Sea bass fishing on the reservoirs not only the most common but also the most interesting and reliable. You can almost always find a decent sized fish, if you want to easily go fishing for roach. Only one difficult – large distances and, therefore, the difficulty of finding alone, but this applies to big fish.
Find more or less decent size perch is not too difficult if you know the pond. As for small perch, there are no problems at all, since it can always be found, sometimes in large numbers, in shallow bays and coastal edge. With big bass harder, because his flocks migrate, and to detect fish in deep places near the shore, at the edge of the reeds when the water is high at seamounts, underwater drop offs KOs and deep watering. In the first days after freeze-up large bass are concentrated at the mouths of creeks and deep bays.
That is promising places a lot, which complicates the search, especially because, unlike lakes, reservoirs, perch are concentrated “spots” that are distributed around the water surface very uneven. To complicate the search can discharge of water in the reservoir. During reset and after the fish moves, leave small places and often just stops to peck at. However, the breaks in Cleve short but fishing becomes non-standard, i.e. on line, in half-waters, at the boundary currents and generally in the unusual perch.
You have to resort to flops search, when quickly changing not only the wells, but the areas of search. Accordingly, the gear is to use a mobile, that is, spinners and baitless, relatively large, and therefore heavy jig.
Personally, I prefer to start searching around undersea ridges. The classical interpretation of edge is it as a sharp change in depth at the border of the pit or riverbed. In ponds with sloping banks, with the bottom topography, similar to the trough, the difference in depth on the sideline might be only a few centimeters. This is sufficient to ensure that the fish occupied a certain place. Search edge starts with the fact that drilled a few holes in a direction perpendicular to an intended position of the edge, and measure the depth with an accuracy literally to the centimeter.
For this you need to move from hole to hole, not storing the fishing line on the spool rods. When the location of the edge is found, it is good to mark it with a branch or wand, and from it already to “dance”. Accurately predict what the depth of fishing will be “working”, it is impossible. We can only say that at the beginning of winter, usually work better depth up to five meters.
Having found a suitable fishing spot, you should drill two dozen holes along the edge at a minimum distance of five metres from each other. The holes should be drilled so that some of them were located above the upper edge, and the part on the bottom. If the edge has a pronounced hump, you need to make a few holes. Drilled the hole, you need to immediately try to catch her fish. After the first perch caught, it is necessary to accurately detect the depth under the hole and the type of transaction. All of the following holes need to try to drill to found the “working” depth.
The best tackle for catching big perch at pervalent in many places, admittedly trolling. In fairness it should still be noted that often the best results can give the application the jig, but it happens during a not very active fish. After biting into the hole, stopped, it makes sense to change the bait on the spinner of a different color, size or shape. In the bottom of bass prefer a certain color lure. If you are not sure which color is better on a given pond, you have to try them all. But that’s okay, because to change the spinner a matter of minutes, but then you can safely catch. To change the lure after the fish is in the hole stop biting. Usually it is possible to catch several perch.
The spinner is selected on the basis of what is under the hole depth. To a depth of three meters good light planning spinners with a pronounced bend in the middle of the body and with the influx of lead or solder around the hook. On the first ice perch prefers a well-gliding spinners, but not always. You need to remember that the techniques of trolling, in large measure, depend on the period of fishing. In early winter the movement of the spinner can be vigorous and even harsh.
Fishing technique lightest lures in most cases lies in three simple techniques. The most common method of trolling is that trolling is lowered to the bottom, then podmahivat about ten centimeters of the line. With a wave of spinning the spinner to raise 10-30 cm and immediately immersed spinning so that it took a horizontal position. Baubles, falling, plan, reaches the “dead” point, and slowly return to the center of the hole. Since the passage of “dead” point, we should expect the fish to bite. After the fishing line in a vertical position, pause 2-5 seconds. At this time lightweight spoon still hesitates, may be followed by bite.
Then the cycle is repeated. It is useful to keep the account from the moment when the spinner went down, and until when did you do the next stroke. If there is a strike, then you already know what the rhythm of the spoon bait stick. If no bites, the rhythm of the movement after three or four strokes should be changed in one direction or another. If the rhythm of movement found, it usually does not change during a half to two hours. With the approach of darkness, as well as the attenuation of the bite of a “working” rhythm of the movement of the lure is changed in the direction of the longer pauses.
There are days when the bass are interested in the spoon, pushes her mogritsa, but not enough, that is “knocking.” In this case, or change a lure, or change the technique of trolling. The second common method of trolling is as follows. After several common strokes of the spoon put on the bottom under the hole. Ideally, if you can’t put the entire spoon to the bottom, but only so that it rested on the bottom, but not lying on it.
Two or three times put the entire spoon to the bottom and slightly raised so that the hook from the bottom never left. Here comes the bite, and the larger perch “presses” the spoon, like cod. After a pause at the bottom, lift the lure is 2-3 cm above the bottom and incubated for another pause. Then follow the standard three-four swing. Standard strokes, it is sometimes useful to change to a lowering of the spinner down short jerks with a pause in 3-5 seconds after each push.
If the bottom around the hole is not very littered and there are no hooks it is often helps next reception of the game. With coil rod is wound about two feet of fishing line (depending on the depth under the hole), the spoon lifted a meter and a half above the bottom and sharply lower spinning down. The spinner is planning in the direction of the hole and falls to the bottom. After that, pull the fishing line and start very slowly, literally a centimeter per second, drag the spoon to the hole.
The bite is very similar to hook, but with a visible nod in a weak push. In any case, you should immediately reel in. Such transactions spinners need to do at least ten, because almost every time the spoon falls in different points and in different directions from the hole.
Very effective technique, when after the fall of spinners on the bottom of the coil is wound another 20-30 cm of fishing line, a short and sharp movement off the spoon from the bottom and, after feeding the line, give her plan even further from the hole. And so a few times. Masters manage to “drive” lightweight spinner-plate several meters from the hole at depth under the hole just a meter and a half. When fishing on small sites, to baubles far from the hole, do not use thin fishing line, but on the contrary, very thick.
And this thick fishing line trolling literally push under the ice and to the side. These techniques of catching troublesome, the transaction itself, the spinner takes about ten seconds, and tens, but by using such complex techniques to catch big fish wherever else it simply can’t catch. For example, exactly what is caught in the lake Trostenskoe large groupers around the coastal cane. On the hunt for big perch the conversation will be in a week.