Identification of daily activity trace animals
Winter route accounting of game animals (3MU) was recommended by the Ìglavohotaî as the main post-harvest to determine the number of animals in the wetlands …
Winter route accounting of game animals (3MU) was recommended by the Ìglavohotaî as the main post-harvest to determine the number of animals in the wetlands …
By nature a hunter like every person – an optimist. So he doesn’t like to think about failure, much less talk about them. So, in …
One day I hunted a huge semitones of an elephant that was destroying crops in the entire valley. Seeing the huge mark he left on …
My father was a long time traveled to Khabarovsk to the gold mines to earn money, it was in the Soviet period 1980-1990 the city …
Want to license the ability to buy and store weapons? Today it is not a big difficulty, you only need to know what documents and …
The ultra-modern market for hunting knives is now represented in all its splendor and diversity, so to make an accurate choice is not an experienced …
Hunting for wild boar, very exciting, but it requires a certain approach to the choice of weapons and equipment, which we now consider. On the …
The continuation of a series of rare horizontalor from Izhevsk 1940-ies with locks on the side plates. Izhevsk a shotgun 1930-ies reviewed by me in …
From airguns to shoot much cheaper than shooting firearms, while engaging relatively quiet and fairly easy shot from a pneumatic – no less than a …
The charm and beauty of this hunting is that it takes place individually, and the final effect of the hunt is not based on skill, …
Hunting pheasant is a very exciting experience for the hunter. Every man in the blood for a long time to track down a long-awaited trophy. …
Many people think that hunting is entertainment for adults that kind of adult play. Do not forget that every game has its own rules. Special …