
When is the first vaccination of the puppy

Once in the house there is a small four-legged pet, the question arises as to when the first vaccination of the puppy. For a dog of any breed is a mandatory condition of timely vaccination. This will prevent other people from disease.

In addition, be protected by all family members and other animals that live in the apartment. If you have the dog vaccinated against major diseases, you can be sure that this infection does not penetrate in the house.

Once in the house there is a small four-legged pet, the question arises as to when the first vaccination of the puppy.

When a family gets a puppy, you need to consider not only such things as food and organization of space to sleep. Separately it is necessary to know about when to vaccinate the puppy and what has already been done. A must-learn and the timing of recommended vaccinations.

For each puppy, as with any child of that sounds very unpleasant procedure. Therefore, the puppy need to be properly prepared for the procedure that will help safer to move this difficult period. Do not put off such an important event, like a vaccination. Only time the puppy should take to the vet. This will give you the confidence that dangerous diseases does not affect the family.

All puppies need vaccination

The answer to this question will be unambiguous. Of course, each puppy, which still did not make shots, it is imperative to receive a portion of the vaccine. But before you do dog vaccinations, you need to know about how the puppy lived before meeting with the new owners. In some cases, in addition to the standard vaccines may require the use of additional drugs.

For example, it is very important to learn about the mother dog. As a rule, pups suckle breast milk. So much depends on what the possible disease suffered by the dog during the gestation of the offspring or feeding. All of this could have an effect on the immune system of the baby. In some cases, experts may recommend additional vaccinations for puppies or to use medicines to strengthen the immune system. If done correctly, even the most weakened body can adapt and strengthen.

When you take the dog to a new home, be sure to specify whether made any vaccinations. The issue of vaccination affects not only a child but his mother. If she was not vaccinated, the puppy could be transmitted some disease. It is advisable to obtain documentary proof that the animal indeed had planted. This will allow the veterinarian in the future to more accurately determine which vaccine is needed for a specific puppy.

For each case there are the recommended periods. They should observe that the dog is protected from disease.

For a dog of any breed is a mandatory condition of timely vaccination.

The need for vaccinations

Some breeders believe that their dog vaccination is not necessary. They explain their decision by the fact that the animal almost all the time sitting at home and not running around the streets unattended. But in fact there are very dangerous diseases that can cling to your pet even during a short five-minute walk. It’s a huge risk for an animal and all the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, experts strongly recommend to vaccinate all dogs, even if they are almost not walk, but only lie at home on the couch.

It is worth noting that even the house dogs can manifest itself dangerous illness, including rabies. If the apartment jumps the infected flea from street cat sleeping on the stairwell, home unvaccinated pet may be a victim of the deadly disease. In addition, the parasites spread and many other diseases, so additional protection in the form of timely vaccination will not be superfluous.

Puppies need vaccinations in order to receive immunity to dangerous diseases. After vaccination the animal receives antibodies against a specific disease. Some of them are able to protect the dog for a few years or even for life. But there is also a vaccine that works only a year, and next revaccination is carried out, so this important procedure will have to be done again on a certain schedule. The breeder should not be lazy. Better to take the dog to the vet and get a shot, than to constantly worry that the dog is not brought into the house of the infection.

Experts recommend not to let the puppy out until, until he will be introduced the first vaccine. During this period, he will have quite a weak immune system. Especially for those kids who just transferred from breast milk to regular food. They are vulnerable to diseases, therefore, prior to the first vaccination they should be at home.

The timing of

As for individuals, for small dog vaccinations play a very important role. So the breeder must know exactly when should be vaccination. On the exact time it is worth asking the vet as much depends on the vaccine and the health of the baby.

Those who are not in a hurry to make the first shot my dog, considering that the animal is able himself to overcome the disease in case of its occurrence, experts recommend not to rely only on the dog’s immunity. Its effect disappears as soon as the puppy stops to feed the mother. Further, the dog can easily fall victim to diseases, including very dangerous.

Moreover, you should never forget that risk is not only a home pet, but the people who come into contact with him. Some of the disease at an early stage does not manifest severe symptoms. But at this stage, the disease may already be highly contagious and can be transmitted from dogs to humans. To avoid such a situation, you need time to do their Pets vaccinated.

As for how much is the vaccination for puppies, the timing may be different. It all depends on at what age will be the first vaccination of puppies. If doing the first 6 weeks, then after you have to make 9 and 12. In the case when the animal is first time enters to the vet at 8 weeks, the second vaccine is transferred to the three-month age. If the first vaccination was done the dog at 12 weeks, then after another 14 days will need further vaccinations. Then once a year you need to go to the vet to do pet vaccinations and be calm as it is protected from all major diseases.

