Before buying chickens-laying hens future owners need to know how the chicken lays eggs and if she needed this cock. On the zoorynki you will assure that the chicken can lay an egg without the owner of the yard. But in fact it is not.
A chicken can lay an egg without a male. But just what will the end product? Unfortunately, the Chicks from such eggs to wait will not work.
Trot whether the chickens without a rooster
Can chickens lay eggs without rooster? In order to understand this question, you need to understand how chickens lay. Egg the Mature birds are evolving constantly.
By purchasing grandparents butchered a chicken, you will be able to notice a few dozen yolks is egg, which grows and develops. Once the egg yolks reach in a diameter of forty millimeters, the yolk enters the oviduct. The process continues and forms a protective shell, a yolk – protein.
Exactly three hours later the process is terminated. Thus, the egg goes ahead and puts on a thin film. Film is formed for another hour. The next step is the formation of the shell. It goes most of the time. For eighteen hours this process occurs. Over the next fifty minutes, the chicken pushes the finished egg.
If to speak about norm, that the bird lays eggs daily. For this process she does not need a male, need vitamins and mineral supplements that add food. It should be noted that the formation of eggs is influenced by nutrients.
A normal hen can weigh one to four pounds. Only under proper conditions of keeping and feeding the birds she is going to lay eggs in sufficient quantity. So, why would the bird need a male?
Do I need a rooster and laying hens: myth and reality
Many Housewives keep a rooster. But what is its function? If without it, chickens can be carried and the output is a useful product? This egg will not be inferior to those acquired from the male. The difference is that a fertilized egg can bring the chicken.
But it does need cock. The process of fertilization occurs by contact with the yolk, which is available in chicken, in protein.
Those eggs that were received from the rooster are considered more valuable, and rich. Such eggs can help people cope with various diseases and have great nutritional value. Unlike the ordinary, these can be stored for only five days.
But if stored properly they can be eaten on day 25 or even thirties. The special value of such a product, from a scientific point of view, not proven. However, scientists say that vitamins, hormones and proteins such eggs can help people overcome osteoporosis and even stomach ulcers.
For many drugs used extracts from embryos of chickens. In a nine-day period, these embryos could be a panacea against many dangerous diseases. It should be noted that in folk medicine is often used fertilized product.
In the last century were allowed to use injections of the fertilized product. It was considered that this product has cured many previously incurable diseases. Nowadays this method is not used.
Today, anyone can buy common eggs from the hens in the store, and the fertilized product on the market or in farms.
That’s where the chicken gets a balanced diet, is growing healthy and full. From hens in free space, fresh grass, animal protein, sand and all what she needs in large quantity. But if the hens looked after by the owner-a rooster, it’s for the best.
Can chickens lay eggs without rooster
Many of us are of the opinion that the egg that was obtained from the male, will be much healthier and tastier than ordinary store-bought. In fact, the cock. It is not a happy family laying hens, and in terms of its content and the correct range.
The advantages of content rooster near the hen should include:
- The breeding of future generation. Ordinary chicken eggs not hatch.
- Discipline in the coop. The rooster is the leader, so it will keep all the hens in order.
- He is able to protect the territory of the house. As you know, roosters are fighters by nature. Therefore, having claws, spurs and beaks, he will be able to ward off predators that prey on poultry. As well as to destroy rodents that encroach on the food in the coop.
- Having a bird for beauty. This is true, but the roosters do not only have a fighting spirit and a brave face, but is able to carefully take care of their chickens.
- Alarm clock. Farmers have to get up early, the rooster can be a great alarm clock, waking the whole house when you need to go to feed the animals.
- They make for tasty and healthy meat. They grow into large birds, so for those who love to cook a good lamb stew for the New year, this could be a great option.
The disadvantages of holding rooster in the hen house include:
- Aggression. Males can fight not only with those who are like them, and bully the females. Sometimes animals can hold a grudge against the owners. And at the first opportunity to get back at them.
- Loving birds quite often treading the hens, causing them injuries. In addition, roosters are not averse to fight with each other or with other inhabitants of the yard. So with this you need to be careful. Any inflammatory process in the hen can lead to infectious diseases and will affect the final product.
What is the role of a rooster to hens
The main role of the male is not only to impregnate the chicken. The order in the chicken coop and here the social role of big bird. The rooster is the leader who keeps order and prevents disputes between hens.
In addition the role is as follows:
- It ensures that the chicken got up on time.
- It can ensure that all the chickens had enough feed, and some chickens are not taken food from others.
- He can put a chicken in the house and ensure that she brought the eggs.
- The bird might even show chickens, what kind of place you can rush. Such a process not uncommon in the relationship between the rooster and inexperienced girls.
- While walking he tracks to time the chicken returns to the fold.
- It eliminates rodents or reports about them, or the appearance of danger is its main function.
- During the approaching danger, he would shout and clap their wings.
Most importantly, what not to do to the owner of the coop is to punish the bird. If the farmer publicly punished the ringleader, the hens could lose him to the level of trust.
To choose, of course, you need a rooster in your house. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.
To summarize:
- Eggs, which are fertilized by the rooster, you can hatch out chickens.
- The bird helps to keep order in the henhouse: disciplinary chickens and helps them time to rush.
- Roosters make for a tasty and wholesome meat.
The result of one chicken could live without a cock and give eggs every day. But in order to have offspring, the rooster is needed in any case.