Dwarf Spitz is a type of inbreeding, which was developed due to breeding German Spitz with other dogs of decorative breeds. The selection was made to reduce the size of the pet to the dwarf, to improve the fur of the animal, and to obtain unusual colors.
Pomeranians originated in Germany, in the Prussian province of Pomern.
In the late nineteenth century, Spitz was taken to England where he began to hold interbreeding individuals for launches oranges.
General characteristics and special traits of the breed Pomeranian
- There are analogues of the official name: Pomeranian, Pomeranian, Pom, and Pom Pom.
- Growth of an adult is 18 to 22 centimeters.
- Weight varies from 2 to 3 kilograms.
- The most common colors: only officially registered 12 types of shades – black, red, brown, chocolate, sand, grey, white and two-tone color combination.
- Length of coat: the coat is long and has a thick undercoat.
- Period of a dog’s life can reach up to 16 years.
- The main poles bear Pomeranian types: small and decorative size, simplicity in your care, the dog is equipped with a natural mind.
- Disadvantages to individuals: and a lot of loud barks excessively agile and active, quickly excited, it becomes playful.
- Price for a small puppy Pomeranian: the cost of the dwarf bears can vary from 500 to 1200 dollars.
Distinctive features of the Spitz little bear
Øpizza bear breed have a rounded head type and the flattened shape of the muzzle and the cheeks of dogs has thick and fluffy coat.
Spitz bears have a more rounded snout, in contrast to other types who have it more flat. Spitz look plump and it seems that wool is much higher than it really is. They look very like a cute and clumsy Teddy bears.
I must say, that every dog from this variety of the breed carries its own individual characteristics and traits. To determine the variety of the Spitz is possible only in adulthood, therefore, to understand exactly what type of puppy Spitz is quite difficult.
How did this breed of dog?
So in the middle ages most European countries were bred and crossed a small breed of dog that closely resembled a modern Pomeranian. Previously they had a bigger body type was created for hunting. Spitz our time have retained in their genes the characterization of the behavior of their ancestors, so they see themselves as true defenders when you rush to the defense of the house or its owner.
Then began to produce a small selection of puppies in one litter, and then made their crossing, together with puppies of a similar size. You can imply that these actions occurred on the territory of Pomerania, hence the name of the breed.
Such a beautiful and decorative dog liked and attracted the attention of Queen Victoria, then they began to breed in the UK, where particularly popular were the dogs, who weighed not more than 3.5 kg. In the future the puppies were classified into three species: Fox, bear and toy. Who breed varieties suited to the foxes, who to bear, and who the toy was became clear only at the stage of growing up puppies. Heredity in this process plays no role.
The behavior and purpose of Spitz Pomeranian
Past hunters and guards have long left behind, and now the fluffy cubs have nothing left, how to act as a pet and loyal friend.
Pomeranians are in their nature unusual in one line. If the dog dearly loves his master and loyal to him, and she likes to be at home, where it can be properly treated, it begins to copy the behavior and actions of its owner. For example, repeats the style of gait, in some cases it produces certain sounds, coughs or snores. If the owner is friendly, active and sociable, the dog becomes a moving, noisy and susceptible to various games.
When the owner got used to the quiet, peaceful way of life, spends many evenings in the comfort of your home, then pet becomes a lover at home. Sometimes the dog becomes difficult to bring even a simple street walk.
You can also view a detailed description of the appearance of the dog and character in the video or the photos located on the Internet.
How to buy a puppy of the Spitz type of bear?
The most popular among little puppies has a Pomeranian bear. If you wanted to buy a dwarf bear, it is necessary to decide exactly what purpose you make a purchase. This decision will mainly vary the price of the breed. It is the breeder of the puppies ask to see the veterinary passport of the dog with all vaccinations.
Thus it is necessary not to hurry in purchasing a puppy into your home, the best solution would be to check any. So, until the age of 4 months you will not be able to understand exactly what a Pomeranian is in your hands: dwarf or Pomeranian. At the age of four months of the formation of the shape of the muzzle, so the owner can easily find out its type: bear or Fox. Also at this time, you should carefully examine themselves the ears, the Fox rocks it is much bigger and sticks out at the crown, bear the same type they are slightly visible and slightly bent to the side at the top.
Will be good if you will be able to see and meet personally with the parents of the breed of the puppy. But keep in mind that this breed of puppies are usually quite different in appearance from their parents. Inheritance passed only to the density of the dog’s coat. There is one drawback: since the achievement of the age of five months puppies starts the process of active moult and look like they are starting not very attractive, so breeders often try to sell puppies as early as possible. But it is necessary to insist that the puppy you reserved, lived with his mother at least until the age of 4 months.
