Recursive crossbow with rifle stock, and Yarrow Model F is very similar to the Model H, but has its own design features. For example, it has a strip of the type the weaver rail for mounting optical sights. Durable and robust, it can be used for sport shooting and hunting small game.
The description of the weapon
Recursive crossbow with a rifle stock made of wood, covered with dark varnish. A feature of the design is a massive forearm with a rail of aluminum alloy. It can be mounted optical sight.
As ammunition for the crossbow Model used Yarrow F boom length 16 inches.
Advantages and disadvantages
- The design of the crossbow was created with a large margin of safety. Handguard rail with a massive, solid aluminum casting.
- Wooden carved bed polupoltina not exactly subtle, but it is convenient (pricedata) to use. Comb and pillow under his cheek, the arrow (Monte-Carlo) is on both sides of the butt, this crossbow can use and righties, and lefties. Convenience and safety when using solid wood adds a cushion on the bottom of the forearm. There is no fear that the string will tear off your fingers.
- In contrast to the model N, this crossbow stirrup is not formed, it is rigidly fixed to the Shoe. This increases the dimensions of the weapon that is not too good, but when loading is not required to make additional movements.
- The automatic fuse, with the checkbox off, accessible from both sides. However, it is made in the form of a pin with notches, so to turn on and off it might not be too convenient if the mittens or gloves. Protection from a single shot from a crossbow is not, and this option he would need (she’s got weapons of a higher professional level).
- There is a level of weaver rail on which to hang the telescopic sight. With a complete set of external sighting device designers have overthought. It has as adjustable rear sights, adjustable in the horizontal plane, and a diopter – tube installed in her crosshairs. The diopter does not possess any special qualities that are inherent to the collimator sights. But it greatly narrows the viewing angle. Shoot them at moving targets – it is absolutely hopeless.
- To change the line of sight depending on the range of the shot, strap weaver is equipped with a screw-lamb. It is easy to use only right-handed.
The boom position on Yarrow Model F
- This crossbow can confidently get into the “top ten” at a distance of 30-40 meters. Lethal force is enough to stop small game.
- For fun is too dangerous – the arrow flies over 100 meters, especially losing power.
Feature | The value |
Type | Recursive |
Bed | Rifle, polupoltina |
Material bow | Carbon fiber |
Bed | Polished wood and aluminium |
Swing arms (cm) | 66 |
Tension force (kg) | 43 |
The initial velocity of flight of an arrow (m/s) | 58 |
Ammunition | Boom length 16 (full) and 14 inches |
Length from the buttplate to the stapes (cm) | 89 |
Weight (kg) | 2840 |
Device crossbow Yarrow Model F
- Recursive crossbow with rifle stock. Handguard and rail – solid cast aluminum detail, with two wide cutouts. The butt of wood, varnished, plastic buttplate, fixed. On the butt comb and pad for cheeks arrow (right and left).
- Onions – plate of carbon fiber with two bends (recursion).
- A feature of the design is that the bow is not a block to insert into the hole and securing with one bolt-hex, and a groove that is opened by unscrewing the base of the stirrup. The stirrup itself is stationary.
- On the top face of the pad, a safety clip, the base still flies (it is made from brass in the shape of a cone with a ball on the end).
- Fuse automatic trigger mechanism with a fixed stroke of the trigger. The box of the fuse pin with notches is available on both sides.
- The crossbow is equipped with a weaver’s strap width 11 mm for mounting of optical sights. In the package there is a rear sight and a diopter-tube with a diameter of 2.5 cm with a crosshair. Strap on a movable base, its inclination is regulated by the screw-lamb. The rotation of the screw is selectable. Each division is 5 meters.
- Used for shooting arrows of length 16 (regular) or 14 inches.
Picking and packing
Details of the crossbow folded in the foam absorber with recesses, which are sealed in plastic. Sliding on top of a cardboard wrapper in a light grey colour with the inscription Rescurve Crossbow Yarrow, a picture of a crossbow and a model index. On the front surface of the lid the inscription in English on the back in Russian.
In the package:
- the stock of the crossbow;
- bow;
- two aluminum arrows 16 inches;
- string;
- set screws and keys;
- stirrup;
- the manual and certificate.
How to use
The Assembly of the crossbow starts with the installation of a bowstring on the bow. This can be done alone or with a rope with loops whose length is 10 cm greater than the length of the string.
- Slip the loop of the bowstring at the end of one shoulder and slide it to the middle.
- The second loop wear regular. A rope with loops thrown at the ending of the shoulders and hold the bow with your foot, pull it. Slide the loop of a bowstring on a regular place, loosen the rope and remove it.
- Harvested onions are placed in the groove pads by unscrewing the two screws of the bracket stirrup and pushing it. Shoulders put on the bottom, and the string should be on top of the rail.
- Bow is secured with one bolt. On a pre-glued two cushioning pads, focusing on the two white stripes.
- Armed crossbow pose, resting his leg on the floor and holding his foot. To pull the bowstring need two hands, evenly, preventing its imbalance. Hook the tooth of the trigger is accompanied by a click.
- Boom set red stabilizer into the groove of the rail. Its front end is located under the clip with the front sight and the rear rests on the bowstring and held by a clip release mechanism.
The sighting of the crossbow is at a distance of 15 meters. The screw-lamb, which changes the position of the weaver strap must be in position “On”. The turn of the screw by one division – the increase in the distance aiming at 5 meters.
From the use of the diopter supplied should be abandoned immediately and buy a reflex sight, which is the diameter of the lens-eyepiece not less than 2.5 cm.
How to strengthen
To enhance the crossbow will fit any bow that will go into the groove pads. It should be noted that the tooth of the trigger that holds the string, usually designed for effort two and a half times greater than the tensile force. Excessively reduce the proportion of dangerous!
Prices and reviews
The price of crossbow Yarrow Model F ranges from 4900 to 6500 rubles. The owners note the extreme reliability and indestructibility of design.
- When shooting at a distance of 50 meters the arrows form a circle with a diameter not exceeding 10 cm.
- Lethal force is not lost, and up to a hundred meters, but the diffusion of arrows unpredictable.
- For the stretch of a bowstring best buy cord-netznik with hooks and rollers.
- The diopter supplied is almost useless – small angle, the crosshair is too thick.
Similar models
- First, the absolute counterpart of this crossbow is a H Model from the same manufacturer.
- Similar in technical characteristics and design – MK-150A1R from the company Interloper.
- Good reviews are “brothers” Yarrow Model F models T and S. the Popular products and models D, E, H and Z. The choice is yours!