The drug Covenan used in veterinary medicine, is classified as hormonal medicines. It is based on proligestone is a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone progesterone.
It is used in cases when it is necessary to suppress the libido in females cats and dogs. On the use Covenan we describe below in more detail.
Areas of use Kwinana
This hormone preparation has the following indications:
- inhibition of sexual desire in cats and female dogs;
- treatment and prevention of false pregnancy;
- treatment of pseudoelasticity in dogs.
Covina for cats and dogs part
The active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic substitute of progesterone proligestone. 1 ml contains 100 mg of this tool.
Proligestone corticosteroid has minimal estrogenic and androgenic activity. Thanks to these features, the use of the drug in cats and dogs practically does not cause negative reactions, but only if it was used in therapeutic doses. With regard to the degree of danger for warm-blooded species of animals, Covenan refers to low-hazard substances. He will not have a sensitizing, irritating or toxic action.
Auxiliary substances include:
- Polysorbate 40;
- methyl – parahydroxybenzoate;
- kalium dihydrophosphate;
- macrogol 4000;
- sodium citrate;
- sorbitan palmitate;
- lecithin;
- water for injections.
Release form and features intact
Covina is a sterile liquid for injection. It has a white color. The drug is sold in glass containers of 20 ml. Vials, tightly corked with rubber stoppers and run aluminum caps.
Covenan should be stored in original packaging in a dry place, protected from light, storage temperature is 20-25 degrees. You can’t keep it near feed and foodstuffs.
Under the conditions of storage, according to instructions, the product can be fit for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
The cost and analogues
In pharmacy packaging Kwinana with a capacity of 20 ml costs about 2000 rubles.
The number of peers this means:
- Castril;
- Perlatex;
- Depo-promon.
Covina for cats manual
Instructions for use Kwinana the use in cats and dogs. The drug should be administered strictly under the skin of the animal in the middle part of his skin folds. It is impossible to prevent injection inside the skin and the introduction of subcutaneous fatty deposits and scar tissue.
Just before the introduction of the vial should be well shaken, and the site of injection must be decontaminated using 70% alcohol solution.
For the treatment and prevention of pseudoaccacia and false pregnancy in dogs Covenan should enter one-time, the dosage is 1-3 ml depending on the weight and breed of the animal:
If the weight less than 20 kg, the dosage is 1 ml:
- from 21 to 40 kg – 2 ml;
- from 40 kg to 3 ml.
But to the oppression libido in cats, the dosage is 1 ml per weight of 7 kg and above. If necessary, the dose can be increased to one and a half milliliters.
Patterns of use
With the aim of developing persistent anestrus cats and dogs Covenan administered according to the doses according to the following scheme:
- the first injection during anestrus (both for cats and for dogs) or during proestrus (for dogs);
- the second 3 months after the first;
- third predusmotrena four months after the second procedure;
- then the introduction is carried out every five months.
In those cases, if the dog, which according to the instructions, give Covina will continue to show signs Predtechi ( proestrus), to prevent unwanted consequences of an animal injected in the required dose out of the lineup.
After that, the pattern of use of the drug will depend on what was the interval between injections before appeared unwanted symptoms of proestrus:
if the interval between injections was five months, after the early injection Covina administered to the animal in four months, and then every five months;
if the interval was four months, after the extraordinary use of the drug has to be administered according to the basic scheme, which was painted just above.
That once to prevent sexual desire in cats or dogs Covenan should be entered once. If we are talking about dogs, during anestrus, and no later than a month before the heat, and if the cats, while di – or anestrus.
To suppress estrus in dogs Covina is introduced immediately after showing signs of proestrus in the form of increased loop or spotting. These symptoms slowly disappear during the week.
The sexual cycle in dogs on average is restored after six months, sometimes the heat can recover in the period from 3 months to a year.
Side effects and contraindications
As already mentioned, this drug is safe in animals.
But according to the instructions in rare cases, there may be side effects such as:
- biometric;
- a slight increase in the body weight;
- hyperplasia;
- an increase in appetite;
- endometrial;
- slight hypertrophy of the mammary glands;
- lethargy.
The likelihood of these effects may be higher if the animal along with Kwinana were given other medications that are similar to progesterone. But immediately after its introduction may be a local painful reaction to a small extent. Also coat the site of injection can be clarified, also the coat may be slightly poredet. Sometimes the drug can cause adrenaline the suppression, as well as other progestogen.
In the instructions there are a number of contraindications to the use of this tool:
- pregnancy and lactation animal;
- the period of estrus;
- do not give to animals suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system;
- if the animal observed long-lasting vaginal discharge;
- cannot be used if the dog was treated with the use of Progestogens and estrogens from the false security;
- the later stages of proestrus and before the first estrus;
- if you have diabetes.
Personal precautions
When you give the animal Covenan should follow the General rules of personal hygiene, and safety that are spelled out in the instructions. When the procedure is finished, be sure to wash your hands with warm soapy water and put medicine out of reach of children.
What the owners say about Covenant
If you believe the reviews about this drug, the dog owners say that when used regularly every six months the animal will always be calm. But also make sure that the pet is healthy before the first time she will give Covina. Efficiency of application is noted only when the animal has no serious illnesses.
So we reviewed the features of homeopathic medicine Covina that is used in veterinary practice to suppress sexual desire in cats and dogs female. Now you will know in which cases the animal will need it.