
Training a German shepherd puppy in the home

The German shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of dogs. This animal is very clever and devoted owner. Its inherent intelligence and natural flair, characterizes her not only as the best caretaker, but also as a friend of the owner. It is easy to do in terms of education and training. Nature has that German shepherd pliable made these processes even at home in compliance with the rules by the owner.

Training German shepherd

This breed of dog is popular not only as a pet. This is the best guard dog. Also they are specially educated and trained to attract in the operational-search activities.

In particular, one of these dogs – Dzhul’bars was awarded the medal “for military merit” during the great Patriotic war.

Characteristics of “German”

This breed of dog is called “universal“.

It is marked by a complex of its own, only her inherent merit, namely:

  • To train a dog for beginner. The man who had not previously engaged in this business, but clearly follows the advice and instructions of training with a dog will pass this way without problems.
  • An extremely intelligent animal. Readily accepts all the commands ready to make a decision on their own.
  • “Warden No. 1”. So it is true. This animal is extremely intuitive. It feels the approach of danger, and ready to go for the protection of owners. It does not need to give a command. The dog itself feels the approaching danger.
The choice of a puppy and his upbringing

If your choice fell on this breed, it is necessary to acquire it in the most favorable period of life of the dog. It is recommended to take your baby aged 1-2 months. So it is not attached to the previous owner, so as to people they get attached very quickly.


What to consider when choosing a puppy

  1. Pedigree;
  2. The physical condition of the animal.

When choosing a puppy, be sure to ask for documents, certificates on health. If you get a dog for your own pleasure, have no commercial goals and desires to participate in the exhibition, the family for you is not important.

But in any case, make sure the dog is healthy. Inspect it, and if you want to go to the vet, who will give a qualified assessment of the condition of the dog.

The basic rules of training a German shepherd at home

Took home this wonderful pup, remember that in the future you want to have a disciplined dog. Therefore it is necessary from the first days to think about training sheepdogs.

Discipline. Often little want to afford more than you because he’s so cute. But if you teach a dog to lie on the couch with a small, she will also be behave when they grow up. From the first day don’t let the actions against them in the future.

Courtesy. Carefully treat little puppy, guide him and praise for all right actions. Take the time to be strict. The team’s first use in the form of games. Your dog feels it like a child. Praise, when to go to the designated place when they eat, and so on.

Mode and order. Feed at the same time from his bowl. Take for this special place. To continue to gather scraps around the house.

Training German shepherd

How to train a German shepherd? To begin the training and education is necessary from the first days in the house. Gradually, as the perception of age.

1-2 a month

In the first place we should start is proucevanje to the nickname. Basic rule: do not twist a name, call is always the same, so the dog learned to react to it.

Gradually accustom to the collar, leash and muzzle. Puppy with young children should get used to it, to further avoid any difficulties. But it should be done with extreme caution. Collar to wear starting with a few minutes a day. Subsequently work with a leash, walking through the apartment.


At first, when little else is not vaccinated, walking is prohibited. Therefore, in the toilet, he will go home. This, too, try to keep discipline. After eating or drinking get him to where he needs to make need.

If you saw the little shits in the middle of the apartment, you can gently poke his nose, pointing to the place where you want to go to the toilet. But to do this trail immediately after he shits. If it happened long ago and you just noticed it, it is not necessary to apply this technique. He just will not understand what you want from him.

2-4 months

Now you can teach you to perform basic commands. It is important to remember that:

“Not recommended at this time to punish the puppy for failure to comply with those or other commands. Be patient, and wait for the moment when he will fulfill your order”.

During this period, the puppy learns the following command:

“To me”. When issuing the command keep something tasty for dogs. It should be encouraged to carry the team to complete the development.

“The place”. To teach the dog to master this command, do as follows. The place where you send the dog, where she will be sleeping, put something tasty for her, for example, bone. Over time, the baby itself will run behind your team and without encouragement. Send baby when you go out of the house.

“Fu”, “No”

This team is not less important for others. But give it to track more strictly. After all, it’s your prohibitive reaction to certain actions of the dog. Say it simply, increased tone and lightly slap the baby.

