
Vaccinations for dogs. What you can do to the puppy up to 1 year

For millennia, the dog is the most loyal friend of man. To describe all the advantages of such a pet is simply unrealistic. It is the best family companion, loyal guardian of people and property, a good hunter, and a bearer of good mood and positive.

Life without a dog may seem like a drab and unremarkable. In this regard, more and more people are interested in purchasing the first puppy.

Vaccinations for dogs. What you can do to the puppy up to 1 year

It is important to understand that the education of such an animal requires a certain investment and compliance with certain rules on care and maintenance. If you ignore them, the puppy can quickly become ill, lose the old look and good working quality. The lifespan of the pet depends on your responsibility, so never disregard the important preventive measures or symptoms of serious illnesses.

Vaccinations for dogs. When and how to do

Obligatory condition of proper maintenance of this long-eared animal is vaccination. Vaccination for dogs is done at an early age to prevent the spread of various diseases, infections and viruses. If you wish to protect the pet from viral epidemics and to give him good health, responsibly react to the obligatory need for a vaccine. Modern veterinary medicine is evolving at an incredible pace, therefore the majority of existing diseases can be solved without big efforts and investments. Enough time to be vaccinated dogs following vaccination schedule and specific procedures.

There are several basic types of vaccinations:

  • primary;
  • revaccination;
  • vaccinations, which are made through the year.

If the scheme of immunization will be done correctly, the pet will be able to develop a strong immunity, which will ignore the effect of any infectious viruses. Today we will talk about how and when to vaccinate dogs and other peculiarities of this procedure.

The rules for laying vaccinations for dogs

Before buying a puppy it is important to know what vaccinations you need in a fixed time after reaching a certain age.

But in some cases vaccinations do not:

  • It is not recommended to vaccinate young animals at the age of two months. If the mother of the puppy is vaccinated, it will develop immunity from feeding mother’s milk. But this natural protection can be effective no longer than 1.5 months, after which it weakens. Vaccinate puppies is only possible to achieve two months of age. Otherwise, the level of the formation of maternal antibodies decline and the immune system will not able to strengthen. As a result, the puppy will be exposed to all sorts of infectious diseases.
  • To vaccinate sick animals in any case impossible. Even if symptoms are minor, it is better to wait until the pet is fully recovered;
  • It is not recommended to vaccinate the dog before the upcoming viscous. It is better to carry out the procedure 3 months before her, but not after. In the latter case, it may have a negative impact on the health of the offspring;
  • Experienced breeders are advised to vaccinate puppies before the period of change of teeth or after it. The fact that under the influence of substances contained in the vaccine composition, the tooth enamel can start to deteriorate and darken;
  • Before carrying out the vaccination the dog should be disinfected and treated with special substances against fleas;
  • If the body of a puppy had a negative reaction to the vaccine or fight allergic reactions, it is necessary to carry out the injection of Suprastin or Tavegil. The drug is available in pill form in each of the Zoological pharmacy;
  • After the introduction of vaccinations the dog may behave strangely, because of possible anaphylactic shock. To avoid fatal consequences need to show pet veterinarian. Very well, if after a vaccine you sit near the veterinary clinic, but not on the street and in the car.

All the procedures related to vaccination puppies need to fix in the veterinary certificate, which is considered an extremely important document, especially when selling dogs, trips abroad or visits to exhibitions.

If we are talking about vaccination in dogs, found on the street, better do not hurry to cultivate it. It is possible that he has already been vaccinated and re-introduction of the vaccine would entail unpleasant consequences.

When doing primary vaccination

Vaccinations, which are made for puppies up to one year, are considered the most important. In most cases, they do after reaching two months of age. Right primary vaccination means the compliance with the established scheme and adherence to all basic rules. It is important to understand that the body of the puppy to will react negatively to the vaccine, so provide him of the quarantine conditions and proper care. In any case, do not let the puppy outside where he can have contact with other animals, follow the diet and hygiene. Don’t enter the room where you placed the puppy in outerwear. In the period after vaccination, the pet is susceptible to various infectious diseases that cannot be ignored.

In seven days you need to give your pet antigelmintnyj funds and closely monitor the status of the pet, given the temperature change, behavior and other factors. First vaccinations are done only after a thorough diagnosis of your puppy for diseases and other problems. Otherwise, he may respond aggressively to the vaccine.


The first two weeks after vaccine administration are the most complex. The weakened body of a small dog under one year of age in need of emergency care and the help of a veterinarian. Do not leave your baby unattended, to leave and irritate external influences. After two weeks, you must implement the introduction of the second vaccination to consolidate the previous. Re-vaccination is tolerated much better than the first and after three days with the puppy, you can go for a walk.

What vaccinations do puppy up to one year of life. Possible exceptions to the rule

One-month pet, you can put PUPPY vaccine series, but only when necessary. At the age of 8-10 weeks are required to be vaccinated against plague, enteritis, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis. After 2-3 weeks re-vaccination is done. Also in this period is the rabies vaccine. It refers to the primary vaccination. Puppies up to one year (6-7 months) need of re-vaccination against distemper, rabies, and other diseases mentioned above. Following repeated vaccination done at the age of 1 year and a year.

In some cases it is necessary to abandon the introduction of vaccines the puppy up to one year, which is associated with the following exception:

  1. If the regionwhere the pet has an outbreak, it is better to change the vaccination scheme, given the infectious outbreaks in the area. To prevent infection puppy vaccine administered at the age of one month, by following the basic rules and particularities of the procedure.
  2. If you plan on having to move to another place, the puppy also should be taught, because a change of scenery and a long stay in the road can cause the development of various diseases. In this case, vaccination should not be placed before 1 months of age and not later than 10 days before the scheduled trip.
  3. If the pet is taken early from his mother’s milk, it is important to take responsibility for the selection of the appropriate time for vaccination. The age at which it is necessary to put the vaccine may be different. On the one hand, the pet must develop a powerful immunity to infectious diseases, and on the other, he needs to help with this, as young, weakened body unable to cope with the task independently. Vaccination of such children can be carried out in a 1.5-month of age, repeating it to achieve 9 or 12 weeks.
When to vaccinate adult dogs

It is important to understand that vaccination is not confined only to puppies up to one year, but adults, who also are exposed to infections. The vaccination scheme means the vaccine every year. The number of compulsory vaccinations, the rabies vaccine, which is often included in a comprehensive vaccination group.

If the pet is over 8 years, the need for vaccination is determined by the state of his health. In the presence of chronic diseases it is possible to refuse the vaccine, because it can negatively affect the health of the pet. But to refuse vaccinations for rabies, because it is prohibited by law. As young and adult dogs need proper care after vaccination. You should provide them with quarantine conditions with good hygiene and a lack of external stimuli. Place the dog in an isolated place and follow the rules of the content.

Complications after vaccination

Most novice breeders and people who are going to vaccinate your pet, much fear not the vaccinations, and the possible effects that often occur after administration. Currently, scientists invent high-quality vaccines that do not cause serious side effects, but to say that they do not exist, is also impossible. The biggest problem with the state of the pet noticeable in the first days after vaccination. It was then that the puppy needed intensive care and the rest. You must give your baby plenty to drink, but from eating the food should be discarded at least three hours.

Postprevious symptoms may persist for days, and on the second day they disappear. If the pet condition worsened, body temperature increased, the puppy tears, secretes saliva and suffers from convulsions, be sure to show it to the vet.

Before the advent of the dog in the house decide on a veterinary clinic, where it will be served. It is important to understand that the home of love and care is not enough. An experienced vet will be able to choose the right vaccination schedule, which you will be able to extend the life of your pet and make it healthy.

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