
IDE. Angling for bullhead

IDE was once extensive in all areas of the European part of Russia, Siberia and also the Far East (as much as the Kolyma river). Currently its numbers are substantially decreased. This fish likes deep rivers, and also streaming lakes with modest circulation.

Prefers shallow channels, moving lakes, deep streams as well as creeks. Yaz — — the fish is stunning, resembles a huge cockroach, but has a thicker body and vast short head. Ranges the IDE is really superficial, sides brilliant silvery with a pale Golden sheen. The top fins as well as the whole back, have a blue-dark shade, and all various other fins red.

Eyes yellowish-green, they fit perfectly right into the entire look of this remarkable fish. IDE is reasonably little, common weight is from 1 to 2 kg. Really unusual people that have gotten to a weight of 4-5 kg.


Generating IDE out in April (in southern areas) and also in might in Northern ones, when water temperatures reach 6 to 9 degrees. IDE is grouped in groups, and strive to proceed in the headwaters of rivers to the generating grounds. It is typically tiny bays, oxbow lakes, fields. We IDE tiny (size of a millet seed), yellow-colored.

After spawning it enters the sloppy deep ditches and pits. Time it is inactive, it hurts; little types collect in large groups, and also large IDE maintained in small teams of 5-15 pieces. From this moment begins the active power as well as hunting (primarily in the evening, in the early dawn hours and also night sunset)

IDE. What to catch IDE. Exactly how to catch IDE.

Bullhead is omnivorous fish. He proactively eats pests, worms, larvae, selcount, the young shoots of reeds and also cattails, never misses an opportunity to capture the fry. In summer its diet regimen is controlled by plant foods. Loves the fit to be tied seeds of grains (wheat, barley, etc). He takes the bait rapidly and also emphatically if the IDE is starving. Drift currently, dives promptly right into the water; reducing these secs ought to be done rapidly. Fish this active and strong; he quickly draws the equipment right into the depths.

Fisherman have all the time to endure it, to prevent the slack of the line. A number of times during the fight, we should let him inhale the air progressively compromises the IDE and also it can be brought to coast and elevate the web.

Exactly how to catch IDE.

Many fishermens made use of to fish for bullhead with a float rod, spinning, lower fishing, and also jig. On the deep rivers with modest circulation, showed excellent angling on long (4-6 metres) of the rod with a side nod. (Actually, approval is ideal when fishing on low flow). Jigs are typically used medium size (« ant » or « pear-shaped » ). After the flood, in the spring of IDE matches a ground rod, (it can be used in combination with the feeder-sinker).

Fishing for IDE spinning.

Fishing spinning becomes acceptable after information of the water after the floodings. IDE is excellent lure for perch. It is just necessary to make use of the tiniest sized petal with tee (considered that the mouth of a tiny IDE). He likes copper dull, closer to the dark rewriter bait. If fishing remains in poor climate, it is required to use a lighter spinner.

Frequently, some anglers make use of little cranks. Exploit the deep sloppy openings, where the fish like to hold throughout feeding, along with the border between the shallows and deep. Good rate harness spinners. Ideally the rewriter to the jet flow to the pit, this moment occurs to the majority of attacks of IDE.

When to capture IDE.

IDE does not like unexpected cold wave and also extremely conscious the least adjustments in the weather. When picking a location of angling, it is needed to consider. Extremely desirable forever bites South and South-West wind. The most effective hours for angling — — a quiet evening right before the dusk or the very early hours of the morning dawn.

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