
Crossbow Archon from Interloper

Compound crossbow “Archon” going Russian company Interloper from parts Taiwanese company Poe Lang and in its original form is called Titan CR-041. This is a powerful throwing weapon, suitable for hunting game birds.

The description of the weapon

Compound crossbow with the Lodge poliestireno type of high impact plastic. Coloring only camouflage, cover, rough, prone to peel. Bearing of shafts made of aluminum profile.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • The ergonomics of the Lodge is successful, it pricedata and well balanced. Much attention is paid to pad the shoulders of the bow held securely and do not vibrate. This increases the shooting accuracy.
  • The tensioner pulleys have a slightly larger diameter than usual at the crossbows of this design. This increases the stroke of the bowstring and increases the kinetic energy of the arrow, its stability in flight and stopping power.
  • The design of the Lodge is such that it is possible to install the mechanical tensioner of the string. The guide boom is anodized, it is carefully polished.
  • The trigger mechanism with two septulae. The force on the trigger is only 1.6 kg. Unfortunately, the adjustment is not provided. Fuse automatic check box is on the right, move it under the left arm is impossible.
  • Butt Lodge has too many cut-outs, which reduces structural strength. Among the reviews from the Network, there are observations that during post carriage bed broke.
  • Covering of the Lodge is rough, it allows you to securely hold the crossbow in the most unusual positions. Resistance low to prevent oblezenie box should cover nitrovarnish.
  • In the package is the quiver for four arrows under the block.
  • Included in the delivery set optical sight of low quality. No highlighting marks, the possibility of the elimination of parallax, lens of acrylic plastic.
  • The allowable stress on the tooth of the trigger is equal to 136 kilos, so you may upgrade and use more powerful shoulders – in stock form they are designed for a tension force of 43 kg, and upgraded to 90 pounds.

Despite the many cutouts of the Lodge, the crossbow is very heavy 4.2 kg. The ratio of mass to lethal force he is clearly losing the firearms. For example, IZH-18 12 gauge weighs 2.7 kilograms.

Crossbow Titan (Archon hunter) with reinforced shoulders 90 kg


The crossbow is designed for sport shooting and hunting “for Peru.”

Feature The value
Type Block
Swing arms (cm) 55
The course of the string (cm) 35
Force staff/upgraded (kg) 43/90
The speed of the arrow’s flight (m/s) 85/110
The standard size of boom (inches) 21
Bed Polupoltina, plastic
Coloring boxes Camouflage
The trigger mechanism Two whispered, the smooth descent
Fuse Automatic
Protection from a single shot There
Sights Planck weaver, 4x diopter
Length with stirrup (cm) 92
Weight (kg) 4,2
Device crossbow Archon
  • Crossbow block type, with two odnorodnymi pulleys – the rate of tension is equal to two.
  • Bed from impact-resistant plastic poliestireno type of large cutouts on stock and forend.
  • In the forearm, in front of the trigger guard, the lug, for ease of hold. The coating is dull, rough, the coloring is camouflage.
  • Shoulders bow as two parallel plates of elastic plastic. Block of metal, with holes for lightness. For zakanchivaya Central securing screw has additional side bolt. Reduction of noise and vibration due to the special design of the shoulder mounts, shock absorbing dampers, as MK-380, no.Stirrup for ease of loading the fixed, fixed to the block by bolts.

The design of the box allows the installation of a mechanical tensioner of the string.

  • The trigger mechanism unregulated, with two septulae. The force on the trigger does not exceed 1.6 kg. Fuse automatic check box is on the right. The safety clip that holds the arrow has a rubber-like coating.
  • In the set of sighting devices includes a strap weaver, whose position can be adjusted, and four-time diopter sight. Brand of sight is not illuminated, there is no possibility of adjusting the parallax.
Picking and packing

Crossbow Packed in the box unmarked – just brown cardboard and all. The details laid out on branches from the cardboard strips.

In the package:

  • bed crossbow with strap weaver;
  • pad Assembly with the shoulders (43 kg), bow and stirrup;
  • fourfold the rear sight with the adjustment key in a separate package;
  • four carbon fiber arrows with a length of 21 inches;
  • the keyset of hexagons and mounting bolts (without reserve);
  • strap made of synthetic belt (wide with shock absorber-lining) to be worn on the shoulder;
  • the cord tensioner of the string, allowing you to do this effortlessly;
  • a jar of wax for rubbing the bowstring;
  • original instruction manual in English;
  • a separate multi-language manual for Assembly and use with certificate of compliance civil weapon on one of the pages.
How to use

The Assembly of the crossbow is made for the pictures from the instruction manual.

  1. The bowstring is pulled smooth and strong motion of both hands upward. A crossbow should be recorded in a foot set in the stirrup. It is not allowed to bias the string, for a tooth of the trigger it is necessary to catch the middle. When setting in the platoon will hear a distinct click.
  2. When using the cord-tensioner, hook it hooks over the string, setting them the same distance from the rail, and pull up. This method reduces the tensile force in half, but can be uncomfortable because the hands will have to raise much higher tooth of the trigger – almost to the butt plate.
  3. The boom is mounted on the guide so that it rested in the string and was the rear end under the retaining clip. If this is not done, the lock is a single shot will not allow to shift the trigger.

You can shoot only if the line of sight there are no people or Pets.


Crossbows “Archon” offered by the Internet shops at the price from 24 to 28 thousand rubles. Can something like this stuff, then the crossbow will cost mere pennies.

Next will be presented the reviews of the owners of block crossbow Archon from the Interloper.

  • The owners of this crossbow is a lot of power.
  • To shoot at hard targets – boards, plywood, wood, they are not recommended, because the arrows fall apart after the fifth-sixth attempt.
  • With the existing optical sight, you can achieve good results in shooting (precision, accuracy) at a distance of not more than thirty meters.
  • With more advanced models can effectively shoot at a distance up to 50 meters even with the regular shoulder.
  • In the Network there is mention that the decorative coating is not very resistant. To strengthen the box cover nitrovarnish.

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