
Recursive crossbow Scorpio, aka Jaguar, from Interloper

Relatively recursive crossbow “Scorpion” produced by Russian company Interloper, the web is a lot of conflicting information. First, it was touted as one of the cheapest, worth up to 5 thousand.

This is outdated information, online shop Air Gun price is already over nine thousand – twice more expensive models of the same level Yarrow. It was affected by the expansion of the assortment supplied, which is now part of the reflex sight.

Secondly, the name “Scorpio” is often pronounced with the “Jaguar PKG” or Jaguar. It’s the fact that the wooden boxes from the Taiwanese company Poe Lang left the label “Jaguar”, located on the bed above the trigger guard. Thirdly, any particularly revolutionary technical characteristics it does not possess. This is a good recursive crossbow medium level that (after the upgrade) you can hunt in Peru.

Device description
  • Recursive crossbow with box poliestireno type.
  • Rail, forearm and block are one piece, made of aluminium.
  • Bow one-piece, with two battle lines.
  • The tension in the stock option 43 kg, in a modernized – 79 kg.
  • The butt of the Lodge and the handle can be plastic or made of wood. Of the same material pad on the forearm.

There is a level of weaver and a pair of external aiming devices rear sight (adjustable in two planes) and fly.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • The main advantage of this model is that foregrip and the guide arrow is one massive piece, made of aluminium. This increases the survivability of weapons in conditions of hard operation – travels of fallen trees, accidental bumps and other incidents occurring on sea hunts.
  • Pad for mounting a bow he has a massive, metal, it is an integral part of the forearm. The shoulders themselves are missing inside, so backlash is minimal. All this greatly increases the accuracy of the battle and its accuracy.
  • The fuse automatically, use this crossbow is relatively safe. The checkbox is available in both left and right side. Planck weaver complemented by adjustable in two planes entirely and fly. Unfortunately, they don’t have fiber-optic strands that facilitate the beginners aiming.
  • A crossbow is relatively light – only 3.1 kg, which is for throwing weapons quite a bit.
  • Weapons can be upgrades. The shoulder stock can be replaced by more resilient, developing force at 79 kilos.
  • The trigger mechanism is simple, with one sear, and without the possibility of the stroke adjustment. The descent is hard and uninformative. For sniping it is not very suitable.

Crossbow Scorpio PKG (photo)

  • In stock form, the crossbow is suitable for target shooting at distances up to 30 meters.
  • With reinforced shoulders, the crossbow, the Scorpion can be used to hunt game birds, according to hunters.
  • The bed can be plastic – black or camouflage coloring,
  • as well as from natural walnut.

Following are the characteristics of the crossbow Scorpio.

Feature The value
Type Recursive
Bow One-piece, with dual battle bend shoulders
Swing arms (cm) 67
The tension force staff/modern. (kg) 43/79
The course of the string (cm) 24,5
The speed of the arrow’s flight (m/s) 74 (with reinforced shoulder)
Sighting range (m) 30/50
Bed polupoltina
The stock material Plastic+aluminum or wood+aluminium
Length with stirrup (cm) 88
Weight kiver and the West. shafts (kg) 3,1
Sights Planck weaver, rear sight, front sight.
Device crossbow Scorpio
  • Recursive crossbow with whole onions. Bed composite handguard and aluminium rails, pistol grip and butt stock made of wood or plastic.
  • Butt with high comb, recoil pad plastic box without gaskets, with rough notches. The wooden he of the depreciation rezinoplastik.
  • Handguard aluminum, with three vent cutouts for relief. It has the pad for easy holding, made of the same material as the bed. Shoe bow is massive, it is one piece with the forearm. On top of her attached metal safety clip, which serves as the base of the fly. The bottom is a groove for securing the spare quiver with four arrows.
  • The stirrup is attached to the pad bolts, it is always pointing forward.
  • The trigger mechanism with one sear and unregulated progress of the hook. Fuse auto, its option is available and right and left.
  • Above the trigger is a label with the inscription. On the right side is the Jaguar, and the left – Jaguar.
  • The set of sighting devices consists of a bracket weaver and adjustable rear sight with the front sight. The rear sight is installed so that it can not be removed when installing optics. Fly, metal, open, without a fiber-optic threads.

As ammunition used arrows of length 14 and 16 inches.

Picking the recursive crossbow Scorpio (tree) is given below.

Picking and packing

Company Interloper as usual on the box is without any images. Just brown packaging corrugated cardboard, and all. In the case of the maximum configuration, inside there is a foam insert with recesses for details. The maximum package consists of:

  • Lodge sword with strap weaver;
  • Luke (the force in the 43 kg);
  • stringer and stringer;
  • shako;
  • four aluminum shafts with a length of 14 inches;
  • jars with wax for rubbing the bowstring;
  • collimator sight for crossbow Scorpio;
  • the belt (synthetic);
  • instruction manual with certificate (Russian).
How to use

The crossbow is going through photos from the enclosed instructions. Used for shooting arrows of length 14 and 16 inches. They can be hollow aluminum or carbon-fiber bodied.

  1. The bowstring is installed with stringer included. The tension and bring in a fighting position made by hand or purchased separately cord-nateniyom. Taut bowstring catch tooth of the trigger exactly in the middle.
  2. The boom is mounted on the guide so that it rested against the rear end of the string and the tail was under the clamping bracket. Tip shestnadtsatiletnego arrows should be under the front clip on Shoe bow.
  3. The sighting collimator sight is standard equipment for this procedure through a series of rounds, compute the average position of the point of impact and displacement to the optical axis of the sight to her.
  4. To eliminate parallax strap weaver has the adjusting screw in the form of “lamb”, located on the right side. He’s stepping, one division to ten meters. Zeroing is conducted at a distance of 10 meters. The screw is in position “1” – “lamb” horizontally.

Further considered upgrading crossbow Scorpio.

Possible tuning
  • The trigger mechanism is designed for safe retention of the bowstring when the tension of 79 pounds. Therefore, in order to improve the properties of the crossbow on it, you can put reinforced shoulders.
  • The second area of tuning is to install a different optical sight having better characteristics.

Owner reviews and the price of the crossbow Interloper Scorpio is given below.

Prices and reviews

The cost of the crossbow in the minimum configuration starts from 4500 rubles. When the maximum additional elements it rises to 9,500 rubles.

The owners of the crossbow noted that his power provokes something to try yourself as a hunter of wild boar. When equipped with a staff shoulders the distance of the effective firing does not exceed 30 meters. With reinforced – 50. The ellipse of dispersion of arrows at this distance fits in a square with sides of 10 cm, Many believe that the fuse box is too small. To move him, and not to shoot down the sight, almost impossible.

Similar models

Technical characteristics – stress in tension and the stroke length of the string, the ability to install optical sight on the crossbow like a model. But that’s almost its twin brother (only difference is in the number of through-cutouts on the shank) is the crossbow Man Kung Yarrow Model F. It comes in a minimum configuration (two arrows, a simple optical sight mounted on the bar “dovetail”) and costs 4,900 rubles.

You can also pay attention to the following recursive model:

  • MK-120;
  • Fox;
  • Mongoose;
  • MK-80;
  • MK-21;
  • Tarantula.

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