
The main types of birds of prey Russia

Birds – amazing creatureswho can not only please the eye by its graceful plumage, but also admire the speed, agility and beautiful flight. Among the known species of birds birds of prey was always of great interest to humans.

Born hunters, with great curved claws, very sharp look and incredible maneuverability, they are designed killers. Attacking their prey, these birds know no mercy.

Falconiformes – birds of prey squad, which includes the following eloquent representatives: falcons, eagles, Buzzards, hawks and others.

Daytime birds of prey

Not all birds that get their food from hunting are predators. Many species feed on different animals, however, as birds of prey they are not klassificeret. Maybe someone will surprise, but the owls that inhabits many in Russia, birds of prey attributed not accepted. Though they have many similarities with eagles and hawks, their klassificeret as nocturnal predators.

Although all birds of prey belong to the carnivorous, their diet may include not only reptiles and mammals and even insects. The same applies to the Shrike or the Skua.

Zoological systematics relates to the category of diurnal raptors only those that belong to the order of falconwing.

The most famous of them:

  • hawks;
  • eagles;
  • falcons;
  • eagles.

These are just some of the daytime birds of prey who share a similar appearance: the beak is curved down, curved, and very sharp claws. The color from the heterosexual members of these species mostly are almost the same, however, females are several times larger than males. Taking into account this fact, to distinguish males from females even with the naked eye from the side.


A fairly large predator, which has a bright beautiful color: a dark top with a grey tint, yellow eyes and light transverse bands on the breast. The weight of an adult ranges from 700 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

Goshawk has long been numbered among the harmful predators, but is now protected by the law of Russia and is under protection as other species of daytime birds of prey.

He preys on various birds, deftly and with predatory prowess of destroying crows, blackbirds and other birds. Don’t shun protein and even young hares. Mostly his victims are sick or wounded animals from the clutches of the powerful beak they just can’t leave.

Inhabits Northern Goshawk almost throughout the vast tundra and in the Northern areas, on floodplains in the southern tundra. They nest usually on very high trees, and the eggs that the female lays the hawk, have blond color with specks of dark colors.

White-tailed eagle

This is a bright representative of the detachment diurnal raptors inhabiting the territory of Russia. The weight of such specimen varies from 4 to 7 pounds, and the wingspan can reach up to 2 meters. It should be noted that a distinguishing characteristic of this handsome white-tail, can be seen only in adult birds, which for more than three years.

A young specimen has a tail of dark color, because of this, it can be confused with Golden eagle or an eagle. However, to distinguish the bird in flight. Tail eagles will have a wedge shape, while the eagle it will be rounded.

The habitat of this predator – almost all of Russia, except the waterless wilderness and the far North. Breeds in the hunter on deciduous trees and occasionally on rocks. In places of nesting eagles definitely will be near ponds and rivers where he can in the required number of forage fish and waterfowl, where it usually hunts.

On-site open tundra to meet the eagles – a great success. As a rule, in such places, the bird prefers to nest. Their nests eagle in this area settles on the hills or cliffs.

The eagles are not different such devotion and fidelity as swans, but in choosing a partner is always constant. The female usually lays up to three eggs, which are white color and small brown spots. In some cases the spots can be ochre.

Orlan is an incredibly beautiful predator listed in the Red book. The preservation of this species – one of the priorities of Russian environmental protection laws. This predator tends to avoid people and seen cases where the eagle has migrated to a distant cliff from their homes near water bodies with frequent occurrence there.

Falcons and eagles

Falcon is amazingly fast bird, a born hunter. The speed at which the Falcon is able to develop in the process of hunting may reach more than 320 kilometers per hour. In the sky the predator feels incredibly confident and usually always overtakes the victim.

Falcons and eagles inhabited the greater part of Russia, except the Arctic zone. As eagles, falcons very often domesticated by people and used in hunting expeditions. His master Falcon always remains true and trusted friend.

Perfect vision, a beautiful tail, prehensile claws, with the steel strength, a massive, curved beak – the distinctive features of the Falcon and the eagle.

Like many other birds of prey of Russia, the falcons are protected by law. Some species of falcons, such as peregrine falcons or Gyrfalcons are forbidden for export from the country.

Nocturnal birds of prey

Birds are predators that hunt their prey mostly at night are called nocturnal birds of prey.

The brightest representative of this species is the owl that has several subtypes:

  • owl polar or white;
  • marsh owl;
  • hawk or Falcon.

If rare species of daytime predators have seen is not all, a large part of the population of Russia with enviable regularity can be found in the urban environment owl, not to mention the forests where their lives much more.

White owl

It is the largest representative of the family of owls, with a wingspan of 1.5 meters and 70 centimeters body length. Young owls are different variegated color, while older females are white with spots of black on the head. Paws owls have abundant plumage, yellow eyes and beak with a black color.

The owl preys on rodents and some birds, such as gulls, snow Buntings, waders and even ducks. Sometimes the owl can tear forest animals caught in a trap. For this reason hunters do not like owls and can destroy them at the meeting.

Short-eared owl

More than any other species of owls in the tundra and wetlands can meet swamp owl. In the winter months, this species roams throughout Asia and Europe, can reach even to Africa and America.

The main difference-eared owl of the Arctic is its size. Length of adult birds ranges from 30 to 40 inches, and the scope of its wings is not more than 1 meter.

Its color is brown or yellowish, legs and beak are black. In her diet can get not only rodents, but also frogs with insects.

Hawk owl

This owl can be attributed to daytime predators. It has much in common with the Falcon, so it is often called the hawk owl. Sharp wings and manner similar to falconry hunting, screams and incredible bravery, fast climb, and fast attack make her the best hunter among his kin.

In Russia hawk owl found in the tundra, which falls on floodplain areas from the Ob North.

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