

Common Name: Pumpkinseed Scientific Name: Lepomis gibbosus, lepomis meaning “scaled gill” cover, and gibbosus meaning “wide margin.” Distribution: Though they’ve been introduced everywhere between the …

Rainbow Trout

Common Name: Rainbow Trout Scientific Name: Salmo gairdneri Appearance: Rainbow trout have a heavily spotted, silvery and/or green bodywith a large, unmistakable swath of purple, …

Rock Bass

Common Name: Rock Bass, a.k.a. black perch, goggle-eye, rock sunfish, red eye, goggle-eye perch Appearance: Rock Bass have dark, mottled bodies that serve to camouflage …

Smallmouth Bass

Common name: Smallmouth bass, a.k.a. black bass, smallie, redeye, bronzeback, brown bass, brownie. Scientific name: Micropterus dolomieu (Micropterus means “small fin”; dolomieu was named after …

Steelhead Trout

Common Name: Steelhead Trout Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss Appearance: A migratory, saltwater strain of rainbow trout, steelheads are generally sleeker in shape and more silver …

Striped Bass

Common Name: Striped Bass a.k.a. striper, rock, rockfish, striped sea bass, striper bass, linesider, squid hound, greenhead. Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis Appearance: Dark olive to …


Common Name: Splake Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis x S. namaycush Appearance: A man-made hybrid of female lake trout and male brook trout produced mainly in …


Common name: Walleye, a.k.a. walleyed pike, doré, pike, jackfish, jack, and pickerel (note, however, that the walleye is not a pike, despite the names) Scientific …

White Bass

Common Name: White Bass, a.k.a. stripers, white lightning, barfish, striped bass (incorrectly), silver bass, striper, stripe, sandbass and sandy. Scientific Name: Morone chrysops Appearance: White …

Yellow Perch

Common name: Yellow perch Scientific name: Perca flavescens (Perca means “dusky”; flavescens means “becoming gold colored”) Appearance: Brown and yellow on the sides, green to …