Where to go the passionate fishermen if his time is strictly limited, as well as reserved, literally, by the minute?
To collect in even more severe fish, as well as go someplace far — — it means to give up rest, and afterwards the day will certainly not be one of the most « pleasant «. Micro-streams, which in our quite a great deal, it appeared to me the only proper option. Yes, and to be sincere, I such as to fish with them — — as a rule, traces of poaching here as well as will certainly not meet, as well as anglers and does pass by with the words, « is below to catch something»».
You can! The killer in such places typically is, if not prize, yet still there — — specifically since I have long been angling for experiences, except victim.
Consequently: Easy rod to 5 grams, thin shoelace, and tasty bite, packed with emotions for an entire working day!
Of the attractions: a bit of sex on the Live Impact from Keitech, yet the real hit was the turntable Excentric In-Line from Lucky John firm — — which is valued not just by local toothy, yet the candy striped robber.
Thank you for Your interest! No tail, You no scales!