
How to make a crossbow with their hands

Even twenty years ago, bow or crossbow for private use do not exist in nature. Some cranks and fanatics of historical reconstructions were taken for their manufacture at their own risk, absolutely no idea what to get.

And all because of which lasted several tens of thousands of years the accumulation of experience and honing skills in making and using throwing weapons in our time, was once interrupted and anathematized.

Now all these rare knowledge got from dusty chests, learned to make bows and crossbows with the use of modern technology, and the army of the followers of William tell and Robin hood is growing at a geometric rate. Today we have prepared for you the drawings and diagrams that will show you how to make a crossbow at home.

How to make a crossbow with their hands

Despite the abundance of online stores that sell throwing weapons, and a fantastic breadth of product range, there are many who want to make a crossbow yourself. Most of them don’t know where to start. Today we will tell you about the main design features of the crossbow. This knowledge will help you avoid manufacturing errors and also disappointments and injuries when using it.

Before starting work, you should know two main points.

  1. In our country, the crossbow is an entertainment and sporting weapons. Hunting them is prohibited. Any throwing weapon with a tension more than 43 kilograms is considered combat and the right to use which give licensing authorities, the Ministry of interior.
  2. The crossbow is design experiencing tremendous stress during operation. Therefore, any negligence in its manufacture is likely to lead to injury. Any part must have a significant safety margin.

So, let’s learn how to make a simple crossbow in the home.


Source of energy of the crossbow is the bow – elastic plate of complicated shape having one main bending and, as an option, two extra on the ends. To start making a crossbow it is necessary with this part and to fit it under everything else – the type of tension (recursive or block), size of box, type of the trigger.

Wood and composite

Sharply there is a question about what to use as bow materials: wood, composite or metal?

  • The tree is the wrong choice. Affordable “piece of wood” lying under their feet – it’s rubbish, fit only for firewood stoves. Branches cut in the woods as they dry and lose their elasticity, crack and fall apart. This material can be done only for short-term entertainment in the country. Of the models that are sold in stores, and having in its composition a tree, a very popular Scorpion and MK-250 and a tarantula .
  • Compositecreated from fiberglass and epoxy resins is very tempting and looks easy. But there is an obstacle – the need for scrupulously accurate observance of technology of all works. The proportions of the mixture, drying, exposure. The home is nearly impossible.

Leaves one no alternative – metal. If you have at hand an old “Moskvich” with a set of leaf springs, then consider yourself lucky. Out of the whole package takes a single sheet the second. If you are not too afraid of the dimensions, and the first will do. The more that he has on the ends of the tube – a bracket for mounting blocks or string.

For fastening the bow to the stock is used last. This U-shaped design comprises a box front. It can be welded to the leaf spring tightly, but in this case, bending the bow welded joints will experience excessive voltage to the gap. Therefore, it is better for the Shoe to fix the ball stud from the VAZ 2108. On its pin and attached bow. This is useful because the leaf spring has a hole in it.

If you are very strong, you can stay at a recursive method the tension of the string (as in the Fox, MK-80, MK-21, etc.). But it is better to choose a block (as in models of Predator, MC-400, MC-380, MK-52 and others). For mounting the blocks on the bow, if you chose the second spring sheet, it is necessary to fix the brackets at its ends. Bolt (or better yet riveted) connection is preferable to welding, because the site is experiencing a strong vibration. As pulleys use parts of the lifting mechanism of glass of the same “Moskvich”.

Regarding the string suggests an obvious solution: a thin metal cable. But it is not quite true as steel cables bad can withstand variable loads. Better to choose a climbing rope with a diameter of 5-8 mm.

Making a bow and pinning it to a string, you can carry out full-scale bending test. It is great if you have the dynamometer kilos 100-150. As a result, you will learn two parameters, necessary for further work: the stroke length of the string and the load.

How to make a Lodge on a powerful crossbow at home, read below.


