
What birds live in the suburbs and Moscow

Birds of Moscow and the Moscow region are characterised by diversity. In this area you can meet birds of different sizes and types. Birds live in forests, fields and near marshes, but some species prefer to settle near man in parks and gardens.

Undoubtedly, the nearest metropolis is having a negative impact on their habitat. At last count, ornithologists in the Moscow region there are about 200 species of birds.

Birds, most other animals can be seen strolling through the parks. After several years of observation, ecologists have found in the areas of parks and yards are more than 70 species of birds. Among them are rare and endangered species listed in the Red book.

Consider the most famous birds of Moscow region and Moscow:

  1. Blue tit. A small titmouse with bright yellow and blue plumage. Common bird in Europe, Asia and Northwest Africa. In the wild, lives in mixed and deciduous forests, especially in birch or oak. The beak and tail of the bird short. The body length of blue Tits 12 cm, and the weight is 7.5 to 14.5 gr.
  2. Sparrow. This is probably the most frequently occurring bird. The most famous species – house Sparrow. The male’s head gray, throat and breast are black, the shoulders are white stripes. From the beak to the eyes are drawn brown lines. Young individuals and females brownish hue, and lower body light. On the back dark and light spots.
  3. Raven. Survivor the world of birds. The average life expectancy of 70-80 years. Feathers bird beautiful metallic black colour with gorgeous shimmer. Wingspan can reach up to 1 meter. Raven is one of the most intelligent birds in the world. These birds communicate not only voice, but also able to Express emotions with gestures.
  4. Tit. A small black bird with a crest on the head. Head and wings are black, the abdomen white. Live birds in coniferous trees. They can often be found in parks, where they come in search of food. These birds seldom leave their places, only in extreme cold fly away to warmer climes, but soon come back.
  5. Cuckoo. The bird is known to all his “ku-ku” and the original eggs. Rather, they did not hatch, and throw in the nests of other birds. Externally, the cuckoo resembles a dove, but the body she is gray with light spots on the wings and fairly long tail.
  6. Gray crow. One of the most famous birds of Moscow region and Moscow. They used to live very close to people eating different waste who are looking in garbage cans. This gray birds easily recognized by small size, black head and wings. The beak is strong and powerful, which she manages perfectly. Crows quickly get used to person, some individuals become Pets.
  7. Bullfinch. Bright beautiful bird that everyone knows. Breast it is red, the head black, wings black and white. Many wonder why these birds are seen in summer? The answer is simple. Bullfinches live in one place, summer in the forest where a lot of different vegetation. But in winter, when food’s scarce, they fly closer to humans in search of food.
  8. Dove. Very famous small bird. The body color of a pigeon is bluish-grey, uppertail is white. It’s a sedentary species, their population can be found in Moscow and in the suburbs. It may seem that the number of rock pigeons is not changed. But in fact, every year the number of these birds are declining sharply.
Seasonal birds of Moscow and Moscow region

Bird population inhabiting the forests around Moscow and the Moscow region to distinguish between the seasons of the year.

Winter birds

Winter birds are represented by many types, here are some of them:

  1. Grouse. This bird chicken options, Turkey. The female is grey and unremarkable, small size. The male is impressive, with bright black brown color of the body. This bird is one of the few that remains to winter in Moscow and the Moscow region. Because of the large size and great weight prefer to travel by land.
  2. Chaffinch. A small bird with bright plumage. The main difference between the red breast and green back. Thanks to this painting, the bird is very noticeable on the snow. Finch – a songbird that makes a melodious warble. It got its name due to the fact that often remain to winter in the Moscow region and Moscow.
  3. Grouse. Body top species a shade of gray, and the bottom is brown with white spots. Prefer to live in coniferous trees, especially near spruce. On the head of the male has a crest and eyebrows red. Grouse do not fly long distances, so move on land. They are well adapted to winter conditions of Russia.
  4. Jay. The bird is small in size with beautiful feathers. The body of Jay grayish-pink, and black wings with prominent blue stripes. To see her is difficult because she prefers to hide from the people in the trees. But also Jay is famous for his melodious voice and the ability to harvest food for winter.
  5. Tit. To meet it in a variety of places, such as in forests, forest edges and on banks of reservoirs. Nests in niches, hollows or cavities of trees. Very attracted to the man. Winter break in flocks of other birds and together with them searches for food.
  6. Woodpecker. A large part of his life spent in search of food. After inspecting the trees and find insects, bird begins to rapidly break beak bark. Autumn and winter diet of a woodpecker is changing. So he breaks off the tree lump and beak remove the seeds.
  7. The Waxwing. Very interesting bird of medium size. The head has a tuft on throat black spots. Body colour is pinkish-grey. The Waxwing is not afraid of people and often allows them to come close enough. In the cold season enjoy the autumn berries that roam them in the stomach. This waxwings getting drunk, often can not navigate in space, fumbles, crashes into various objects and often dies from it.
Summer birds

In spring and summer does not stop the trill of birds. In a green area of Moscow-heard melodies of different types.

