
First aid postradavshim hunting

Hunting requires a great expenditure of physical and nervous energy. And if the hunter hoped that in the forest, he will forget about their illnesses, you have to know that is fun and good physical exercises hunting can give him the aggravation of the disease, hinder his companions, who will have to care for it.

Planning trips, every hunter needs to match your physical ability, age and health status to the weather, the nature of hunting and its difficulties. Any malaise, slight fever or chills, distressing feet or boils on the body to stop a person from participating in the hunt.

In preparation for the hunt with exceptional fault-finding check your shoes: it should neither shake nor be great. Properly fitted, comfortable shoes even while walking on bumpy terrain. You can take the maximum: this will not only retain good maneuverability, but also the strength and health of the hunter.

Kit hunter

Its weight should not exceed 300 g. Doctors recommend to include in a first aid kit for 10 g of tincture of iodine, 25% ammonia and camphor tincture of Valerian, 20 g of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, a jar of vaseline or any antibiotic tablets, headache tablets, two sterile bandage, a bag of cotton wool, rubber band. Validol, heartburn, etc. hunters usually take without reminders.


observed hunting quite often. They can occur spontaneously (from the nose), from wounds received at casual handling of a gun or the bite of the beast; internal bleeding from sharp injuries and shock.

If the damage to the veins the blood flows slow, dark red stream. Especially dangerous arterial bleeding: if the blood has a fountain, she a bright scarlet color. If unchecked, the person can die.<

In order to stop the bleeding from a wounded leg or arm, the limb should be tourniquet (belt, rope, etc.) and lift it. The wiring cannot be kept taut for more than two hours, otherwise there may come a necrosis of the tissues below the tourniquet due to lack of supply. With arterial bleeding artery is clamped closer to the heart from wounds and in venous – farther from heart. When wound the temporal artery it is pressed against the front of the ear, when bleeding cheek,- the lower edge of the lower jaw.

If wounded shoulder belt, then pressed the artery in the supraclavicular fossa, if the blood gushes from the forearm or the elbow is pressed against the artery to the humerus on the inner side of the shoulder. When bleeding from artery brush press down in the place where the palpable pulse, then the limb above the bleeding it is necessary to use a tourniquet.

When bleeding from the nose, the victim should go; on the bridge he put a cloth soaked in cold water. The first 2-3 hours after epistaxis, people should avoid heavy physical exertion. For venous bleeding to stop, it is sufficient to apply pressure with a sterile bandage.

After stopping the bleeding from the wound is removed (with sterile cotton wool or bandage) earth, rubbish, pieces of clothing; in extreme cases, the wound is washed with clean water or hydrogen peroxide. Then the edges of the wound smeared with iodine; and close a dry sterile bandage.

The wound inflicted by the teeth of the beast

Always contaminated and infected; it is not enough to have a bandage: a bandage with a solution of salt (take salt on the tip of a knife and deliver in half a glass of water). Abrasion smeared with iodine and bandage.


are drops and bumps. Most often there are fractures of the extremities.

The victim when the fracture is in pain, sometimes loses consciousness. The usual form and position of the limb at the fracture site change.

Fractures can be open or closed, when violated not only bone but soft tissue damage and skin. In this case, we must first stop the bleeding and bring a state of maximum rest to the injured limb. On a limb splint, which can serve as the stick, Board.

Fractures of the clavicle occur most often when there is a sudden recoil of the gun (with the back-breaking charge for a light gun, bug when gear cartridge, etc.). At the site of fracture, the victim feels a sharp pain. Shoulder joint as if slightly turned outward and downward.

The task of the first aid stronger stretch broken collarbone and in this state to deliver the patient to the nearest health center or hospital. To do this, from bandages and cotton wool (and if not – from rags or bottom of shirt) twist the two rings. Wear them on your hands (healthy and damaged), get under the arms and on the shoulder. Rings link together with a bandage or cloth in the front, and then maybe pull it tighter in the back. On the back of a tightening ring cord, braid or tie the bandage to tight delayed the waist belt.


joints happen when hitting, falling, sudden movement. They are accompanied by severe pain, changing the shape of the joint, pain or inability movements.

First aid is applied to the joint tight bandage to ensure its immobility. Itself is not necessary . attempt to correct a dislocation: this must be done by the doctor.


there are the careless handling of a gun or gunpowder from igniting his jacket when spending the night around the campfire, etc.

With a light burn, accompanied by redness, swelling of the skin and local pain, burnt part of the body is immersed in running water and, weather permitting, leave open. Otherwise, it is necessary to bandage a sterile bandage, protecting it from the friction of the clothes. Very well burnt spot lubricate strong (dark purple) solution of potassium permanganate.

Second-degree burns completes the formation of bubbles. First aid is to preserve intact the skin, and bubbles, and to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility.

When third-degree burns when charred some parts of the body, we must remember everything to do with stop bleeding: the victim may be a violation of the integrity of large vessels. It is necessary to unload, give to drink plenty of liquids (hand on heart), immediately transported to the hospital.

Heat and sunstroke

In hot and humid weather, when sweating is difficult and the hunter feels thirst with him because overheating can happen heatstroke. Sunstroke occurs from the action of direct sunlight on the unprotected head. So on a hot Sunny day with her head uncovered to hunt in open areas is not recommended.

When the heat and sunstroke are developing almost the same effects: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, tinnitus, drowsiness, facial flushing, sweating, fever, rapid pulse; in severe forms there are cramps, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.

