
MK-120 crossbow recursive

Recursive crossbow MK-120 company Man Kung has been discontinued but still found in the offers of the online stores. In most cases, it is counterfeit, for which nobody can guarantee. However, this model is quite popular because it is the most easy – 1760 grams – all with a box of rifle type.

Device description

Recursive crossbow with a box of rifle (bullpup) type, belonging to the throwing arms of the initial level. Figure 120 index of the model indicates the force in pounds (LBS), which are designed for the trigger mechanism.

Translated into pounds, it is 54,43 value, putting the crossbow into the category of dangerous toys, but no more.

Box in the form factor of the bullpup, plastic, with a large number of through-cutouts. Guide arrows aluminum strap with a light yellow decorative coating.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • The ergonomics of the box is pretty good, crossbow ProClarity, with a good balance. Handguard high, so there is no fear that when you fire your fingers will get under the string.
  • A large number of notches on the bed much easier, but the designers made it with obvious damage for strength. To use this weapon is very delicate. Guide of thin aluminium sheet does not inspire confidence, it is quite soft, the appearance of the scratch, accelerating the wear of a bowstring, it is highly probable and inevitable.
  • Bow one-piece, with two battle lines. It is installed in the block by tightening down a single bolt. Therefore, a backlash that reduces the accuracy, is inevitable. The force of string tension is small – 43 kg, this allows the use of crossbows for almost everyone, especially if you use fixture cord to hooks, which reduces the effort by half.
  • Working stroke of the string is small – 25 cm that is enough to disperse the boom to 50 meters per second and to provide a firing range of 20 meters. For fun is enough.
  • The trigger mechanism unregulated, with one sear. The descent is tight, which does not increase the accuracy. The crossbow is on guard automatically, this increases safety of use. Protection from a single shot there.
  • There is an external sights: adjustable in two planes pillar (this is useful for zeroing) and fly on the front safety bracket. They have no fiber-optic strands, so the fire in the evening is impossible. But it’s for the best, because MK-120 is quite dangerous and can inflict serious harm with inappropriate use.
  • There is a strip of the type “dovetail” for installation of optical sights. But at this range it hardly necessary. Package includes the rear sight (twice). Its cost is almost a third of the price of the entire crossbow.
  • Very light, just 1 kg 800 grams, which is two to three times smaller than more powerful models.

Crossbow MK-120 R


Use the crossbow MAN KUNG MK-120 for recreational shooting at distances up to 20 meters.


Crossbows MK-120 have the following characteristics:

Feature The value
Type Recursive
Swing arms (cm) 68,6
Stroke length of string (cm) 25
Tension force (kg) 43,4
The effective range of fire (m) 20
The stock material Plastic
Fuse Automatic
Length with stirrup (cm) 75
Weight (kg) 1,76
Device crossbow MK-120
  • The classic recursive crossbow with a one piece bow with the double curve of the shoulders.
  • Bed type “bullpap” – handle and the trigger forward, holding the bowstring tooth. It is made of black high impact plastic, with a large number of through cut-outs to facilitate construction.
  • Guide arrows made of aluminum with yellow colored (anodized) coating.
  • Handguard high, without extra padding.
  • The butt plate with no padding, has a number of large toothed notches.
  • The bow is placed into the inner groove pads and secured with screws. For depreciation there are two rubber gaskets. At the front end of the stirrup pads set (metal). It motionless.
  • The trigger mechanism designed to force 54.43 kilograms. Move the trigger unregulated, whispered one. Fuse automatic check box located on the right side.
  • Sights consist of a rear sight set – front sight and strap of the type “dovetail” with a width of 11 mm. the rear Sight is adjustable in two planes, the front sight is fixed. Fiberopticheskie threads there.

The package includes a rear sight (2-fold) without lighting brands.

Picking and packing

Packed in a cardboard box with foam absorber sealed in plastic. Cover in red color with the inscription Crossbow, a picture of a crossbow and arrows.

Package includes:

  • crossbow disassembled (bed with pad and bow);
  • string;
  • two aluminum arrows with a length of 14 inches.
  • dioptric;
  • a set of keys and bolts for Assembly.
How to use

To bring in the firing position, the crossbow is going, focusing on common sense and the drawings on the opposite from the lid side of the box. Bolt the bow was tight, but in such a way that the cushioning strip is not deformed.

To install the bowstring is better to use a so-called stringer – auxiliary cord a little more length than the string. It is purchased separately. The string before installing it is necessary to twist two or three turns, so she became a single beam. Its the middle part of the grate the wax for better sliding and sound.

For the tension bow, lower the stirrup of the crossbow to the ground and lock it in this position foot. The string is stretched with two hands, energetic and smooth motion upwards. It is impossible to prevent its misalignment relative to the rail. Registration platoon is accompanied by a characteristic clicking, but release the bowstring smoothly need.

The arrow is laid on the guide. Its front end must be under the bracket with the front sight and the rear should rest on the string and presses the safety strap.

For shooting slide the fuse box forward and pull the trigger. Before doing this make sure the arrow is not directed on people and animals.

The price and the reviews on the crossbow MAN KUNG MK-120 (man Kung mk-120) given below.

Prices and reviews

This crossbow is from 3300 to 4500 rubles.

  • According to those who bought the MK-120, it is suitable for initial familiarization with the weapons and rules to use them.
  • Adjustment is difficult due to the low quality of the optical sight and the backlash in the attachment of the bow to the Shoe.
  • If you are going with this crossbow only to have fun, its capabilities will fully satisfy you.

If the price does not suit you, you can always try to make yourself a crossbow.


Both in appearance and technical characteristics of MK-120 crossbow similar to Yarrow Model B. the Essential difference with the latter is that the shoulders it formed. It weighs 800 grams more than 2.5 kilograms.

You can also mention other popular recursive models:

  • Scorpio;
  • Fox;
  • MK-80;
  • Tarantula.
  • MK-21.

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