
Fishing a state of mind

For the fisherman, fishing is a way of life. For checkout it’s ready for anything! We are all hostages of fuss. But when I manage to find the time, ignoring the protests of others, I go fishing.

The fishermen do not need super gear and travel somewhere far away, where exactly the fish are. A real fisherman will catch everywhere.

Real fishing starts with attitude. You’re just dreaming of the sweet moment of the first cast, first bite, first fish. Being in the city, you’re already mentally there, on the banks of the river. The night before the departure, I often can’t sleep, all thoughts are only about how to quickly leave the pond and to throw the tackle.

What you need for a good fishing? Do you think super tackle, fish finders, boat, etc.? Wrong!

For fishing fairly fishing line, hook and desires to catch. … All the Bait you can cut directly on the shore, and without it, in General, to construct some ground. A worm or a grasshopper can be caught there.

To good gear too, need to grow. If you spend a lot of money on branded accessories, you will not become a fisherman-a professional. You will not even be able to appreciate all the advantages of these tools.

I always suggest to start with the cheapest supplies. Then, as the “enlightenment” you will decide that it is necessary for you. You will have your favorite method of fishing, whether spinning or fly fishing, feeder or classic Donk, Bologna tackle or plug. You have secrets of your own lures or tying the hook. Coming ashore, you’ll on the eyes easily identify promising locations and interesting holes. Everything comes with experience.

Full fishing is possible only in nature. I understand the nature of “wild” water bodies.

Artificially ennobled paysite good just for a picnic and fishing. If the main purpose is shalyk, and fishing rod so to pass the time. There it is best to take the whole family and relax. Or place to develop new types of fishing. For example, all fly fishermen are advised to practice there. You will not look like an alien with a strange tackle, and without catches will remain. Especially good in this respect, trout paysite.

But it will not be fishing in the full sense.

Only in the wild pond, all the skills are particularly acute where the fish not so much and it is necessary to “persuade”. Where the fish is already cunning, and accustomed fishing press. Here is fishing.

I prefer long trips, minimum two nights, maximum two weeks. Some go just for a few hours, but such an approach is justified only in the case if different “or as well”. I personally just don’t have time “nanovitsa” and you have to go from scratch in the heart.

But with several overnight stays. Who does not dream about the ear with a fire, on Golden smoked fish that has not had time to cool down.

Leaving in the appointed place (every fisherman knows where the most efficient place), expanding the attributes of svarodaya, I start fishing.

I won’t bore you with a description of different methods of catching fish. The only thing I want to mention, I try to stick to one method of fishing. If left on a spinning rod – fishing only. I know people who start to rush and say something like: “the spinning does not bite, and I’m gonna put the feeder and another rod is unwound. The feeder is also not a bite, like with a spinning rod”. And so with the order in 15 minutes, move all available methods, including the most radical. It turns out that neither the one nor that you are not really sexually. If you started to catch on spin – go on, do not bite – experiment with the bait and posting, comes experience and skill. In the end my goal is not a fish, but the process itself. Fish is the reward for the effort.

And if you’re not going to eat, if she’s not badly hurt, better to let her go. So we will preserve the opportunity to fish conventional reservoirs to their children and grandchildren.

And network and everything else – even the barbaric method. I want to ask – what do you have nothing? Do you do fish? You even can pickle so many can not. Want to get prom. scale, organize legal fishing artel. What a pleasure in pulling the network? It’s not you caught a fish, she is lost in your network. What is the talent and ability to fish? But if network forget the water, it leads to a truly nightmarish consequences! Network years could stand there and kill the fish, she begins to grow dim, and all the representatives of ichthyofauna are leaving this place. I’m not saying how many problems bring the network to the same spinning! Sometimes, you have to specifically put the spool with thick monofilament, heavy tee and before fishing to dredge the pond on the subject of networking.

All the same applies to other illegal methods…

But still conscious fishermen much more. Our club “River hunters” will organize special raids together with supervision to clean up water bodies from networks and conduct outreach to sellers prohibited gear. A lot can change by combining our efforts we can accomplish!

Start with yourself. Get a shore, release the small fish, do not put the network. And soon the poaching will disappear altogether!

