So, we got acquainted with the main components of bait and preparation, if necessary, each of them before forming a dry mix. This mix still cannot be called a bait, is it prefabricated. There is no such important components as oil-cakes, water, and forage base.
All of them, and flavors are introduced into the bait directly on the pond.
For preparing dry mix dishes, the volume of which exceeds the total amount of all components 4-5 times. Such capacity is needed to produce high quality mixing. Prepared chopped components in the intended aspect ratio (anticipated fishing conditions and type of fish) are filled into the mixer and mixed, depending on the amount of kneading with your hands or a wooden spatula.
Store the finished mixture should be in a well-closed container (e.g. plastic bag) away from sources of strong and sharp smells and heaters. Since the manufacture in home conditions it is practically impossible to observe sterile conditions, the shelf life at room temperature dry mix is small – no more than two weeks. After this time is rancidity (microbial oxidation) of fats. In the refrigerator in a tightly closed container the bait can be stored up to one year.
For the convenience of bait directly on the pond need to take a shallow, usually plastic ware capacity not less than 5 liters. On a normal fishing will require no more than 1 kg of dry mix. The main component, which depends on the efficiency of bait is water. It is necessary to take from a reservoir where fishing is done. Vysypat the dry mixture into the prepared dishes, in small portions, 100-200g, pour in the water. After each portion of the whole volume of the mixture is well mixed and all the lumps break, ensuring uniform moisture throughout the volume of bait. So select such a viscosity, which is necessary for fishing in your chosen location.
This implies the following: when fishing in waters over cobbled together from ready-made bait ball the size of a tennis ball must not disintegrate in the air or when they hit the water and disintegrate when submerged. To blur he must immediately, reaching the bottom of the reservoir. The General rule is: the more water depth, flow velocity and casting distance, the more viscous must be the bait, and Vice versa. If fishing is conducted in the reservoir without current, to achieve such a viscosity of the bait, which abandoned to the desired distance the ball was not collapsed in the air, but either would fall when they hit the water (small water depth or strong clutter bottom; fishing trolling rod fish) or started to disintegrate, greatly immersed in water (greater depth at the fishing location; unwillingness to catch fish trolling rod, or a trifle).
Over time the viscosity of the mixture can vary significantly under the influence of the sun and wind, and due to the fact that some components a long time to absorb water (swell). It should be borne in mind regularly to maintain the required viscosity. During rain should protect the bait from moisture.
As for additives of animal origin (bloodworm, maggot, chopped worm, meat, shellfish), they should be applied in the following way. Maggots (50-100 g per 1 kg of dry mixture) pour immediately started to prepare the bait. In the future, before you throw the next portion of bait, all of it should be thoroughly mixed because the maggot tends to concentrate at the bottom of the dish. Feed bloodworms (100-150 grams per 1 kg of bait), in contrast, keep in a cool place protected from direct sun and wind and add a little only to the part of the bait, which is going to throw at the moment in the water. Before that, bloodworms are much hydrate in a separate bowl, and he didn’t come up to the surface and did not fulfill his appointment.
In the tactical plan prepared bait is used in the following way: before starting fishing, trying as best as possible to concentrate, throw about 30% of the prepared mixture, then regularly, by weakening the fish, throw 1-2 balls in the place where most frequently occur with bites. There is also a rule: the lower the biting activity, the less consumption of bait, and Vice versa.
And if fishing is conducted at plant tips, for example, barley, wheat, peas, cereal, oatmeal, corn, which is usually in the summer in warm water, these feed components also need to enter into the prepared bait, to fish become accustomed. This is done in portion to the part of the bait, which at the moment will form balls for throwing in the fishing area – so the components fall to the bottom in a good “commodity” and quickly noticed the fish.
Also you need to keep in mind that it is not always necessary to drag with itself on a reservoir of heavy ballast to prepare for the bait, which is always a good river sand, gravel or clay. In many cases, much more effective working dark fertile soil, typed right on the beach.
Apparently, first, the smell of organic matter, earth, a rich variety of micro-organisms, larvae and worms, familiar and attractive to fish, especially at the beginning and immediately after spring floods, because it sets a signal of the presence of natural feed. Second, land-fills, dims the bait, usually too light that you need while fishing in waters with dark, muddy bottom, so as not to alert the big fish unusual color of food.
Thirdly, the presence of a large amount of soil in the bait makes the fish in search of a tasty feed particles have to dig into it, not get fed up for a short time, reside in a high tone and decisively to take the nozzle on the hook. However, it is important to understand what fertile soil when mixed with water sets very high viscosity the entire bait, so in this case it is necessary to prepare the bait with the utmost care, adding water little by little and every time completely stirring the whole mass. Then for a longer time than usual, you need to give the finished bait to stand up, because in the viscous composition all components are swell and become impregnated with a moisture much longer.