The victim must be freed from the constricting clothing, move to shade. To pour cold water on his face. For the head to put a wet cloth, give drink plenty of cold water, if you have to give cordial.

In a serious condition when the patient loses consciousness, delirious, the temperature of it rises, the victim must be immediately transported to a hospital.


Well-fitting and moderately loose clothes and footwear is an indispensable condition of hunting in the cold season. Feet and hands never really need to pull: it causes a delay in blood circulation and, as a consequence, hypothermia of the limbs.

Even a small wind contributes to frostbite, so on top of warm clothing you should wear in thick, rubberized fabric. It is recommended to wear wool underwear.

Frostbite often occurs the individual parts of the face. Some lubricate the face fat. It does not always save when sudden winds and strong frosts. However, fast muscle-mi person and systematic rubbing with warm dry hands, not snow gloves, easy to prevent frostbite. The ears must be covered hats or warm headphones.

In the cold breathing should be through the nose – this is correct, the sonnet is known to all from childhood. However, even perfectly healthy people when encountered on hunting large exercise sometimes forced to switch to mouth breathing. Such breathing in the cold for a healthy hunter is safe, but it must be remembered that the lower the temperature, the less time you should breathe through the mouth: when the frost is 10-20° C – no more than 15-20 minutes, and in a temperature of 20-25° With not more than 5-7 minutes. For more severe frost from hunting, as a rule, should be avoided.

First aid choking

If fell through the ice or fallen from the boat the hunter, being pulled from the water unconscious, it is first necessary to open the mouth and pull the language and if your mouth is dirty, clean it. Then, remove water from stomach and lungs. To do this, the victim put coast down (perpendicular) on the roll of clothing, a log, or on bent knee assisting and much pressure with your hands on your back. Language out by hand, wrapped in a handkerchief or towel. After that, proceed to artificial respiration.

The victim lay on the ground face down. Providing assistance kneels down, covering their feet of the victim. Puts palms on the lower ribs (on both sides of the spine) and within 2 seconds of pressure with the hands on his back choking, squeezing the air out of the chest. On one or two stops the pressure, without taking hands, the chest expands and air enters into the lungs. Frequency artificial breathing 16-20 times per minute, i.e. the frequency of normal breathing.

Apply artificial respiration is necessary as long as the patient does not regain consciousness. Then the patient should be warm, drink hot tea.


If the hunter felt in any place of the shoes rubs, he should take off our shoes and examine the shoes, puttees, socks and feet. If friction cannot be eliminated, then rubbing part of the skin of the foot should tightly wrap 2-3 layers of gauze.

This will give a good result if the bandage is applied correctly. To do this, first in the lower leg above the ankle cuff is applied, then wrapped the foot, then the Shin again and again the foot; thus, a bandage would be discharged as eight, while rubbing a spot is not covered with the gauze entirely.

Skin care of face and hands

In the variable and cold weather face and hands before hunting lubricate neutral fat (baby cream), butter or, in extreme cases, goose or duck fat. Vaseline should not be used (somewhat dry skin), the more it is not recommended to use glycerin.

Foot care

Sometimes hunting is necessary to suddenly stop and freeze in place. Then at the foot of the supporting leg having load in excess of the usual many times. So an experienced hunter follows the legs constantly. They should be washed before and after it. Toenails should be neatly trimmed and have no sharp corners. Special attention should be given to small injuries. You can’t go hunting if the foot has scratches, abscesses, bruises.

The snake bites

The bite of a snake usually burns, itches, swells up, but of all phenomena, there may not be. However, two close to each other, point-like stains – traces of the serpent’s teeth – noticeable on the skin always.

In most cases the snake bite the leg or arm. Then above the bite limb need tight bandaging (to stop the circulation of the blood), to drain a small amount of blood chromosonal jar or even mouth (if the mouth has no abrasions or ulcers) and to cauterize the bite.

When you bite into the housing, immediately cauterizing the bite, hot metal typing krovososy Bank.

Insect bites

The bites of mosquitoes and sandflies dangerous if the person has any skin diseases.

To deter blood-sucking insects recommended “Repodir” cream “Taiga”, liquid “At rest”. The lubrication of their skin it is only necessary to keep these substances from falling on fresh scrapes, wounds, abrasions, lips and mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Therefore, if a hunter is sweating heavily, the forehead grease not: Kashi sweat, mingling with the chemical substance draining from his forehead, can get into the eyes..

In the absence of special funds, the hunters put on 15 minutes of his clothes on an ant pile. The ants left on the fabric part of the secret of their glands. Then purified from ants clothes for 3-4 hours will effectively scare away mosquitoes.

Bitten places should be wiped with a 25% solution of ammonia, and the itching will stop.

If the bee stings, examine the painful place. Discover a sting with a tiny pouch containing the poison, carefully not crushing the bag, pull it out of the skin (Walewska wasp sting leaves). Wipe the stung place the ammonia.

Usalive poisonous insect or snake bites should be killed and save. This will tell the doctors what kind of serum should be administered to the patient in order to successfully neutralize the poison.

Moving a victim

If the result of disease or injury, the hunter alone can not move, then after providing him first aid, he was taken to the hospital, to kambasu or in a village nearby.

If the victim can sit, at a distance of 3-4 km it is transferred, arranging from the hands of “castle” either using a waist belt or backpack. Improvised stretchers are easy to build from two poles and a jacket or raincoat tent. Wounded during winter convenient to carry on skiing.

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