
The success of the winter fishing on the rapid river

After a frost when the ice thickness becomes large, on water bodies with a weak flow or no flow, in the absence of even short-term income meltwater, oxygen saturation significantly deteriorates, which reduces the activity of large forage fish, and the little thing begins to bite slowly, and only on ultra-thin tackle, which in severe cold to catch with ice is difficult and troublesome.

Then the fishermen have certain skills and a detailed knowledge of the locations of the upcoming fishing, move to the river with a rapid current, where the fish almost all winter season very active and where the ice strength is not in doubt.

Winter fishing from the ice on big or small rivers with strong current is very peculiar, and the results – sometimes unexpected and unpredictable. All of this comes from the fact that such waters, any fish nearly all year round it eats mostly natural, animal food, which range from place to place and from season to season is very different. For example, on the Oka river near Serpukhov, where the bottom is rocky, the fish react favorably to the gammarus on the hook rods, and caddis and dragonfly larva if they are able to produce.

As for the gammarus, it is now imported from the Urals and sell in some pet stores. On another stretch of the river, near the Kashira where the current is weaker, and at the bottom there is muddy sediment, a universal big bait is bloodworms, and desired the dark. It would be good to try the larva of ephemera, but it, apparently, should be harvested in the fall, but still manage to save.

This craving fish for “skoromnogo” is dictated by large energy consumption during the life of the current, so this fact is almost completely dismisses the possibility of improving the bite or the concentration of fish in the fishing spot with the bait – “wild” fish in contrast to reservoirs quickly leaves the place where the bottom in large numbers there is something alien and, most important, with “non-native” smell.

The main thing that determines the success of the winter fishing on the rapid river – the natural search sites abundant with fish, and this is due to the presence of sufficient food, consisting of various small aquatic organisms. Such feeding areas on the river bottom are formed in those areas where there is pronounced topography in the form of bumps, deep ditches, steep falls, sharp bends of the riverbed, etc. that then creates a noticeable change in the strength and direction of currents, and this in turn leads to deposition and accumulation in the local place of the debris, serving as a good shelter to small animals.

As for quality of gear, it less affects the frequency of bites and the results of fishing on a strong current. Usually it’s pretty rough snap bottom with a heavy sinker and located above or facing directly from sinkers a long leash with a jig on the end. Often some influence of the length of the leash and the height of its installation relative to the sinkers – these parameters have to constantly pick up, making the point of attachment of the leash to the main line moving.

However, in recent years when fishing in strong or average for anglers increasingly moving away from passive “breeding” fish with the above heavy tackle, and more inclined to active methods of fishing. There are two options, but a trolling predator.

The first method should probably admit to catch on mormyshka, size and weight corresponding to the strength of the flow and depth at a particular location on the river. Therefore, it is necessary to have several rods in advance features under different conditions of fishing, because a greater number of bites it is possible to achieve only if you use very easy lure that before she reaches the bottom, will even endure from the hole a foot or two downstream. On a large white jig fish takes rare, except sometimes it can happen grip bream or Chub. Usually the bait to catch perch, Bursch, perch, applying active game and as bait using bloodworms, worm, or fry tail white fish. Often the jig happen grip burbot, especially during his poslenebesnogo Jora.

The most effective way of fishing for white fish, of course, is the so-called bottom-posting, which applies the tackle on the basis of the winter spinning with a nod, the elasticity of which corresponds to the strength of the flow and weight of tooling. A nod here not only serves as a bite indicator, but the element snap, which is the transaction itself.

Tooling is mounted on a very thin wire (usually of 0.1-0.12 mm) at the end of which is fastened by means of a fastener spherical sinker – a weight is chosen so that it surely reaches the bottom in the place of fishing, but easily would have moved downstream with a soft patike fishing line up only at the expense of elasticity of a nod. This method is the skillful angler no “loss of bottom” may drive the sinker down the stream to a distance of four meters, extending the fishing area.

Higher weights, about 10 cm, put a leash with a small hook under the bloodworms in length, usually ranging from 20 cm to 1 meter, and even more, to a large extent is determined not only by conditions in the shery, but also the activity of fish. As a rule, the stronger the flow and lower the activity of the fish, the longer need a leash. Even the number of bloodworm on the hook can be strongly affected by the bite: in winter a confident bite of the white bream, the white bream white-eye or most manage to achieve, Narovlya only, but quality grub. Among fishermen, this method of catching river fish commonly called “roll ball”.

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