
10 Fishing Instagram Accounts That You Need to be Following

*Accounts are listed in no particular order*

1. @benoutdoorsusa

Benny Schuman is a native to Minnesota, and loves to take advantage of the 10,000 lakes in his state. If you like photos of monster bass, be sure to check out his page. @benoutdoorsusa

2. @senorbassfishing

Juan Carlos runs the largest Spanish-speaking bass fishing Youtube channel and Instagram page. He fishes a mix of fresh and salt water, so there’s always something new for your feed. @senorbassfishing

3. @tallfishermanj

John is a tall guy who loves to catch mondo bass, that’s all you need to know. He enjoys fishing and sprinkles in a lot of catch-and-cook content for those foodies out there. @tallfishermanj

4. @lookin4fish

Andrew & Zach are North Carolina natives and are always out on the water. If you like fishing tips and tricks, and pics of big fish, head on over to their page. @lookin4fish

5. @maggiejo_outdoors

Maggie Carsello is a Wisconsin native who loves ripping lips! Check out her page for pics of big fish from a variety of species. @maggiejo_outdoors

6. @frank_ragnow

Do you like football and fishing? Of course you do, that’s why you need to be following Frank Ragnow, an offensive guard for the Detroit Lions who also catches mondos in his free time. @frank_ragnow

7. @ _thatbassfishingdude_

Brandon is a 7ft tall, Texas Veteran who’s into all things outdoors, but especially fishing. He loves his family, and often enjoys the world of fishing alongside them. @_thatbassfishingdude_

8. @bassblaster

Jay Kumar is the creator of BassBlaster, a newsletter full of all things funny in the fishing industry. He also runs the BassBlaster Instagram page that features fishing pics from people all over. @bassblaster

9. @fishhookterry

Fishhook Terry is a Pontoon angler from Michigan. He’ll do anything for some bass thumb, and likes to take his kids fishing with him whenever possible. @fishhookterry

10. @nattieupnorth

Natalie Dillon is a Minnesota angler and storyteller. She specializes in musky fishing, but finds herself catching fish all over from her many travels. @nattieupnorth

Honorable Mention at 51K Followers:


Although he has more than 50K followers, we wanted to give a quick shout out to Loren Johnson. He’s a veteran with a killer beard who posts great bass fishing content. @lojo.fishing

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