
Features of catching pike in May for spinning

In the spring of spinning, many anglers catch captured species of a predator, in particular pike. Toothy resident of the reservoir spawning and moving away from the process of spawning begins to actively eat in order to restore its previous shape.

Post-spawning zhor in the middle lane just falls in mid-May, but weather conditions can leave their mark and adjust the timing.

May is considered one of the most successful for spinning, unless, of course, the ban does not apply in the region. In the last month of spring, almost all predator species spawned and fell ill, and now they are actively eating. Catching pike in May for spinning is always successful, the toothy predator actively restores strength after spawning, acquiring the desired shape.

Experienced anglers know that the spawning calendar looks like this:

  • the first to spawn are always in time for residents of small and medium rivers;
  • further spawning occurs in large bodies of water;
  • predator in small ponds and ponds to spawn after all.

And fishing is carried out precisely by this principle, if the fish is still sick on the lake or in the pond, then the nibbling of a pike in a large body of water will be just fine.

Another subtlety that you should know about at the beginning of May is the transparency of water. With a muddy bite it will be weak , few will be able to get trophies, but as soon as the water brightens the fishing for pike in May will bring an excellent result.

Where to look for pike in May

In the post-spawning period, the pike prowls throughout the pond in search of food. You can meet it both in the shallows and in the depths, while it’s impossible to say exactly where the predator stands.

In early May, it is worth giving preference to the fishing of shallow backwaters and places near the beaches . Toward the end of spring, the pike gradually moves to their usual sites, those individuals that climbed up the channel for spawning come to permanent habitats. Prospective fishing spots can be represented in the following table:

decade of the month places for catching pike
early May shallows by the beaches, shallow places of a reservoir
mid May it’s worth catching both depths and shallows
the end of May the boundaries of pure water and vegetation, differences in depths, edges, holes, backwaters

In May, pike will be caught for spinning in all reservoirs, the main thing is not to stand still, but to constantly look for promising places and catch them.

Gathering gear

Pike in late spring will not require the use of any special gear, everything is standard. The bait is worth trying different, because the predator sometimes does not know what she wants.

Experienced fishers will easily cope with the collection of the form and choose the necessary bait, but for a beginner it will not be so easy. Perhaps tips and advice will help not only novice anglers, but experienced ones will be able to learn something new and useful for themselves.

Rod and reel

The form is chosen, starting from the one from where the fishing is planned. The coastline will require rods with a length of 2.3 m or more, with a 2-meter boat enough. Test indicators depend on the baits used, usually at such a time of the year they use forms with indicators of 5-15 g or 5-20 g. It is better to give preference to plug-in options made of carbon fiber, telescopes will be more flimsy.

The coil is chosen from inertialess, with a good friction brake. The capacity of the spool should be decent, the bait will often be cast over 50 or more meters, so you will have to choose from options in 1500-2000 sizes .


An important element of rigging is the bait, which not everyone knows about in May.

Almost all known options are used to capture a predator, but the following are considered the most catchy:

  • spinners, the pike will respond especially well to models with lurex on the tee . It’s worth choosing medium-sized options, if you take Mepps as a basis, then use No. 2 as much as possible. Of the colors, silver and gold should be preferred , models with a black petal will show themselves well .
  • A jig with silicone baits will also be able to interest a toothy resident of the reservoir. It is best to use small sized twisters and vibro-tails. Artificial imitators of insect larvae work well in spring. The most effective colors will be lettuce, purple, machine oil, as well as caramel. Options with sparkles should not be sorted, sometimes a predator responds to such baits best of all.
  • How to catch a pike in May yet? Wobblers will be especially interesting for her, namely their subspecies poppers. When wiring, they create a specific sound that will not leave indifferent any predator nearby. The color will suit both acidic and natural, picking up is worth trial and error.

In May, pike is caught on spinning also on other baits. Spinnerbait, rattlin, oscillating baubles will help to attract attention.


Spring fishing is not possible without the use of high-quality accessories, swivels, carbines and winding rings should only be of good quality. It is imperative that you put a leash in the formation of the tackle, a hungry pike will easily cut the bait from the cord or monk at the first attack.

Only balanced tackle and high-quality lures will turn fishing into pleasure. Everyone will be able to hook and hunt a toothy predator, and maybe not just one, with a regular change of fishing location and the use of various baits on ponds.

Fishing secrets

Fishing for pike in May on each of the ponds has its own subtleties and secrets. Recognizing them, the fisherman will be able to attract the attention of the maximum number of predators and get an excellent catch.

It should be understood that the catch of rivers and reservoirs with stagnant water will vary, and the baits used will differ.

The subtleties of catching on the river

Fishermen know that pike do not like places with a strong current, therefore, for an ambush, they choose quiet places with minimal movement of water.

Pike on a spinning in the rivers caught:

  • in the backwaters;
  • on broad dances;
  • along the coastal brow;
  • in deep channel pits.

Catching is carried out on small rivers in deep places, but on large ones, medium strata are examined with baits.

Lakes and ponds fishing

Is it possible to capture a predator in May in small bodies of water with stagnant water? Of course it is possible, and after floods and floods of the rivers it is here that you can find real trophies.

An excellent catch awaits fishermen when fishing:

  • lines on the border with vegetation near the coastal zone;
  • deep holes in a closed reservoir.

Before carrying out the casting, it is worth paying attention to the places where the small fish of peaceful fish is standing, somewhere near and a predator will be sitting in ambush, waiting for a convenient moment to attack.

Useful Tips

Nobody can know all the intricacies of pike fishing, but it is recommended that everyone use some useful tips from experienced anglers:

  • for successful pike fishing on turntables, you should choose a round petal for fishing lakes and more elongated along the rivers;
  • poppers are caught only on the shallows, while the wiring should be fast;
  • silicone is considered a universal bait, but the jig heads for each pond are selected different;
  • as a basis for tackle it is better to take a cord, but a monk will be a good option;
  • in spring, the leash is made of fluorocarbon or tungsten.

The fisherman will acquire steel skills over time, the main thing is to practice more often.

How to catch a pike in May and what we need to find out for this. Put our advice and recommendations into practice, but do not be afraid to experiment, remember that luck loves risky ones.

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