For dog starting with the earliest eligible age, namely, from the sixth week, the primary vaccine is one that protects against rabies, distemper, parvovirus infection and leptospirosis. In addition, the dog vaccinated against influenza and hepatitis. You need to consider that the six-month puppies, usually not vaccinated against rabies. This vaccine is administered in combination with the following address to the expert, namely in 9 weeks.

Many breeders worry as to whether vaccination in normal mode for puppies of certain breeds. Particularly worried are those who took themselves as four-legged friend’s very small dog, for example, the toy Terrier or Chihuahua. In 6 months those babies can be like mice. So the breeders are worried about whether they can do routine immunizations. It’s real, but the drugs are selected individually.

If the lead animal in the clinic there is no desire, for example, it may be due to the bad weather, heat or frost, then you can invite a specialist at home. So the puppy is easier to take the vaccination, because he will not experience stress due to new premises and the mass of emotions associated with the move. Moreover, in this case, the dog will not be at risk of catching an infection in a public place or to health problems if rapid change in temperature. So for the first vaccination is recommended to invite the vet home. Further, you can go with the baby for walks and to go to the clinic.

It is worth noting that the timing of the introduction of the vaccine can be slightly shifted. This is often due to the fact that animals not vaccinated during the change of teeth. In this period, the body of the puppy is quite vulnerable, so the overhead for it would be superfluous. Better to wait until all the teeth will change, and after to continue the vaccination.

It is worth considering that serum against plague must be entered before 3 months. So the dog will be protected from this dangerous disease. As for rabies, the first vaccination is recommended to do this before. All of these requirements are relevant for those cases when you use monovaccine. Most often in modern clinics use a comprehensive vaccination.

Preparatory procedures

If the question arose on how to prepare the puppy to the first graft, the first pet is treated for worms. For this case, the recommendations are different. Some breeders say that they always use Pyrantel intended for children, while others suggest special drugs designed for dogs. The second way is more acceptable. We must note that Pyrantel and other human medications are not designed for parasites that may appear in the body of the dog. Therefore it is better to take a special drug, but use it only in the dosage, which will recommend the manufacturer or the veterinarian.

As to when to do the first vaccination of the puppy, a week after the treatment of helminthes, you can go to the clinic or invite a specialist for the first vaccination. For several days prior to vaccination should carefully watch the puppy. If they receive any suspicious symptoms, they must be recorded, so after about all in detail to tell the doctor. Must take into account the dog’s behavior, appetite and a chair.

It is desirable to carry out any vaccination, including the first, when the dog is relaxed and refreshed. The introduction of the vaccine is a tangible stress to the body, so the animal must be completely healthy.

How is the first vaccination

For a breeder and a pet is a very important period. How will the first vaccination, depends directly on the dogs desire to come to the clinic in the future. If small animals is still relatively simple, large dogs can be very hard to get to the vet if they first frightened.

But not only the psychological aspect is important in this case. We should not forget about the physical condition of the puppy. If he is not ready due to illness, not worth the risk. Better to wait a bit and then inoculate healthy dog.

To ensure that the animal has no contraindications to the vaccine, puppy start, carefully examined by a specialist. If the dog owner some time ago we noticed any suspicious symptoms, be sure to inform the vet. Some of the most caring owners insist that an analysis was conducted of blood. This will allow to reveal diseases, if any.

If no problem is found, the doctor makes vaccine. It is usually in the region of the withers, but some puppies the vaccine is administered in the thigh. Experts strongly recommend not to vaccinate animals on their own, not having medical education. This is very dangerous and can lead to painful lumps and after to an inflammatory process. Better not to spare money and just go to a good clinic.

After the vaccine is introduced, it is not necessary to immediately rush home. It is desirable to wait a certain time to make sure that the puppy has no side-effects and any complications. If the problem will occur, experts at the clinic can help.

Kids, who normally stand grafting, you can go home. There the family needs to surround them with care and attention, because for a small puppy a lot of stress and he needs to calm down in a circle of loved ones.

If preparations have been performed correctly, and the vaccine was administered specialist, no specific complications should not be. However, adverse reactions do occur. They can be quite strong, so to ignore such signals impossible.

Some dogs have complications manifest immediately, that is, 5 minutes after vaccination, while others may become noticeable only after arrival home. If the animal after vaccination became very lethargic, sleeping constantly, not eating, and body temperature was higher than normal, you need to go to the vet. Another dangerous symptom is the lump formation. This suggests that a medicinal fluid was entered incorrectly, and the dog needs special treatment.

With the appearance of increased salivation and blueing of the skin do not be afraid. This suggests that a puppy has developed an allergic reaction to the drug. Better tablet any antihistamine. If the drug doesn’t help, you need to go to the doctor.

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