
Fishing Report June 2018

Night fishing often presents the opportunity to catch some nice fish, while enjoying some peaceful comfortable time on the water. Like most wildlife, fish become increasingly nocturnal, especially during the summer.

This means those trophy size beauties that lay dormant on deep structure, during the day, might be prowling the shallows after the sun goes down.

June is a great month to catch fish, but you might want to plan early mornings or late evenings to avoid paying the price that comes with summertime fishing. These are simple things called heat exhaustion and sunburn. Since everything will be eating this month, it’s easy to lose tract of time forgetting to use sunblock or take precautions to avoid the rigors of summertime fishing. So plan your trips now taking advantage our great summertime fishing.

Develop a Night Fishing Plan: To escape the sweltering summer heat, as well as recreational boaters and jet skiers, anglers often prowl the coolness of night looking for some quite fishing spots. Early evening and night fishing is attractive to many because of the quietness and it can be loads of fishing fun. If you think this it’s something you’re interested in, then hook up the boat and hit the water for something a little different.

Our bay, canals, rivers and creeks are saturated with docks, and many with lights. Well guess what? Structure and dock light does attract bait fish therefore why not take advantage of this “fish in a barrel” scenario and use it to your advantage.

So if you’re planning on fishing at night; hopefully you don’t go unprepared. Plan your trip, and learn the area you intend to fish. Put together a fishing plan by identifying the important things you should know before it gets dark; shallow areas, and unlighted obstructions.

Since nighttime is normally the soundless part of the day, you must be “Quiet”. Fish staging around docks tend acclimate themselves to the noiselessness. But remember, any loud or sudden sound can send them darting for cover. Veteran anglers drift with the current, pole or use a trolling motor (on low) to approach a safe casting distance, making certain they never crowd their target.

As you approach your target, study the water & current, the layout, and lighted areas looking for shadows. Look carefully and you’ll often you’ll see the fish dashing in and out feeding on passing baits. Here’s where patience pays off; wait and watch because it gives you time to identify their feeding pattern. This can make or break a spot, as proper bait and lure presentation is vital.

When using artificial’s present them from the same direction as the current, Active currents bring food to waiting fish, so it makes sense that your lure should come from the same direction. Cast your lure up current into the shadows, twitching it through the light line into the light.

Snook (Season Closed May 1, 2018): Snook fishing in the summer is almost a given. Practically every angler is looking to catch them and given the amount of fishing pressure especially during weekends it is a wonder they bite at all. Practically any mangrove shoreline holds snook provided there is bait and structure. Terrific ambush feeders Snook love lying in wait along shady mangrove root systems. Rocky shores and adjacent sand bars are also good places to investigate. Early morning flats produce well using topwater lures, but remember live greenbacks and cut bait also produce.

Redfish: June produces some good redfish days around the grass flats and mangroves. Heavy pushes and mullet schools are key factors in finding moving or feeding redfish. Finding redfish means covering plenty of water, but once located they do not venture too far if there is food present. Keep in mind as long as there is food there are fish. Live greenbacks and dollar-size pinfish are good choices. Do not forget the old standby live shrimp and cut bait.

Spotted Sea Trout: Trout fishing remains strong through the summer. Search out deep grass flats looking for grass beds with plenty clean moving water and broken bottom or potholes. Tampa Bay offers good fishing areas using live shrimp and greenbacks free lined or under popping corks. The many broken-bottom flats with potholes are producing larger fish and an occasional flounder. We’re also catching plenty of silver trout some topping the scale at a pound and a half to two pounds. These are great eating and awesome fun for the kids to catch.

Cobia: Markers and sandy flats are good places for Cobia. They frequent markers especially those holding bait and cruise the flats usually following large rays and manatees.

Mackerel, Bluefish, Jacks, and Ladyfish offer diversity during the summer and continue to be strong on moving tides. Fishing around structure or fish attractors are good starting places. Or just look for schooling threadfins and you’ll find the fish

Tarpon: Tarpon fishing really comes alive in June. They are everywhere and they are hungry, from the beach to the bay, these fish offer the catch of a lifetime. Large Greenbacks, Threadfins, and crabs, found abundantly in the bay, are excellent choices for bait. Tarpon fishing around the Tampa area is good through the summer from the beaches all the way to the causeway.

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