
After 40 Years, This Man Was Reunited With His Beloved 1968 Rally Sport Z28 Camaro

When Allan Gold sold his 1968 Rally Sport Z28 Camaro, he never imagined it would become an iconic collectors’ item. Here’s how-40 years later-he bought it back.

How I Lost (and Found) My 1968 Rally Sport Z28 Camaro

I am originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and in 1969, I travelled to Toronto to purchase a 1968 Rally Sport Z28 Camaro. I was still in college and working part time at Joe and Eric’s Texaco service station, so I could barely afford it.

With some help from a mentor named Harold Ross, I managed to drag race competitively in 1969 and 1970. I later sold the car, not realizing that years later it would become an iconic collectors’ item.

Sault Ste. Marie is a small town, so I was able to keep track of my car after selling it-it only had two owners after me, Leslie and Scott, both of whom I knew-and since it was equipped as a race car, it wasn’t driven much.

In November 2015, after multiple negotiations over many years, I bought the car back from Scott. It had been in storage since 1999. When I went to pick up the car, my good friends Alex, Don, Martin and Rob were there to help me load it in the trailer. Martin and Rob had also been with me when I originally purchased the car more than 40 years earlier.

I brought the car back to my shop here in London, Ontario, where I now live, and put my energy into restoring it.

This car is my prized possession and finally getting it back was like reuniting with the love of my life. I now hit the road and drive whenever the sun is shining!

Looking for amazing classic car restorations? Check out these beauties:

The 1967 Chevrolet Camaro

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The 1967 Mustang Coupe

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