
How to make a bow with your hands

You can purchase this accessory in the store, but you can to make yourself, it would wish. And today we will tell you how to make a classic block and a bow to hunt with their hands and arrows at home.

Bow is a beautiful weapon, since ancient times known to man and still enjoys popularity not only among romantic young people, but also sportsmen and hunters. The choice of this weapon is amazing.

How to make a classic bow with their hands

This weapon works by transferring the string to straighten out the shoulders by pushing the force that causes the arrow to fly at a certain speed.This depends on the speed of the tension force. Popular models in this category are Mongolian, Bear Archery Supermag and Deer Master.

What you will need

Need to prepare:

  • The plane.
  • Hacksaw-a saw.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Knife.
  • Jigsaws (for a composite bow).
  • Drill (for a composite bow)
  • Glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Varnish, paint for finishing.
  • M6 bolts (for a composite bow).
  • The material for the string (fishing line, rope, synthetic or silk thread).
  • Material for a bow – PVC pipe or wood (yew best of all, you can take and ash, juniper, cedar, willow, walnut, ash, larch, elm).

Classic bow with their hands

One option

The easiest way to do the onions whole, taking PVC pipe with a thickness of 4 cm. The length of the measure, based on the distance between the ends of the fingers in the extended state and the middle of the thigh. The ends of the pipe do notches where you attach the bowstring.

The product obtained is not very sturdy – it only a few times is enough.

Option two

It is a composite model, which will have to Tinker a little longer. But the design will be more durable and reliable.

  1. First, we need wood to cut the Central part (the base), to which will be attached to the shoulders. The width of the Foundation in the center 5 cm, and the edges – half inch. The bar for the workpiece has dimensions of 40 by 4 to 6 inches. Material – oak or birch. You can glue the blank of several layers of maple, beech or other wood.
  2. The shoulders do the same pipe PVC and reinforced with pieces of tubing of smaller diameter is inserted inside. Apply on the edges of the notches where you attach the bowstring woven from silk thread.

You can still do the shoulder ready sprung slats taken from a sofa or bed. The length of these elements is usually from 70 to 120 centimetres. The optimal thickness of 12 inches. Cut out details at an angle (preferably just two). At edges, make a notch for the bowstring to a depth of 7 to 8 millimeters. The shoulders with the base connecting bolts M6 (under which it is necessary to drill holes).

Even easier to make the shoulders out of the skis – they are perfect. It is best to take a narrow ski, but wide will have to erode. Fit both plastic and wood products. In this case, the total length of the bow should be from 120 to 140 cm.

Compound bow

These models differ from the classical fact that due to the presence of blocks-eccentrics need to exert less effort when shooting. And precision and accuracy, and firing range increase. Popular with sportsmen and hunters use these block models as MK-CB50, Condor PKG, Orion, Hawk and others.

What you will need

A very simple option assumes:

  • Two powerful springs (on the car).
  • The two casters of metal (parts of automotive lift on the market are purchased) and two metal pins on 4 cm (axes).
  • Eight furniture corners and two angles at 4 inches.
  • Two furniture hinges.
  • Four brackets of metal in the form of the letter “P” (wheels attached).
  • Screws the usual 30-35 pieces long and 4 pieces.
  • Ropes of synthetic materials (of a bowstring).
  • Bars of wood with a length of 46 cm (2 pieces for the shoulders), length 40 cm, width 4 cm and thickness 2 cm (2 pieces for the base) with a length of 16 centimeters and the same length and width with notched edges (2 pieces for the fastening of the springs).
  • Hacksaw.
  • Jigsaw.
  • File.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.

Make a base by attaching the edges of the bar sorokametrovoy two small shestnadcatiletnih. Use for fastening the corners. Strengthen the construction of long screws. Bring the surface to smoothness with sandpaper. To the shoulders fasten the U-shaped brackets wheels (which make the slots on the ends of the shoulders). Axes will serve as studs.

At the edges of the bases fasten the furniture hinge (of the veil). Paint all parts (best from a can of paint, it dries fast). Then attach loops to the shoulders (in the middle) to the front end, and screwed the corners. They will hook it springs which the second end engages a recess in the bars of the framework. There was only the string to pull.

How to make a hunting bow with their hands at home, described below.

Hunting bow

Modern bows for hunting can be simple (one piece), and a complex, recursive and block having different length and capacity. Ready the cost of some branded models is quite high, so I will show you how to make a hunting bow alone. And in “field” conditions.

Hiking easiest option
What you will need
  • Durable wood (cedar, fir, cherry, pear, Apple, elm, pine, birch, larch).
  • The knife is sharp and comfortable.
  • Fat animal.
  • For the string cord, the leather strip with a width of three millimeters or stems of nettles twisted.
  1. Choose the forest any flexible branch.
  2. Try on for size, attaching one end to the thigh, the other to the end of the arm.
  3. Peel bark from, cut out the desired shape.
  4. In the middle of the thickness and make the thickness of 5 cm, the edges – 1.5 cm.
  5. For the string grooves are spaced from the ends of 1.25 cm.
  6. The finished product is rubbed with animal fat.
Composite model
What you will need
  • Wood for base (otherwise, kibiti) is taken single-layer, dense, not flexible. Best to get close to the root of the tree.
  • For the shoulders (or horns) take a cherry tree growing near the water.
  • For the string cord, the leather strip with a width of three millimeters or stems of nettles twisted.
  • For bonding parts glue with crushed fish heads.
  • Birch bark, spruce plate “of the Kremlin.”
  • Fat animal.
  • Knife.

Blanks are cleaned from bark and well dried in a dark place. After roughing, the second is drying. When all the parts are cut, they are dried already in the sun. If you want to shoot from one knee, one horn (shoulder) are doing shorter. If this is not expected to do the same. Face bow – up to 1.5 meters can be. The dimensions of the framework – as in the above-described composite models.

Parts are glued with fish glue for strength fixed by animal sinew. The basis is impregnated with fat (or cedar resin). Inside onion paste record from the “Kremlin” spruce on top of warm bark, boiled and softened (fiber have along). It remains to attach the bowstring.

As for the arrows for the hunting bow, then make them with a diameter of 6 mm, made of wood without cracks. At the rear of the insert of flapping feathers.

Lightweight wood is good for small game, solid for big.

If the birds want to hunt, just sharpen the tip of the boom. If something bigger had noticed, take a tip. Metal, bone, silicon.

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