Duck hunting has become very popular among all categories of hunters, of any age, regardless of experience. Indeed, the fact that he feels the hunter, standing at the dawn, warming first rays of the sun, in anticipation of the appearance of ducks or drakes, beyond words.
Duck – a favorite feathered trophy hunters
Every beginner hunter sooner or later confronted with this kind of game birds. Because duck is very common in our country. The principle of location is simple – place the water and quacking trophy.
Courteous writers are self-taught unknown skill has managed to produce many benefits to this type of hunting, spreading their articles in small magazines and various books with glossy covers of dubious origin. Therefore, any novice hunter can face several challenges when trying to improve your skills of hunting for a feathery prey. Let us examine the order.
A bit of theory
Consider main points taking for the duck. First, it is the high sharpness of the battle. It is not only resistant duck to shot (especially at the end of the season), but the fact that the wounded animal at this time could easily leave or to disguise. In addition, the game constantly lives in areas overgrown with vegetation and sedge, as impenetrable to the hunter and his dog.
In this regard, it is safe to disagree with the authors of textbooks claiming that need this kind of sharpness, which would provide a velocity of 150 m/s and penetration of pellets in a dry pine Board at a distance of 35 metres to a depth of a few diameters. In theory this is all typical for bench shooting, but in practice such a shot usually we only get wounded or even miss the bird.
So be sure to achieve a speed of 200 m/s, and the sharpness from 35 meters in the pine Board should be about 3-3,5 pellets. This speed you will achieve using “Tight” powder gasket (3 mm), the greater the felt wad at a ratio in the projectile, the powder/shot – 1/15,5. Higher ratios will only increase the penetration, however, have to sacrifice accuracy, which is not very convenient for us on long shots.
Accuracy and knockdown
Secondly, it is very important that the amount of shot entering the body of a duck, was in the range of 4-8 pieces (depending on numbers). If the damaging of the pellets will be less then the probability of penetration of the vital organs of the bird decreases and with larger numbers – we’ll just break up the carcass and reduce the diameter of the circle of slaughter.
Well and, thirdly, we need a different accuracy of the projectile. The main factor that determines accuracy is the distance of the shot, but it is always limited damaging element specific combination of “Chuck-a gun” and shooting skills of the hunter.
In simple words, it is necessary to have a clear idea about the fight the gun and squeeze the maximum of it.
Directly about fractions: the opinion of the eminent authors
S. T. Aksakov – the undisputed authority on the subject, in his “Notes” devoted a separate Chapter to fractions. It said that in Russia usually meant a certain kind of game. For example, the number 4 was called “small duck”, and # 3 is just “duck”, and # 2 – in his words, was a “large duck”. In other parts of the works he mentioned the range from No. 3 to 5. That is, the entire range is in the range from No. 2-5.
But all the authors have always converged in a single opinion – the use of smaller fractions for the duck is justified (as it increases the probability to crush the game outright).
But here it is necessary to focus on two points:
- Pre-revolutionary Russia used the numbering of the British, and she is a 1 room differs from the European one. Therefore, if we recalculate the figures on our modern, get the scale numbers 3-6.
- But after pre-revolutionary Russia in fractional shooting much has changed. Appeared smokeless powder, which could disperse a fraction much faster than normal. Therefore, when choosing solid lead shot for duck we can use numbers 4-7.
From theory to practice: the hunting season and a proper fraction
It is important not to forget that hunting season is divided into two periods:
- initial (with the opening of the season until the second half of September);
- end (the end of September until closing).
Because the range of numbers we are wide enough, we can break this season by as much as 3 periods:
- initial (first days of the open season);
- average (all of September);
- end (from October until the season closes).
Why we have such a breakdown? Quite simply, we for each season use a number one greater than in the previous season. What we in the initial to highlight only the first few days can be easily explained. A young duck not frightened and is able to keep the hunter at close range. And here we can safely apply the lightest sports cartridges 7 rooms.
Then respectively prefer the 6 number on the average period (September), and 5 the number on the end (October to close).
So, after reading all the features of duck hunting, we came to the following:
- Depending on the size of the duck we need to give preference to the more minor charge: Teal (young individuals) is 7, the for Mallard ducks – 5.
- Do not get involved in large size fractions. Since the battle rifle is limited by distance, and numbers 3 and 5 pierce through the game, it is easy to imagine that shoot smaller buckshot we receive a greater probability of hitting the target. But we must not forget about the distance! So we talked about the seasons. Early in the season it is possible to use smaller diameters, because the duck let the hunter almost came, but by the end of the season it is necessary to consider that the game soar to 40-50 metres from the hunter. In this case, to break the seven it will fail, especially if it is a Mallard.
- If you are a novice hunter. The opening of the season can easily take No. 7. Closer to the middle of the season and the end use number 5. Most importantly, remember that everything comes with experience.
Break a leg, guys!