You can hear the trill of birds the following:

  1. Yellow Wagtail. Bird is small, weighs only 20 grams. The tail of her disproportionate, long and always shaking. She used to live in one place and is constantly in search of new housing. Winter flies away to warm countries, and remains there until APR. Prefers to search for food on the ground, in the air doesn’t like to hunt.
  2. Ivolga. A very striking bird with a red beak and yellow and black plumage. In spring and summer, likes to swim in the waters. Oriole makes an interesting and unusual sounds. So, from melodic and beautiful trills to a nasty scratch, which sometimes ears pop.
  3. The Nightingale. Best the singer of the forest. But in fact, not every member of the species can sing. The skill of singing, they learn from the fathers or neighboring individuals. The appearance of the Nightingale is not as attractive as the voice. They are brown and ugly with big black eyes. Fly away to winter in warm areas. But in the summer Lodge in the woods, parks, thickets of bushes, where they hide from cats and other predatory animals.
  4. The rosy Starling. A beautiful bird with a crest on the head. The bird is migratory, prefers to live in the interstices of rocks, in the cliffs between the sticks. These birds are wonderful helpers in agriculture, actively destroying locusts and other noxious insects.
  5. Rook. Rook is often confused with a crow, because he looked like her. But the rook has no beak feathers, and he looks graceful. Rook has long been considered harbingers of spring. Rooks are the best helpers of the farmers: in the fields they destroy harmful rodents and insects. Birds have good intelligence. With the help of sticks and twigs they dig the ground in search of food.
  6. Thrush. This bird does not differ bright appearance. Usually they are gray or dark gray color with an orange chest. But this inconspicuous bird is compared to the Nightingale, as the thrush, a very melodic voice.
  7. Swallow (urban). The bird is less than Sparrow. Elongated body and wings, the head is flattened, the beak short, belly white. In the air gather in flocks and are able to hover at different heights.
Birds of prey

Birds of Moscow region and Moscow:

  1. Buzzard. Big bird size up to 50 cm, wingspan of 1 meter. The dark individuals are the spots on the sides, or dark transverse line. The Buzzards have another name – common Buzzard.
  2. Gray owl. Bird-owl-sized crow. Males weigh 470 grams, females – 620 gr. Color brownish or gray, round large head, dark eyes and large. Tail and wings are relatively short. These owls prefer to live on old trees, but they can also be found in the attics of buildings. In winter and spring, the owl is active during the day, the rest of the night.
  3. Long-eared owl. The body weight of 250-300 g owls. The color of the plumage is reddish-gray with black spots. On the head are two bundles of feathers. These owls are nomadic, migratory. They can be found not only in woods but also in parks and residential areas in the suburbs.
  4. Eagle. Unique predators that can hunt not only small prey, but larger animals such as deer, calves, sheep. The size of the eagle, an impressive wingspan of 2 to 2.5 meters.
  5. Eurasian bittern. Endangered species of birds listed in the Red book. Eurasian bittern – direct relatives herons. Breeds in weedy ponds and swamps. Color birds speckled (yellow-black stripes with spots). Voice quite unlike bird’s trill. It is compared with the roar of the wind in an empty pipe or a bull’s roar. The day the birds are hiding in the bushes.
  6. Merlin. The largest relative, the Falcon. Color Gyrfalcon white with gray or black tint. The Merlin is distributed in the Northern part of Russia, but also found in the suburbs. Winter flies rarely. It feeds on small rodents, birds and animals. Merlin often taught to hunt.
  7. Peregrine. This bird is a serious predator. As a rule, the peregrine selects remote places to stay. It prefers to settle on the cliffs of the ponds and rocks. Eats only small and medium birds. Rarely chooses life in urban places. In the precincts of the village he lives on the tops of buildings. In 2008, it was found that a pair of birds nesting on a tall building of Moscow state University.

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