And if someone still thought that the main purpose of fishing is to fish, he’s just an Amateur. Fishing is a philosophy! Join our club of like-minded “River hunter”, we all welcome.

For the fisherman, fishing is a way of life. For checkout it’s ready for anything! We are all hostages of fuss. But when I manage to find the time, ignoring the protests of others, I go fishing.
The fishermen do not need super gear and travel somewhere far away, where exactly the fish are. A real fisherman will catch everywhere.

Real fishing starts with attitude. You’re just dreaming of the sweet moment of the first cast, first bite, first fish. Being in the city, you’re already mentally there, on the banks of the river. The night before the departure, I often can’t sleep, all thoughts are only about how to quickly leave the pond and to throw the tackle.

What you need for a good fishing? Do you think super tackle, fish finders, boat, etc.? Wrong!

For fishing fairly fishing line, hook and desires to catch. … All the Bait you can cut directly on the shore, and without it, in General, to construct some ground. A worm or a grasshopper can be caught there.

To good gear too, need to grow. If you spend a lot of money on branded accessories, you will not become a fisherman-a professional. You will not even be able to appreciate all the advantages of these tools.

I always suggest to start with the cheapest supplies. Then, as the “enlightenment” you will decide that it is necessary for you. You will have your favorite method of fishing, whether spinning or fly fishing, feeder or classic Donk, Bologna tackle or plug. You have secrets of your own lures or tying the hook. Coming ashore, you’ll on the eyes easily identify promising locations and interesting holes. Everything comes with experience.

Full fishing is possible only in nature. I understand the nature of “wild” water bodies.

Artificially ennobled paysite good just for a picnic and fishing. If the main purpose is shalyk, and fishing rod so to pass the time. There it is best to take the whole family and relax. Or place to develop new types of fishing. For example, all fly fishermen are advised to practice there. You will not look like an alien with a strange tackle, and without catches will remain. Especially good in this respect, trout paysite.

But it will not be fishing in the full sense.

Only in the wild pond, all the skills are particularly acute where the fish not so much and it is necessary to “persuade”. Where the fish is already cunning, and accustomed fishing press. Here is fishing.

I prefer long trips, minimum two nights, maximum two weeks. Some go just for a few hours, but such an approach is justified only in the case if different “or as well”. I personally just don’t have time “nanovitsa” and you have to go from scratch in the heart.

But with several overnight stays. Who does not dream about the ear with a fire, on Golden smoked fish that has not had time to cool down.

Leaving in the appointed place (every fisherman knows where the most efficient place), expanding the attributes of svarodaya, I start fishing.

I won’t bore you with a description of different methods of catching fish. The only thing I want to mention, I try to stick to one method of fishing. If left on a spinning rod – fishing only. I know people who start to rush and say something like: “the spinning does not bite, and I’m gonna put the feeder and another rod is unwound. The feeder is also not a bite, like with a spinning rod”. And so with the order in 15 minutes, move all available methods, including the most radical. It turns out that neither the one nor that you are not really sexually. If you started to catch on spin – go on, do not bite – experiment with the bait and posting, comes experience and skill. In the end my goal is not a fish, but the process itself. Fish is the reward for the effort.

And if you’re not going to eat, if she’s not badly hurt, better to let her go. So we will preserve the opportunity to fish conventional reservoirs to their children and grandchildren.

And network and everything else – even the barbaric method. I want to ask – what do you have nothing? Do you do fish? You even can pickle so many can not. Want to get prom. scale, organize legal fishing artel. What a pleasure in pulling the network? It’s not you caught a fish, she is lost in your network. What is the talent and ability to fish? But if network forget the water, it leads to a truly nightmarish consequences! Network years could stand there and kill the fish, she begins to grow dim, and all the representatives of ichthyofauna are leaving this place. I’m not saying how many problems bring the network to the same spinning! Sometimes, you have to specifically put the spool with thick monofilament, heavy tee and before fishing to dredge the pond on the subject of networking.

All the same applies to other illegal methods…

But still conscious fishermen much more. Our club “River hunters” will organize special raids together with supervision to clean up water bodies from networks and conduct outreach to sellers prohibited gear. A lot can change by combining our efforts we can accomplish!

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