities of cetaceans are recognized at the state level in India last year, a bill that the dolphins are persons, resulting in dolphinariums have been banned.
  • Elephants are among not only smart, but also useful in the application against animals. For many centuries, they are faithful assistants of man. This animal has a good memory and a fairly flexible mind. In the experiment it was established that animals are capable of learning human language. Elephant living in Asia, named cat has learned to mimic a few human words, or rather, five, okay, lie down, no, sit, and hi.
  • Intellectual capabilities of dogs has been proven in a scientific way. These fauna trainable and have a good memory. During latest research it was established that the dog is an extremely intelligent human friends. Scientists at Harvard in the United States who worked under the guidance of Professor Marc Hauser proved that the dog can repeat the gestures and facial expressions of the person. And staff of the University of Vienna convinced of the ability of dogs to “selective imitation”.
  • Domestic cats are able to Express their emotions and feelings, skillfully using gaze, facial expressions, movements, recognizing the intonation in human speech, and to imitate it. It should be noted that the memory of cats much better than dogs. Cat, caught in the wild just trying to join the flock, in addition, they have a strict hierarchy and distribution of responsibilities. Some scientists believe that the formation of flocks is a clear sign of secondary experience, the return to a wild state.
Smart fauna
  • Rats are among the most clever animals. Rats, like people, have dreams, they communicate with each other in the ultrasonic range so that the predators do not notice their presence. However, rats subject to abruptly change the frequency of the emitted signals. Rats possess a rich vocabulary of screams, each of which has its own designation. Rats and man is the only mammalian species that can laugh. Not long ago, scientists discovered the reaction of rats on a funny situation. As you know, rats are not solitary. They can build the hierarchy in their community.
  • Pigs are among the most nervous animals that surround man, but they are more cunning and clever. Wild boar will never be able to catch on the same bait as a wild beast has a perfectly developed analytical features. With regard to domestic pigs, they are purists in relation to the order of the day. Especially, very quickly, they remember the meals.
  • Proteins are extremely cautious and cunning animal. If you meet a squirrel in the wild, we can observe how hard they prepare reserves for the winter, hiding it in tainitsky. The memory protein is excellent, they usually remember all the thousands of your bookmarks for a long two months. Proteins are among the skilled thieves, and they are able not only to use/to grab/to run away, but to wait and intuitive to put the behavior of potential victims.
  • Jays are recognized as the most intelligent representatives of the bird world. Like all other corvids, they have a phenomenal ability to imitate sounds, and to remember. Jays hide their food supplies very carefully, but if someone managed to find them, Jay is a long time to spy on unscrupulous neighbor. This behavior prompted scientists to the idea that jays possess the analytical thinking and able to look at the situation through the eyes of strangers, in this case through the eyes of a thief. This is an extremely rare phenomenon among the fauna.
  • Crows are able to evaluate the objects that surround them: the volume, weight and the material from which is made the subject. So the ravens never put it in a bowl of water a piece of bark to raise the water level, but the stone will use it with joy. The ravens can develop a digging stick, and know how to use for their purposes the mirror.
Intelligent fauna
  • Raccoons, as many of you noticed, today’s trend. These lovely creatures are endowed with incredible intelligence. In search of food they are able to solve many difficult logic problems, and actively use the instruments at hand to achieve the desired goal. The solution of the problem they are able to remember for a long three years.
  • Navy seals are not only cute and charming creatures, but also very smart. They are trainable and easily trained. Seals “include” excellent built-in navigation system. Despite the fact that these fauna are to gregarious animals, they prefer distance and show all over individualism. Hunting in the wild, leave it alone.
  • Parrots have not only the opportunity to onomatopoeia. For example, the African grey parrot can be compared with a three year old human baby for the intellectual development. Parrots tend to cancel the memory, they are capable of empathy, and know how to show their emotions, have good intelligence and trainability. So, parrots living in the wild, are placed under the car wheel nuts to them, having just departed, split. An interesting fact is that scientists have proved the development of analytical abilities of parrots, they continue to evolve rapidly.
  • Horses are not only smart animals, but also very clever with an excellent memory. Akhal-Teke horses are considered to be monogamous throughout life, they can only serve one master. All types of horses trainable. For example, the Arab scanon never, under any pretext do not come on a leg man, and the police breeds who are trained to disperse crowds not as delicate.
  • Pigeons, oddly enough, also very smart birds. Everyone knows about the existence of “pigeon”, which predates all existing today. “Pigeon” is based on the ability of pigeons to “homing” – an innate instinct to always return home. The brain activity of feathered strikes, because it can not only processing, but also to store large amounts of information. It is harvested doves, skillfully using all the organs of his senses. These birds are endowed with sharp vision combined with a wonderful memory. This feature allows them to form a route home on the basis of visual impressions.
  • Sheep is considered to be narrow-minded and stupid animals. However, multiple modern studies break stereotypes, they have shown that sheep have a good memory for faces, they are among the social mammals, but it is also able to build relationships. Their main problem is cowardice.
  • Crocodiles unnecessarily demonized – recognized contemporary scientists. Within 10 years, the American zoologist Vladimir Dinets observed the crocodiles and reached the following conclusions: firstly, crocodiles are amenable to learning, and secondly they are quite playful. The world-famous story, when the crocodile lived until his death, the man who saved him from certain death. He allowed his friend safely swim with him in the pool, to hug and kiss him in the face, they were fooling around.
  • Bees are considered the most intelligent insects in the world. They can navigate in space by the Sun, and also excellent feel the electromagnetic field of the Earth and remember visual objects. In addition, it is worth noting that bees are social insects. They are able to communicate with each other thanks to a floating dance.
  • Cephalopods are the most intelligent representatives of the shellfish. Most of them has the ability to mimicry, and octopus can successfully pass the tests “look and remember”. In addition, they are characterized by a perfectly developed built-in navigation system. Squid are formed in packs, and scientists believe that they are social and communicate with each other through codified language.
  • Turtle. Numerous studies show that turtles possess perfectly developed intellectual abilities. Turtles untrainable, they manage to find a way out of the maze. Within a short period of time domashniaya, and then quickly cease to fear man and begin to eat from his hand.
Interesting facts about the smartest animals:
  1. In Britain, lives the smartest parrot in the world who knows how to sew. His professionalism, as a tailor is estimated at 90%.
  2. Toothed whales belong to the warm-blooded animals that are able to mysteriously move and find each other in the ocean.
  3. Dogs are able to memorize up to 250 gestures and words, and count to 5 no worse than intelligent crows.

Scientists are actively continuing their research and scientific achievements are, maybe, something will change. But people should always remember that they are responsible for those who tamed!

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