
INTERLOPER Mongolian Traditional bow

Characteristics of modern bows allow you to experience the power, with relatively small external dimensions and weight allow it to be used even beginners of archery.

Traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER with excellent opportunities to hit a target with a high degree of efficiency, has become especially popular among peers due to its affordable cost, the many positive reviews about the capabilities of the device and damaging qualities.

Today the history of onion is known by many. And fans of archery you know what this type of knives ensures that you can quickly defeat the purpose, even at a considerable distance.

Overview of weapons

This traditional bow is perfect for shooting sports, marksmanship training and hunting small game and birds. Killability is able to surprise even a professional, because the mechanism of the bow was created with the work of the previous models of the manufacturer.

The fiberglass made the hull bow, provides maximum durability and allows it to operate even under difficult weather conditions and mechanical influences.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantages of traditional archery Mongolian INTERLOPER include the following characteristics:

  • compact size;
  • high power;
  • attractive appearance;
  • availability value;
  • reliability;
  • increased safety is provided by the manufacturer.

According to surveys of owners, the traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER has no serious flaws that would prevent its extensive use for sport shooting or hunting.


To use a traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER can for hunting, this is due to its high power, the bowshot, and the flexibility of the case send me arrows. Onions can be used for training accuracy.

Moreover, as noted by the manufacturer, traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER is perfect for beginners and shooters, and professionals: functionality allows you to apply it even if you are not in possession of the onions. This species is easy to manage, because to use it will be able to quickly teach even those who only started to learn archery.


The varieties of this model, traditional bow include bow Robin hood, which has a similar shape and has approximately the same characteristics. On the price indicator, these bows are comparable, the demand for them, the buyer is quite high.

About the firing range of the Mongol bow, the materials, dimensions, its different characteristics will be discussed below.


The most important indicators of the capabilities of the model are considered traditional bow, the size, the flight speed of arrows, and the force of string tension.

Specifications Traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER
The size of the bow 105,9 cm x 35,9 cm x 27.3 cm
The initial velocity of flight of an arrow Of 87.9 m/s
Country of origin Russia
Case material Fiberglass for high strength and resistance to mechanical stress
The presence of arrows in the base Is – 4 pieces
The presence of additional braid housing There
The warranty from the manufacturer 5 years

A long warranty period is determined by the reliability of the structure and mechanism of colour “under the camouflage” attracts attention and creates the interest of buyers to the model.

Device onion INTERLOPER Mongolian
  • The most important structural parts of this model of traditional archery should be considered as the shoulders, draw and base of durable material based on fiberglass.
  • Simplicity of design is characteristic of all types of traditional bows, and enables their use even beginners of archery.
  • Professionals will appreciate the durability of the case and the possibility of stretching of the string, providing a range shot.
Picking and packing

The basic package includes the bow, 4 arrows with increased ease and durability, shelf for holding arrows, fingertip and legging. Refill package you can purchase additional equipment.

All components Packed in a cardboard box.

How to use

Using a traditional Mongolian bow is simple, even for a teenager or woman because of the small weight and compact size of the device. By choosing the target, the arrow, a predetermined in the appropriate place on the string, should be issued after a maximum stretch of a bowstring.

How to strengthen

Strengthening traditional bow perhaps by replacing the string more elastic and have better performance. Also by adjusting the tension force may increase the power and speed of an arrow, which also affects the effectiveness of the shot.

The price of the product

The cost of this model can be considered as the most affordable among the peers. Price depending on trade margins set by the seller, may vary from 9 120 10 rubles to 250 rubles.

Owner reviews
  • According to the opinion of the majority of owners, a traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER can be called one of the most popular models among all types of traditional bows.
  • Its technical characteristics provide opportunities for the use of the model and the low weight combined with compact size ensures ease of operation even by a woman or a teenager.
  • Rich basic equipment gives the opportunity to start using the onions immediately after its acquisition, and the possibility of strengthening design provides the possibility of increasing the degree of efficiency of each shot from a bow.
  • Owners also emphasizes good affects the ability of the model.
  • Boom having high strength, have high initial velocity and for this reason, traditional Mongolian bow INTERLOPER can be used in addition to the training accuracy and the fun in the hunt.
  • The analogs are considered traditional bow can be attributed to the model compound bow, Rex and recursive model Olympic. They have similar specifications and are available for buyers cost.
  • Note that the Mongol bow and the hands to make, and how to do it we wrote separately.
  • Among the traditional bows are popular and models such as Sāmik (St. Deer Master), Optimo from the company SF etc. the Choice is yours.

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