
Features of fishing from the ice in different conditions

In Russia, many rivers of medium and small size and most of them fish. But to catch fish in the winter the river is not so easy. You need to consider the various nuances and know how to read the water.

The concentration of the fish on Avodah and liner jets typical for rivers of medium size. Generally, in order to successfully catch fish in winter on the river, you need to examine it in the summer. In the period of open water suwadi and whirlpools to detect a lot easier. On such rivers as the Pakhra, Sturgeon, Protva I had to detect the release of large roach, bream near wintering holes. For example, in the area of villas “Sunny meadow” there is a pit depth of 7-8m.

Above the river narrows, then widens, and here, at depths of 3-4m, the bottom lined with stones. On stony ridges gets demolished over food, and in addition, among the stones in the silt tolerate the winter amphipods, bloodworms, larvae of aquatic insects, small worms, leeches. Fish regularly out here, for feeding in January and February and was well caught on the course with a bait of bloodworm, which is lowered to the bottom cone in the trough. The hole for the feeder I drilled to 1 m above the holes in which fishing two float rods. Over on stony ridges strong, so use fishing line with a diameter of not more than 0.12 mm, so it’s not really blown.

In areas of rocky ridges, which can also be close to the coast, good to put the bait of large bloodworms. It is better to lure fish regularly in the morning. Then she also regularly will begin to emerge to feed.

At the beginning and end of freeze-up good places for fishing can be detected at the bottom of the drop-off going from the shelf where there are waterlilies in the summer. Also good for finding fish Creek below the rapids. Here in silt, the fish finds food. In General, everything that was said about the choice of location in large rivers, can be applied to medium-sized rivers. The fish also prefers suwadi here and depending on the types of distributed power jets.

Another feature of medium-sized rivers of the middle band is that they often found the abundance of Chub. On the Zushi, Ugra, UPA, the Sturgeon is sometimes caught with success not only in the thaw, but in the cold days. As Chub feed on leaves on the average strength of the jet for the capes, Islands, at the beginning or end of the roll, the snap-in rods are often used combination. Here the indicator bite is a nod, and at the bottom of the snap swivel is fixed by moving “olive”, calculated by the force flow, and it goes on the leash with a hook (one or two) with a length of 25-50 cm for Moving from side to side nozzle (the beam bloodworms, small worms, maggots) attract the better Chub.

When fishing medium-sized rivers, especially at the beginning and end of freeze-up, you need to carefully examine the areas along the coast. Promising are the coastal shelter: bushes, algae, which can stand big fish. There is also easier to catch combination, a fishing rod or a fishing rod, designed to speed transactions at the current. This method allows you to successfully work on demolition: with fast flow (before Bush) to leave on the quiet (under Bush), and there is guarding and passing food fish.

Another fish worthy of attention when fishing on the rivers of mid – sized perch. He can grow here up to a decent size, as feed in fry and various aquatic organisms, it is always enough. Usually the banks of rivers of average size much overgrown with bushes, so shelters for fry are missing. Perch and ambushes near the bushes, seaweed, drift wood and driftwood. Here he often finds and larvae are well developing in the roots and stems of aquatic plants. Especially he’s a big fan of Kazar – the larvae of a dragonfly, and if this nozzle is on a hook mormyshki, he must take it.

On the river Protva, I was able to catch a decent Humpbacks near the places of exit coastal springs. I once found a small coastal sagebrush, which obviously gets the key. In well-oxygenated water spun a lot of verkhovka. Her and watched large bass. The best place to hunt predator by the flashing trivia of the hole, I carefully crept up to the coastal sedge, drilled a few holes next, priteni them with snow and successfully caught one after the other Humpbacks, alternately allowing the hole to relax. Rest of the holes to be given necessarily, because after catching two or three striped biting usually calmed down.

Also stepped up biting the jig change one form for another or more bright colors to darker and Vice versa. Sometimes the bass is naughty and give him a leash with a small hook baited with a single bloodworm. The leash should be short, 2-3cm, and it tied up to 10-25 cm above the jig. Better if you learned how to fix the leash on the fishing line movably (for this use of the fixing sleeve), then the location of the leash you can do higher or lower depending on what level is perch. Therefore, in the fishing box you need to have a fishing rod with various snap-ins, including places to try to catch the little Vlasenko.

The small river, for example, near Moscow, Tarusa, zaoksky of Bespuca or Smolensk Resen can sometimes surprise the angler a rich catch. Usually the big fish in the winter here rests on Bacharach. To thaw in the morning and in the evening she makes the outputs to feed on the shallower parts of the river. Depth fishing tihovolya parts of the shoals may be only 0,5-1,5 m, so the observance of complete silence on the ice – a prerequisite. If the angler knows how to read bottom topography, focusing on the banks or using the depth gauge, he chooses right places for drilling holes.

On small rivers angler-universal uses a different gear. For example, on the UPA a friend of mine catches of Chub, perch, roach on a fishing rod with a nod and a jig, while others prefer float fishing rods. First, oblasova coastal areas comes the day several miles, and the second will make several pairs of holes in one or two areas, lures and sits in these holes all day. Sometimes the result is better than the first, and sometimes is the second. Much of the success depends on suitable fish for bait or she needs to set some bait under the nose.