For this particular homemade crossbow tree – only option. But not all. In any case, not aspen, alder, spruce or pine. Better beech, elm, oak. The workpiece is dried during twenty years. It is clear that such a you never find. So use water-resistant plywood with a thickness of 7-9 mm. From it cut out 3 or 5 circuits of the Lodge, and then glue this package epoxy resin.

Not very nice, but extremely reliable.

  • On the form – give up poliestireno, use a straight English stock. It is not only easier to manufacture, but more durable.
  • During Assembly of the package box must be considered and the course of the bowstring, and the load. The first indicates the distance from the pads to the groove for the trigger mechanism. Second – the thickness of the walls of the box in its mounting location. It video English Lodge will allow you to avoid excessive thinning at the transition from the forearm to the butt.
  • The most important detail of the Lodge of crossbow – bearing arrows. It should be smooth and durable. It is possible to use plates that frame the side Windows of the car, furniture accessories, other similar shaped items.
  • If you are using a block type of string tension, in the fore-end under the guide needs to be a groove for a rope system. This is another element that can weaken the box, so give up the thoughts to make the fore-end graceful. High protect your fingers from getting under the string and traumatic amputation of the phalanges.

Crossbows usually have a box of plastic, as for example, model MK-120, Styx, Archon and others.

How to make a homemade trigger for crossbow at home, described below.

The trigger mechanism

If you are not a mechanic of the sixth category, then discard the idea to make this item yourself. Make an effort and find USM from any spring-piston air rifle. In the complex case, you have only to modify it the tooth that holds the piston – it can be small for a thick string.

Above the trigger mechanism is arranged in the casing with a height of 2 to 5 cm, is necessary in order to protect it from moisture and dirt, as well as serving as a basis for sighting devices – straps for optics or rear sights. Bracket weaver, Picatinny, or dovetail can be purchased at any online store that sells Pneumatics.

The front part of the casing above the trigger mechanism is executed in the form of a long (10 cm) elastic “tail”, which is the rear part of the boom is retained on the guide.

Production of arrows

Canonically correct ammo for the crossbow are called ‘bolt’. But many online stores sell crossbow arrows. For crossbows with rifle box, fit a length of 14, 16, 20, 22 inches. To be perfectly Frank, it is better to store arrows you can find. Unfortunately, the cheaper 150 rubles none of them are worth it. So you should try to make them myself.

You can make them from wood, straight grained, without knots. How to use parts of furniture – balusters from chairs, railings cots. Good arrows are obtained from aluminum pipes with a diameter of 2 cm If you want you can even use the electrodes of the maximum diameter, but they are hopelessly bent when hit and they’re hard to tie the tail.

For the tail use a thin plastic. Natural bird feathers can give an unexpected effect of chaotic change of direction, because they have natural curves that need to be able to take into account.

The main condition for nice, smooth flight balancing. The center of gravity from the crossbow bolt should be after the first third of the length from the tip. If it is not metal, the end of the boom, you can load lead wire wrapped around the shaft.

The question of equipping the boom tip should be treated without fanaticism. To sharpen the metal on lathes, milled and polished, giving a refined shape, these operation is available to few. In addition, this tip is extremely dangerous. If you do not need to penetrate armour, wooden bolt you can just sharpen at an angle of 30 degrees, using a normal knife.

How to make a crossbow that shoots, with their hands out paper, pencils and other materials will be described below.

Cool shooting games

Shoot toothpicks or matches can be made from wooden clothespins. To do this, disassemble it and redo:

  1. narrow groove for the springs of one half extend up to 1 cm, on the second do the same, but indented by 1 cm;
  2. the front ends of both halves, from the narrow grooves for the springs, make a longitudinal groove depth of 1-2 mm;
  3. collect the clothespin halves inside out, pinned them with a thread;
  4. install the spring clothespin legs into the slotted grooves, and spiral outward;
  5. set the toothpick in the hole between the halves;
  6. click on the spiral spring, shifting it in a semi-circular cutout;

Foot of the spring slides along the long slot, click on the toothpick and make it fly.

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