Long time no write about their fishing trips, somehow it didn’t work out. And here a reason: it was time to open the season after the ban! Where to get out fishing no doubt about it: of course, in the heart of the city!
Escaping from the bustle of working, taking up the spinning rods and a backpack and heading out of the metro. People on the street and in the subway of the sea. Well, of course, tomorrow is the opening of the world Cup.
The mood is excellent. The sun, the wind… And here I have already laid out the spinning rods and choose what to catch.
My gear was as follows :
Norstream Gravity GRS-812MMH + Shimano Ultegra C2500S + Norstream Ultra Game 0.6
Norstream Micromania MMS 702UL + Shimano Vanquish 1000S + Varivas 0.3 Light Game.
Decided to try a new to me snap-Jig Rig. Once upon a time tried to catch her, but it failed, and now here decided that the time has come. Already on the river, I noticed that the breeze played out and microgy catch will be difficult, so the water flew cargo and 12 grams Jackall Scissor Comb.
“Well, let’s start fishing”, I thought. Wiring follow the wiring, scraping along the bottom, podbrozny and hovering in one place. Nothing. Decide to change the angle of the wiring and on the way to the sideline get a ringing blow – Gravity clearly conveys him to me in the arm. Next posting – at a slower pace. On one of the turns of the coil feel the weight, something begins to move away from me. Tightening the brake, start the meter by meter away from the fish cord.
On the surface shows Bursik grams per two hundred. By this time I was near a crowd of foreigners, striving to wrest from me the poor fish. All pushed aside and making a few photographs, let the poor guy. He goes cheerfully. Well, that season is open! Hurrah!
Attempts to catch there something else were not successful.
Move all of the familiar point. Here in the course are 6 grams and crustaceans. Make a throw for throw, the wind is really bothering to post. Trying to somehow control the bait, but to no avail. The nasty wind!
Here comes up to me a foreigner and asked in English whether it is possible to photograph I find. I agreed. Later we talked about it. I told him what fish are found in the Moscow river, he, in turn, said that his father catches Marlin. At this point, we both laughed: Marlin – a great fish! And I thought to myself: “We have here!”. We parted company and I continued to catch.
The wind almost ceased, and I could now track the touch the bottom. The first step, second step… And confident bite. Pulling the brake, to prevent the fish to escape under the plate, begin to lift her to the surface. Imagine my surprise when the surface has a perch not the largest size.
After the photo shoot perch went home.
Meet other anglers. Have fared better in the asset 3-4 bersha and perch. Continue to do the wiring for the wiring. One of them feel the touch of the bottom, make the circulation coil, waiting for a new fall… And then pull! My heart nearly jumped from my chest. Short cutting…a Couple of seconds, someone stayed on the hook… And the gathering! Perhaps it was the biggest fish of the day. But the uncaught fish always looks bigger than it really is.
Further harvesting of the points has not produced results, and the wind is strong enough.
I will say a few words about the rods. Once again convinced that Gravity is my spinning. Rarely I’ve seen of the rod, so well suited. It sochitaetsya and the ease and high sensitivity, such as tactile and visual. This is definitely my number one rod for jig and driver snap-ins.