Also as a family pet you can take and adult Pomeranian, after a period of adaptation in this case proceeds quickly and fairly easily.
How to name the puppy of breed a Pomeranian?
To name your pet is not difficult, because a variety of names, there are many. For example, you can name a dog in honor of her famous fellow tribesman.
Among the bears of Pomeranian breed on the Internet known two dogs named Shunsuke and BU.
- Most of the puppies are given names according to their external data: Gyroscope, Gloomy, ginger, Blackie. Fog.
- Dog owners who like to read, you can call your pet in honor of a strange literary characters: Tom, Becky, Crusoe, Bang, Lolo, Icarus, Jules Verne, bassoon, Bimbo.
- Many assign their dogs nicknames that are directly related to geographic features and places: Taimyr, Varna, lake Baikal, Altai or Shanghai.
- You can also think of puppy charm and the official name abbreviated name occurs automatically: Marquis, Tutankhamun, Rageguy, Nocturne, Trinity, Snejanka, Radegunda, Mauritius, the enchantress.
How to grow a Pomeranian, and to lead him care?
Spitz has a beautiful and attractive hair. Thus for such thick and long hair must be performed with special care. It is important to remember that the procedure brushing must not occur every day, enough that it would be done once in three days. To make combing the animal should be gently and carefully, using the brush – slicker brushes. Actions must be measured to ensure that the undercoat is not damaged.
The dog wash is very often not worth it. Baby should be only after the shedding process, or to some official event such as exhibition. Before bathing, the dog should be well brushed with a comb.
The teeth of the dog breed Spitz are often exposed to such diseases as periodontal disease. So, to avoid disease, the owner should carry out the brushing dogs teeth with a special brush and paste. Need to clean at least twice a week. You can also buy special bones for dogs in the store, using which the dog will also be able to clean your teeth and mouth. Like any other breed, the Spitz should be every morning to wipe his eyes with a swab dipped in boiled water and carefully monitor the health of his ears.
The Spitz breed is quite small, so there is a certain difficulty to accustom them to the tray. Thus it is necessary to regularly take the pet for a walk, the best will be walking twice a day, this will help the undercoat to correctly and quickly grow.
What to feed a Pomeranian bear type?
A large number of owners makes the feeding Spitz with dry food. Such feeding is simple, and carries a large number of useful minerals and vitamins that are helpful for the health of the dog.
What else can you feed a small dog? The power of the puppy up to 1 year should include a large number of dairy products: cheese, sour cream, yogurt. With a gradual increase in the number of dogs milk products have a relatively reduce. The adult will be enough only two times per week to use the products of dairy type.
Is obligatory presence in the diet of both puppies and dogs eggs. The dog should be given cereals, meat, sea fish, cooked and raw fruits and vegetables.
While dog is strictly forbidden to eat salt, smoked and sweet products. A good treat for a pet can become a slice of cheese or his favorite fruit or vegetable.
How to raise and spend training dogs?
Spitz Pomeranian breed is amenable to training quickly and easily, and difficult serves, and understand his master perfectly. Pet does not need a long time to repeat one and the same. Will be enough if you show him what is required of him.
It is prohibited to train and not to train the individual breed of the Spitz. The dog needs regular exercise, even if it will idle walk in the fresh air. Pomeranians love to run and jump to the music, to walk on its hind legs, perform somersaults, and surprise their owners. It so happens that Spitz does those actions, which had not been previously taught. Pet is able to fetch small objects, trying to catch the nose of the ball thrown by the owner. Necessary and given commands they are able to learn in a short period of time.
Rules in matters of hygiene and proper communication with others Pets recognize during close contact with his owner. Will be enough if you specify several times in the house, a box or basket, and Spitz will immediately understand what you want to say to him.
During a street walk Spiez must find on a leash so he realized that he must be near his owner. Well, if there is some walking will occur in the Park or the square where the dog will be off leash and free to play with it. The Pomeranian happily jumping across the stage, brings the throw of the stick, and also makes the snake between the feet of the owner.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed Pomeranian
- The main advantage of the breed is its intelligence, ease of care, friendliness, devotion to the owner, and also mental faculties.
- The main disadvantages dogs include frequent molting, during which a large area of the house is covered with hair. Also dogs have a very emotional, love loudly and often bark when they don’t expect it, but also hyperactive and mobile. Pomeranians can easily get hurt and injured, which require careful supervision and care. Spitz is not suitable for couples who have young children, as children at this age are not aware of their actions and are able to easily harm the dog.
If you properly care for the dog and surround it due attention, the Spitz type of bear will be a truly loyal friend and a good pet. Bad moments and difficulties of dog can easily support you, to comfort and to cheer, especially if you will be sad.