When fishing with a float rod the correct choice of the section of the river plays a big role. For example, Tarusa on the spring ice Chub, perch, and roach are caught below the Islands, shoals and rapids, where the fast current passes in quiet. On the forest streams in different periods of freeze-up can focus on the areas near the coastal shrub and last year’s sedges.

In spring, good fishing is in the tributaries of the Rybinsk reservoir. I often fell in the course of roach, IDE, white bream, white bream in the city Seble, Day and some other rivers. Caught with a jig and float rod on Bacharach. For them slow. Faster the shallows for fishing is more suitable combined snap-in (a nod, plus a sinker on the end of the line above with an attached leash). Of nozzles fit here bloodworms, maggot, larva of beetles, small worms, caddis worm, the larva burdock moth. On tyhovoddya ringleader sometimes helps baitless fishing on the “devil”. Need to pick up the imps and jig dull colors.

On fast rivers, using different versions of the game the jig, caught mainly in Pacific waters directly under the branches of a coastal shrub. However, not regulated rivers, even near the shore there is nearly always a current, so often there are hooks. As in small rivers of white fish surround often ignores the bait, lures you need to choose small, but that it would be demolished. Often, however, Chub, roach, perch, Dace well react to the demolition of the jig when it is allowed under the bushes. In this case, you need to consider the length of the wiring that was not hooked.

Fishing for demolition usually takes place by a stepwise lowering of the lure of higher water layer in the lower. If Chub or roach is at half depth, then begin to lower the lure with the speed of the flow is possible from the lower edge of the ice, gradually reaching the half-waters. Sometimes Chub, roach bite better near the bottom. In this case, the wiring for the demolition start with the level at half depth and complete demolition so that the jig was on the bottom under the branches of the bushes. Some of the masters of catching Chub in shelters achieve such accurate transactions that exploit different weight jigs plots near to the coast and distant from it. Fishing lead active movements along the Bank, picking up suitable for fishing submerged weeds.

If the current on the river is weak, caught in the usual way, by playing a jig on the bottom in half-waters, and sometimes under the ice. Ways the transaction can be very different. Out on any land, drill several holes on the removal of 7-15 m from each other, in order not to scare him with the noise of cautious fish. Not choosing slush in the hole with a stick make a small hole for inserting the jig – then chubs is not alarming penetrating under the ice the light. When the fish calms down, begin catching, gently moving from hole to hole.

You should start with fishing a jig the upper layer of water. Nozzle can serve Motyl, larva burdock moth, red worm, woodworm,, “sandwich” bloodworms and maggots, “sandwich” the moth and larva burdock moth or beetle, and “sandwich” the worm and maggots. If fishing is possible the emergence of solid instances, caught on a big jig with a planting verkhovka, small minnow or plotnicki. This bait can be played both at the bottom and at half depth. Sometimes it can be effective step-climb or step-descent.

Sometimes, the Chub is held at the beginning of the rapids. It comes out here in the thaw of the deeper tihovolya places to feed. In the shallows it is suitable for submerged trees, bushes, Islands of vegetation, rocky ridges and other distinctive places where delayed demolished over food.

Fishing with imitation fish on small rivers also has its own characteristics: here you can catch pike, large perch and Chub. I was very surprised by putting on one tributary of the Oka for the night half a dozen zherlits and in the morning instead of the expected pike removing them two polukilogrammovy chubs.

Chub because of its caution on imitation fish comes mostly at night or in the wee hours, when the river yet anglers. Chub takes the bait very carefully, so we need to make sure line not frozen, and the night should cover the hole with plenty of snow. Very suitable for this imitation fish held high above the ice coil, for example, zherlitsa on the tripod. Characteristically, on the river Tarusa Chub a good take on minnows. Five set of two Gerlich gear was baited with a minnow and three ruff. Chub ignored ruff and caught both imitation fish that was baited with a minnow.

For fishing on small rivers it is better to use imitation fish without a leash or with a leash of monofilament. Ogruzka – “olive” with a weight of 5-20g, depending on the strength of the flow. It is fixed on the fishing line through the swivel or lead pellets. The leash is quite long, not less than 40 cm Hook single No. 6-5, with long forend, double No. 6-8 or tee No. 8-10. Imitation fish with the same snap-in suitable for grouper-humpback, which in the unregulated rivers often fallen behind in the water trees, near snags, underwater humps with Islands of vegetation.

Pike prefers to stay either pitted watering holes, where for some coraini she ustaivayte ambush, or in coastal algae. It happens that she is on the run-of-river pit for suitable shelter. Pike imitation fish many anglers equipped with a metal leash, but I often go without them. Pike cannot bite monofilament, if it is to move and make a leash for the so-called “condition”. But you need to be on the reservoir and keep an eye on gear.

Small odpruzeni rivers, if the flow is weak, imitation fish for Chub, pike and perch are putting on the channel depth. Sometimes it does not exceed 1.5 m. in addition, catchability places will be areas near the various kinds of debris, piles, in the area of bridges, the mill pools.

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