
The ranking of the most rare birds in the world

Ecosystem today depends on the birds. They facilitate uniform distribution of seeds are pollen, protect the plants from harmful insects. Besides helping the ecosystem, birds have the amazing beauty, grace and funny habits.

Scientists have conducted studies aimed at the identification of the most rare birds around the world. The journal Current Biology has published a list of rare birds, research was conducted by specialists from Yale University and the London Zoological community.

Rare species of birds

Unfortunately, some members of the list of rare birds really are on the verge of extinction. Poaching, unsuitable weather conditions, the lack of the usual feed-all of these factors are detrimental affect on the increase of population.

So, the most rare birds to date include:

  • marvelous spatuletail;
  • the Indian bustard;
  • Brazilian merganser;
  • the frigate bird;
  • fired;
  • Honduran emerald;
  • kakapo;
  • Momot cinepoly;
  • Indian Hornbill;
  • crested IBIS;

According to researchers, these representatives are considered the rarest on the planet. Many are on the verge of extinction, but they have the amazing beauty, extraordinary in appearance and very rarely catch the eye of a man.

Description of rocks

Bird breeds wondrous spatuletail is considered to be poorly known and rare representative of the family of hummingbirds.For the first time the attention of observers of this bird was attracted in 1835. The body length of this bird does not exceed 30 cm, the weight of a small. This creature of amazing beauty, with feathers of different colors are perfectly combined among themselves. The tail is decorated with only 4 long feathers, the ends of which are rounded. It lives mainly in Peru, the ranking of a rare bird occupies the tenth place.

In ninth place in the ranking is the Indian bustard. This is a fairly large specimen, with a height of about 100 cm, weighing about 20 kg. the Tail is designed in beige-grey and brown tones. Males have crests, females are slightly shorter and lower weight. Limbs long and strong, three-toed. Inhabits the steppes and fields of India, listed in the Red book. Since 1970, is the national symbol of India.

On eighth place is the Brazilian merganser. The habitat of this species consider the southern Brazil, northeastern Argentina and Eastern Paraguay. To date in nature there are only 250 individuals. Body length is about 60 cm, weight less than a kilogram. On view is a small creature with feathers, designed in brownish – green and grey. There are white spots. The head of the bird is crowned by a tuft.

In seventh place in the ranking of rare birds is bird the frigate. It belongs to the family pelecanoides, species large, length about 100 cm, weighing more than 1.5 kg. Plumage mostly black, only the head and wings of white. The tail is long and forked, males larger than females. A distinctive feature of males is considered to be the throat pouch of red. Habitat is considered to be the regions of South and Central America, and some areas of the Palearctic.

Sixth place was given to the representative under the name of scorched. Little birds, with a total length of 18-20 cm, the Plumage combines several colors, from Golden yellow to dark brown. The wings and tail have a greenish tinge. Habitat is considered to be the Hawaiian Islands. In most cases, it settles in dry areas: forests, fields. As the species was first described in 1877.

In fifth place is the Honduran emerald. By the title you can guess that the individual was first detected in Honduras. It belongs to the family of a Hummingbird, very small, length is 9 cm beautiful Plumage of emerald green, breast and abdomen white, the back, on the contrary, black. has a long beak. Habitat is considered to be tropical dry forest. Listed in the Red book.

Fourth place is a parrot , kakapo. Belong to the genus of parrots, beautiful bird has a yellow-green plumage, with black spots. The occipital part of the back has shades of green, from light green to emerald. Strong beak is white, short legs. Habitat is considered to be New Zealand, and South-Western regions of South island. Prefer to settle in the forests with high humidity.

In third place is Momot cinepoly. Medium-sized bird with bright plumage and a luxurious tail. Named because of the peculiar arcs above the eyes, intensely blue. The color of the feathers blue, green, orange and black. Habitat are considered the tropics of the New world.

The second place, the researchers gave the Indian a bird of the rhinoceros. A large specimen, height about 63 cm Color of feathers is usually black color, the abdomen, the throat and underparts of the tail are usually white. A male and female of the same size, difficult to distinguish. Widespread in the tropics of Asia, including India and Sri Lanka. It is considered omnivorous, eats fish and vegetarian food.

The rarest bird in the world recognized as the red-legged or Japanese IBIS. Today these birds in nature have not more than 10 individuals. The color of the feathers of the crested IBIS white, with a barely noticeable pink tint. The head and feet of an IBIS red, rather the red-brown color. As places of settlement of these birds often choose the rice fields, settle near bodies of water. Eat fish small in size, frogs and other reptiles.

Protection measures

The most rare species listed in the Red book around the world, people are struggling to save. In the first place, tightened control over poachers. It is forbidden to shoot and catch the birds during the mating period. Some species, for example, Japanese IBIS, it is forbidden to catch in principle.

  • Experts are trying to breed rare species in captivity worldwide, in special reserves. Representatives of endangered species are accommodated in pairs, providing all conditions for living and reproduction.
  • Some countries have banned the cutting down of those forests where most often it breeds rare and endangered species of birds.
  • Unfortunately, no conservation measures will not help people in the fight against weather conditions. Every year the climate is changing not for the better, the birds are dying because of the lack of the usual weather conditions.

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