Redpoll is a small bird of the passerine species. This creation is so named for its singing, which is reminiscent of a knock during the dance. The bird’s name translates from Latin as the fiery thorn, so named her for the color of the feathers on the chest.
Is representative of the family of Finches of the genus goldfinches.
Tap dance has a rather small size. Its body length averages up to 15 cm. The wingspan is about 20 inches, and the weight of an adult averages about 15 grams.
The male tap on the back has a grey coloring, although the color can change to almost white shade. The head of the bird also has a bright red color. The beak of a bird has a bright yellow color. This bird has a very beautiful tail coverts are pink. But the most beautiful of this bird is its abdomen, which has a crimson hue. Unfortunately, the female Redpolls are not as beauty as their males. They have a red hue only on the top of the head, the rest of her body has white color.
And also, tap can be distinguished from others, thanks to her singing, which is very twangy and sounds like tap dancing beats.
This species is found in Europe, Asia and North America may also inhabit and Greenland. In Russia Redpolls live mostly in the Northern regions of the country. Redpolls prefer to live in deciduous forests. In summer they can often be found in the forest. In the cold times of the year they try to fly as far to the South, in the zone of mixed forests. And they can be found in the city, as these individuals can live near people.
Despite the fact that the tap has a small size, she is not afraid of anyone and is behaving rather boldly. This species does not like loneliness, so they always try to dwell in small groups, which is another major difference from other birds. Tap dancing can even make their nests close to other pairs. Moreover, they can even share their nest with thrushes-fieldfares. During foraging flocks of cachetic fully occupy all the space on the branch of a tree with different fruits.
At the slightest threat all the birds immediately fly off the branch, but as soon as things calm down, the swarm immediately returns to his business. Another interesting point is that it has a most unusual poses.
Your home tap equip mainly in the low trees with thickets, where they are the most reliable camouflage the nest. So the bird habitat to discover extremely difficult.
And also, tap can be safely kept at home, she very quickly adapts to its environment. But her singing is monotonous and people often it starts to get bored quickly so keep them at home is not advised.
The power of the bird
The diet of the tap is very diverse. So, they can feed on various plants, but can eat insects. From plants they mainly eat seeds growing on trees, such as birch catkins, seeds from spruce cones or cranberries and others. Of insects they love to eat aphids, but also eat any other, which will meet in the search for food.
Birds that are found in the home, it is best to feed special food for Canaries pet store. Many feed the birds better not to give, as they very quickly gain weight, and this contributes to their rapid extinction.
- To multiply the tap start when the street is snow. During the mating period the males of this species become very active. They circle in the air with great speed and without stopping singing, so they’re trying to attract the attention of females. Moreover, in this period the red spots become more vivid.
- Finding a female, the pair begins to build its nest mostly in shrubs. After that, the female lays approximately six eggs that have a green tint with dark spots. The female incubates the eggs for two weeks, all the while the male brings her food.
- The Chicks after birth is carried out in the nest for about two weeks, and then begin to organize the first flights. And as soon as they learn how to produce their own food, they fly from their nests. And their parents immediately begin to create new offspring. So, for one season of tap dancing is usually time to create two generations.
- Young birds that have recently hatched, but already became independent, starting the same lifestyle as their parents.
Interesting facts
- The life expectancy of the tap in the wild is about six to eight years. Although there have been cases where birds lived longer. At home with the proper observance of food the bird can live up to ten years.
- This bird is not afraid of people, can settle right next to their dwellings, and in cold seasons often visit parks to search for food.
- Tap dance because of their small size often becomes food for various predators, but birds not afraid of anything and always boldly fly where you want.
- During the Russian Empire , this species of birds was very popular with the people of noble origin, while the Royal court lived for hundreds of cacheton.
- Tap enable people to approach their nest close. Moreover, if you go to them a few days in a row, they are accustomed to humans and can even let him pet him.