How to accustom your kitten to the scratching post
Kitten in the house is not only a playful animal that delights its owners with their naughty behavior, it’s also a big responsibility that falls …
Kitten in the house is not only a playful animal that delights its owners with their naughty behavior, it’s also a big responsibility that falls …
Not all pet lovers know what a slicker brush. To put it in simple terms, it is just an ordinary scratcher for cats. It is …
Everyone knows that the cat is an independent animal. So to get her to do something against her own will is unlikely. Females often compare …
Kittens are born quite small and weak, and 1st time all the problems lie “on the shoulders” of the mother cat, but after three weeks …
The appearance of a small mewling creature in the house entails not only endless joy and affection, but also a lot of different concerns. Therefore, …
British kitten is not only a beautiful animal. It is characterized by flexible and at the same time playful nature. The Briton loyal to his …
Everyone who ever met the cats of breed the Maine Coon, can confirm: it is extraordinarily beautiful and quite large animals. Outwardly they something even …
Cats are popular Pets. Very often adults and children dream to cute and playful kitten settled in their home. However, before you have a kitten, …
When the family cat begins to defecate in the apartment anywhere – it becomes a real problem. Cosecha the smell of urine is very stable …
To teach your dog some commands, it usually is, these ets are willing to train. Another thing is cats and cats that are very headstrong …
Claws animal in the first place, weapons, so many owners often receive from them a large number of problems ranging from torn Wallpaper, and ending …
Nowadays people are concerned not only their appearance, but appearances of their Pets. After all, to paraphrase a famous saying, appearance, cat – face of …