
Grooming of dogs and cats what is the procedure?

Specialized beauty salons for animals in our country have appeared recently, but they are in great demand. Here put in order not only dogs and cats before the show, but ordinary Pets who also want to be beautiful. Each pet grooming provide hygienic and aesthetic procedures, one of which is grooming. Let’s see, whether it is an animal and what are the procedures necessary to perform.

What is grooming?

Professional grooming is not only elimination of the old and too long hair, but a complex of hygienic proceduresthat aim to ensure that the pet looked good and was perfectly healthy.

It includes:

  • Careful cleaning and gentle rinsing of the ears.
  • Essential manicure claws: cutting, facing, machining with special preparations.
  • Rinsing and cleansing the eye.
  • Bathing – hygiene and disinfection.
  • Treatment of parasites.
  • Trimming – removing dead hair for those breeds that cannot fade. This procedure is mandatory for most wire-haired dogs such as: Australian shepherd, Russian Borzoi, a Pomeranian.
  • Trimming of the coat.
  • Safe teeth cleaning.
  • Combing, getting rid of tangles, forming a beautiful shiny and easy coat.

The sooner you start caring about the appearance of the pet, the better it will look like your pet, and the less time is need for the hygienic manipulation.

The services provided by the salons, can be performed by yourself at home. You will need to buy a few special tools, and hygiene products. To care for your pet regularly.

Here is a list of procedures that need to be made:

  1. Daily combing.
  2. Neat haircut once a week.
  3. Gentle ear cleaning – once a month.
  4. Clipping the claws twice a month.
Features clipper animals

If Housewives like to visit beauty salons to update their image and shortening the length of the hair, their Pets these treatments just hate. However, without timely shortening of the coat, the grooming, the pet will lose all the beauty and charm. But it can also lead to skin diseases and infestations.


Grooming of dogs and cats includes the following options of wool circumcision:

  1. Hygienic haircut, which provides easy care for your pet, this is especially important in the summer heat. Animal hair shear or scissors, or clippers in both directions, the regrowth of the fur. Before the procedure, the master will inquire about your wishes. Each breed has its own standard of the length of the hair, even if your pet does not participate in exhibitions.[embedded content]
  2. Homogenization (blending) is the final procedure which the fur looks natural. In the process of blending disappears visual transition from the new to the short coat to the old, longer.
  3. The owners of dogs of decorative breeds with long hair regularly, make your favorites top notes. This hairstyle, with lots of bows, barrettes or rubber bands improves the overview of the pet, to clean up overly long curls and make it look very beautiful.
  4. Haircut model occurs both for exhibitions and for everyday life. The options of creativity that can be implemented on a chic fur coat of a cat or dog, is huge. Each owner is free to choose for your pet any interesting option. Cats usually under cut lion, Cougar or dragon. Dogs are often painted safe colors in unusual shades, creating interesting patterns and images on the fleece.
Tips for grooming pet:
  1. For most animals, especially Pets, are no show, grooming the process of grooming is high stress, so this procedure must be performed only by external indications. Wool need to cut animals that look bad or feel in disturbing the curls and tangles.
  2. Anesthesia or sedatives are given strictly on the evidence – in those cases, when the animal is too aggressive or behaves can not physically withstand the whole procedure without forced falling asleep. Master grooming try to dissuade the owner from unnecessary medical intervention in the body of the pet.
  3. There are times when dogs and cats get nervous not so much because of my haircut, but because of the unusual situation. But also independently carry out the manipulation is not always convenient and correct. Invite a specialist from the salon to his house. If you have previously with this wizard have not experienced and it does not work from a salon, to make sure of the quality of his work, save all your receipts to avoid unpleasant consequences.[embedded content]
  4. You should be prepared that after the haircut, the color and texture of the coat changed little. For example, would be a bit darker and thinner.
  5. Sometimes after grooming, the fur grows very slowly. Be prepared that it will not grow to the length that you’re used to seeing.
  6. We should not deprive animals of hair on the tail. It is not necessary to trim the hairs in the ears, mustache and eyebrows. With a hairstyle of hair on the head also should be careful.
  7. The grooming procedure includes not only washing and cutting, but cutting claws. To procedure was safe for pet, it is necessary before any operation that may seem unpleasant to him, to trim the claws.[embedded content]
  8. Cats are cut very rarely – once in 3-4 months and then as needed. Dogs mow more frequently – every 2-3 months or once a year, before the summer season. This does not apply to animals participating in exhibitions. They are cut at the request of the owner before important competitions.
  9. Yourself to cut the hair of a pet is not recommended. This is not your regular devices, you will have to buy a special clipper wool. The result may disappoint the owner, and even harm the pet.
How to trim nails?

Trimming claws is one of the most important and useful procedures, which must periodically be conducted for your pet. Independently at home is very difficult to draw obstriganie efficiently, painlessly and safely, especially for animals with black nails – for the nail plate that color is not seen in the core.

It is particularly important obstriganie claws for dogs – when regrowth is more laid they interfere with walking or grow into the pad, causing your pet severe pain. Master grooming use some special scissors for trimming off the excess, they are called kogterezki. And the claws need to be sanded and filed down.

You can trim the claws in adult cats, due to the transparency of the nail plate.

Here’s how to do this operation yourself:

  • Choose a time when the cat is tired and its sleepy. During this period, she is the least active and will not be able much to resist. The process should be accompanied by explanations in a calm voice.
  • Prepare the nail clipper and the hydrogen peroxide – if you suddenly cut off the excess.
  • Move the cat in a warm, well-lighted place.
  • Pet the cat, gently place it.
  • Tapping with finger pads of the feet, you release the claws. Examined them in the light, you can see that they are heterogeneous – from the top visible part of the living, with blood vessels and capillaries, to cut it is not worth it.
  • Circumcision of the claw must be done carefully, securely locking the cat, keeping at least 1-2 mm and pink halves. Culturecom need to act transversely to the growth of the Horny plates, the downward direction, holding the tool perpendicular to the cut surface.
  • Don’t forget the fifth claw grow, it can dig into the pad, delivering severe pain to the pet. It is located higher than the other claws and the back legs.
  • The final part is polished with a special nail files are not necessary for very young kittens.

Similarly, you can remove the excess Horny plates have dogs, if you can see the light of the living tissue. If this is not possible, you should periodically rasp claws special with a flat file once every 2-3 weeks.

Caring for eyes and ears

In the process hygienic haircut specialist grooming pays great attention not only hair on the body, but on the head. It affects the health of your pet and how well he can hear and see.

Around the eyes of dogs and cats, especially those who often walks on the street regularly accumulate dirt and different selection. To gently cleanse the area, you need to use cotton pads and special tools. It is not necessary to clean the mucous membranes with dirty hands!

Special preparations carefully clean the fur around the eyes, and some of them are slightly lighten brown spots characteristic of the light breeds. Care for dogs with bulging eyes need special regularly to remove discharge from the corners of his eyes. It’s such breeds as Pekingese, pugs, Japanese chins, griffins, bulldogs, dogs, etc.

Weekly, you need to carefully remove the contents of the tabs. Masters in the salon to do this procedure quickly and painlessly, picking up a special tool for each breed. At home you can use a special cotton sticks, vegetable oil, hydrogen peroxide.

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