Production of all these basic commands at home, will give the opportunity to safely go for walks and to continue the exploration teams on the street.

4 months

After 4 months shepherd teaching teams that develop endurance. As in the previous cases, proucevanje to new teams must be accompanied by the promotion as something tasty.

During this period, the owners to teach the puppy the commands “next”, “sit”, “lie “. These commands the dog must perform as long as the owner does not give the command “walk”. Training should be starting in a few seconds, gradually increasing.

With this training you can perform exercises with obstacles. But do not overdo it. Baby is still quite fragile.

A walk in game form throw the stick further away from yourself and ask to bring. Shepherd wants to please and will bring it to you with joy. Be sure for this it should be praised.

Exercise is best done daily. You have to devote time to the loved animal. It is important not to delay the start of training. Should begin while the little shepherd, then, is perceived and remembered better. The training mode of the day is a way of life of the dog. If it does not ask directly what she’ll get used to another, and it’s always harder to retrain.

How much time will it take to train a German shepherd puppy?

Ranging from two to twelve months, the German shepherd requires careful attention from your side.

From this period depends on which is your already an adult and a dog.

That is, depending on how much you are hardy and peaceful, so you will be able to educate the dog.

How to raise a shepherd dog-guard

By nature this dog has the ability to protect. This case it is given in full and one of the best guards.

To raise the shepherd real guard, it is also necessary to impose certain restrictions. This applies to strangers. When you come to visit, or you meet somebody on the street, don’t let to contact with the dog. All kinds of stroking and playing with strangers, teach the dog to be nice with everyone. So the caretaker is not educated. In the presence of strangers give the command “next”. The dog must sit beside you and protect. In this case, you bring up a real guard dog that will not miss anyone, even a stranger on the step.

The exception is family members. Shepherd is a very friendly dog. He is supportive to all family members. Especially loves children, and they him. Playing together, they spend time a lot of fun but it does not affect the breach of discipline. Your dog will be very happy.

How to punish

In any case it is impossible to beat shepherd. To order, you can accompanying light Pat, but no physical force. If you beat your dog, most likely it will be cowardly.

Effective in quality of punishment will hurt the owner. Shepherd aims to please the owner. So your resentment for them will be a good lesson.

The most common error in education

Everyone dreams that the puppy will grow into a large intelligent and balanced dog. What will be clear to follow commands and adhere to the discipline. However, some hope, but do not put so much effort and attention.

For example, a simple feed and walk the dog, and occasionally train. Complete chaos at home, the dog is sleeping and eating where you want. No wonder the dog is behaving inappropriately on the street. How to prevent such a situation? Here actually all depends on the owner. There are a number of errors that will not educate you a Sheepdog properly.


  • · The use of physical punishment. Not talking about light flip flops which you are trying just to pay attention to the puppy for bad behavior. There is a speech about hard power.
  • · Rare workout. Training should be done not when you wanted, and constant over the period of the formation.
  • · Lack of attention from the owners. Since you took the puppy, you need to take care of it. If you want a loyal dog, always pay attention to him with little and constantly.
  • · Insufficient number of physical and mental exercise. Cultural and well-mannered dog will be only if the owner will teach.
  • · Stability in the prohibitions. If you don’t allow vzletali the dog on the couch, then the ban should be permanent, with no exceptions to the rule. After all, when you’re unstable in its position, the dog also learns to consistently perform or other requirement.
How to care for German shepherd

This animal is unpretentious in care and is no different in this respect from other animals.

In the first months require a vaccination. Therefore, the owner must:

  • to make the necessary vaccinations to not have health problems dogs;
  • stick to the diet. To give to eat the dog needs at the same time in the same place. Kids are fed three times a day. Adult shepherd is enough to feed 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • keep the place where the shepherd sleeps clean. Periodically bathe the animal in special shampoos or Laundry soap. Accordingly, to comb wool. When your animal will be well maintained and will not create discomfort in the house.

We can conclude that she is a German shepherd has, of course, is based on the most favorable conditions for education and training. With the right approach to the animal you can foster this, a smart friend and security guard. But, at the same time, you should put in a little effort. But he who loves his dog, will do this with pleasure.

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